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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Read Rand Paul's Email: Jack Conway Is At It Again.

Jack Conway is at it again

Dear Friend,

You were with me last year when we stood up for liberty, shocked the nation and defeated Jack Conway.

Today, I need your help again.

Our old friend Jack Conway is back at it…making false claims, pretending not to be the big-government liberal that he truly is – and falsely attacking my friend Todd P’Pool.

Todd P’Pool is a small-government conservative running against Jack Conway for Kentucky Attorney General. I met Todd during my campaign last year. He stuck his neck out for me and stood by my side when some others would not. That took courage, and I’ll never forget it.

Todd is a crime-fighting prosecutor who will help us dismantle Obamacare – the disastrous big-government health care scheme that Jack Conway helped pass and still supports. Todd will ensure Kentucky reports for duty in the fight against this ruinous law. His very first week in office, Todd will join the suit against Obamacare. I can’t think of a more important fight for our liberty and freedom.

More than two dozen states have filed suit against Obamacare’s unconstitutional individual mandate – but not Kentucky. We have to change that. Todd will join the suit against Obamacare because Todd understands how vital this fight is to the future of our country.

Todd also understands the importance of holding Obama’s EPA accountable. Kentucky is feeling the full burden of President Obama and Lisa Jackson’s all-out assault on our farmers, energy producers and small businesses. As Attorney General, we can count on Todd to stand up to the EPA’s job-killing regulations that are devastating our economy.

How will he do it? Todd has announced that he will create a federalism unit as Attorney General to monitor the out-of-control federal government so Kentucky can push back when they overstep their Constitutional limits. Todd’s federalism unit will fulfill a vital mission – acting as a check on the limits of federal power over our freedom and liberty.

Todd is in a very tight race. In fact, even the liberal Louisville Courier-Journal said Todd was “within striking distance” and that he was the GOP’s best hope.

Clearly, liberals are worried. Let’s give them even more to be worried about.

Please join me in supporting Todd P’Pool today by making a secure, online contribution of $100.

We knocked down Jack Conway last year. It was a severe blow to President Obama and his liberal, partisan agenda. Now, we can knock Jack Conway out for good. With your help, Todd P’Pool will do it.


Rand Paul
U.S. Senator

P.S. – Please send your most generous donation to Todd P’Pool today. Even if you cannot contribute $100, send $50 or $25 to help Todd defeat Jack Conway!



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