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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kentucky Fundraising Chase: Jim Bunning, Trey Grayson, Rand Paul, Jack Conway And Dan Mongiardo -- Just In Case You Care.

Bunning raises less than half of Grayson’s haul

U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Southgate, raised $284,649.58 for his re-election campaign in the second quarter of the year, which is less than half the amount potential Republican challenger Trey Grayson raised in the same time period.

Bunning, widely considered the most vulnerable incumbent in the Senate, has raised a total of $1,071,499.60 for his re-election.

Secretary of State Trey Grayson’s exploratory committee for a possible U.S. Senate bid reported raising $602,699 since May 6.

Of the four top contenders for Bunning’s seat, the incumbent raised the least money during the past three months. Democratic Attorney General Jack Conway says he pulled in $1.32 million during the second quarter, compared to $602,699 for Grayson, $302,993 for Democratic Lt. Gov. Daniel Mongiardo and $284,649 for Bunning.

- Halimah Abdullah

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