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Monday, November 22, 2010

Osi Onyekwuluje: "Protect Right Of People To Elect U.S. Senators".

Letters to the Editor: Nov. 21

Protect right of people to elect U.S. senators

I disagree with those who seek the repeal of our Constitution's 17th Amendment's requirement that members of the U.S. Senate be elected by the people.

As a constitutionalist, I understand our Constitution is founded upon the self-evident truth that "we, the people" have certain God-given inalienable rights, paramount of which is our right to be governed only with "the consent of the governed."

So what is the best way to get our required consent, if not by us casting our votes directly for those seeking to govern us?

Before we let these folks mess with our sacred Constitution, let us be mindful of what they are asking us to do and why. They are asking us to give up our right to directly elect our senators for reasons which look suspiciously like political expediency, or worse.

Whatever the motive, such a repeal would will give the power to the people who least deserve to wield it for us — our legislators, who constantly fail us by their self-serving schemes and display for the world to see how incompetent many of them truly are.

And with their penchant for corrupt backroom dealing, the choice of U.S. senator, without the 17th Amendment, would most likely devolve into favors injuriously traded.

So count me as one who opposes repealing the 17th Amendment. Let "we, the people" rule.

Osi Onyekwuluje

Bowling Green

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