Web Osi Speaks!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

South Carolina Governor, Mark Sanford, Says Dick Cheney & Rush Limpbaugh Ought To Speak LESS For The GOP (Republicans). AMEN!

Read more, and listen on ITunes (the Governor discusses a myriad of issues, so he's worth a listen).

As long as the Governor doesn't cave in to Rush Limpbaugh and turn into chicken shit by trying to retract his words or kiss Rush's ass, his political stock will rise with common sense Conservatives like me.

One question: if he has guts, such as I like to see in a fellow like the REAL John McCain (NOT the John McCain of lat year's election), then he'll resist any urges to change his HONEST statements and I'll be tickled pink -- would you not want to see a Black man turn pink?

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