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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Breaking News: Kentucky Senator Jim Bunning Is In "Big [Political] Trouble". Please Read More.

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Bunning in big trouble

Raleigh, N.C. – Jim Bunning’s approval rating is just 28%, he trails the four most likely Democratic candidates in hypothetical contests, and fellow Republican Trey Grayson looks like a much more formidable possible candidate, the newest survey from Public Policy Polling finds.

54% of voters in the state disapprove of Bunning’s performance, and even among
Republicans just 42% think he’s doing a good job. Grayson, the Secretary of State
mentioned most as the possible GOP candidate were the incumbent to step aside, is
viewed positively by 46% of voters with just 19% holding an unfavorable opinion and
35% not sure.

Congressman Ben Chandler leads Bunning by 14 points, Attorney General Jack Conway
is up 9, Auditor Crit Luallen has the 8 point edge, and Lieutenant Governor Dan
Mongiardo’s advantage is 7.

Grayson is more competitive, trailing Chandler by 6 and Conway by 4 but leading
Luallen by 2 and Mongiardo by 4.

“If there was ever any doubt Republicans would be better off with Jim Bunning retiring these numbers can put that to rest,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “It looks like he would lose to any of the Democrats being mentioned as possible candidates. Trey Grayson may want to rethink his decision not to run unless Bunning retires.”

PPP also tested State Senate President David Williams as a possible Bunning alternative but his numbers are almost as poor as the incumbent’s.
PPP surveyed 610 Kentucky voters on April 2nd and 3rd. The survey’s margin of error is +/-4.0%. Other factors, such as refusal to be interviewed and weighting, may introduce additional error that is more difficult to quantify.

To read more about the complete results, click here, or read the cross tabs below (Hat tip to Ryan Alessi):

Here are the key head-to-head results:

* Bunning 33% … Chandler 47% … Undecided 20%
* Bunning 33% … Conway 42% … Undecided 26%
* Bunning 34% … Luallen 42% … Undecided 25%
* Bunning 36% … Mongiardo 43% … Undecided 21%

* Williams 30% … Chandler 45% … Undecided 25%
* Williams 29% … Conway 43% … Undecided 30%
* Williams 31% … Luallen 41% … Undecided 29%
* Williams 32% … Mongiardo 43% … Undecided 25%

* Grayson 34% … Chandler 40% … Undecided 26%
* Grayson 33% … Conway 37% … Undecided 30%
* Grayson 36% … Luallen 34% … Undecided 30%
* Grayson 40% … Mongiardo 36% … Undecided 24%

Update: Click here to view a copy of Jim Bunning's fundraising letter.



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