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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Louisville Courier Journal Letter: Against Abortion "violence".

Against abortion 'violence'

Several letters and op-ed pieces have expressed outrage over the murder of Kansas abortionist George Tiller, M.D. Like those writers, I'm against any violence that takes place outside abortion mills.

But I'm also against the violence that goes on inside them — violence against mothers and against their babies, whose rights and humanity the letter writers don't even acknowlege, much less defend. Frightened mothers ‚Ķ have died at the hands of licensed abortionists, and an estimated 50 million babies have been killed by abortion since the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973.

I'm against the violence of Tiller's late-term abortion procedure, in which the brain of a living, viable baby is stabbed with scissors and suctioned out. I'm also against the violence of the more common suction-and-curettage abortion procedure, which tears the baby to pieces.

I'm in favor of allowing expectant mothers to choose life for their babies, free of pressure from the babies' fathers or even well-meaning parents and friends. I'm in favor of placing "unwanted" babies in the arms of couples eager to adopt them.

Every woman deserves better than abortion. Every child deserves a chance.


Louisville 40206

Editor's comment:

MARY ALAN WOODWARD: You have written a well thought out piece and I applaud you for writing it.



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