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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

The Number One Overall Winner In Kentucky's Elections Yesterday Was My Favorite Polling Company, SURVEYUSA. As Usual, The Polling Company Was Dead Accurate With It's Polling.

Check out the poll here.

As you can ascertain from the poll results, SURVEYUSA predicted Steve Beshear will end up with 54% of the votes, while David Williams will end up with 29% and Gatewood Galbraith will end up with 9% (8% were undecided).

Guess what?

The FINAL totals were: Steve Beshear garnered 55%, with David Williams garnering 35% (obviously 7% of the undecideds went for him) and Gatewood stuck at the 9% predicted by SURVEYUSA's polling.

How much more accurate can you get?

Lessons from the election?

Well, it appears that "Ain't NOBODY wants David Williams for Kentucky governor". (And if you are David Williams, or someone like him, you MUST NEVER let your enemies or detractors define you -- AND DEFINE YOU FOR YEARS. IT IS hard, AND NEARLY impossible TO TRY TO REPAIR THE DAMAGE DONE TO YOU IF YOU LET THAT HAPPEN). BTW: I heard from MANY Republicans who told me there is NO way they would vote for David Williams

And MORE IMPORTANTLY, if you are the Republican Party, electing ultra conservative, ultra right wing, TEA "Party" candidates (Democrats are SCARED of such candidates), ensures your defeat at the polls, because Democrats, who outnumber Republicans by demographics, are NOT going to vote for those candidates, UNLESS if the Democratic candidate is scandal scarred.

I believe having Sarah Palin endorse him at the end of the campaign SUNK the candidacy of Todd P'Pool, and allowed Jack Conway to win in the end, because Democrats HATE Sarah Palin. Moreover, running constantly against Obama, who was not even on the ballot, and tagging him the BOOGIE MAN of the race, BADLY backfired not just against Todd P'Pool, but against others as well.

Lastly (for me), the other lesson learned is that, in Kentucky and especially in statewide races, he who has the most money to spend on elections is almost certainly GUARANTEED a win. If you doubt me, check out the amounts of money spent by the candidates!

And it certainly doesn't help in Kentucky that Todd P'Pool has a name that will make voters ask: he's not from around here, is he?; a question that dooms the candidacy of anyone who isn't named Brown or any other color -- remember my friend, Addia Wuchner, who was well qualified for Auditor and lost because Kentucky voters figured she was from Mars?!

That's my two cents, folks.



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