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Saturday, November 19, 2011

No SENSIBLE Person Can Disagree With Louisville Courier Journal's "Richie Farmer's Air Ball" Editorial.

Editorial | Richie Farmer's air ball

Just when you think Richie Farmer has emptied his bag of self-serving tricks, he surprises you.

After all, Mr. Farmer — who probably would prefer to be called His Imperial Majesty, the Agriculture Commissioner — disgraced himself and torpedoed his slim chance of becoming lieutenant governor by granting himself a series of perks: fancy new vehicles for himself and his department, a Caribbean junket, overnight stays in hotels near his home, lax accounting of state and campaign funds, etc.

But if you think he’d be content to limp quietly through the remaining weeks of his term, then you don’t know Mr. Farmer. During the waning days of the campaign, he hired his girlfriend to be a “special assistant” (indeed) at $5,000 a month.

His spokesman, Bill Clary, who may have the most unenviable job in state government, acknowledged that Mr. Farmer’s companion, Stephanie Sandmann, is on the payroll, but said he doesn’t know her and can’t say what her duties might be.

In a deliciously quotable moment, Mr. Farmer’s running mate, Senate President David Williams, said he hadn’t had any idea that she had been hired in the Agriculture Department. “She told me she worked for a gynecologist,” he said.

Perhaps Sen. Williams has finally had enough of this nonsense. Most people have. But he has no one to blame but himself for bringing ridicule on his own ticket. He simply assumed he was getting a popular University of Kentucky basketball star who would attract voters to the Republican banner, and failed first to perform due diligence and determine whether Mr. Farmer was suitable for high office.

Meanwhile, the incoming agriculture commissioner, state Rep. James Comer, has pledged to make “hiring of qualified personnel ... my No. 1 priority.” Kentuckians must hope he will be a man of his word.

If he is, Ms. Sandmann will have more time to spend with Mr. Farmer



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