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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Our democracy is for sale. Is Sen. Hillary Clinton leading the way?

I am one of those few out there who decry the current political atmosphere which shows clearly that our democracy is for sale. No wonder many voters are turned off by it and tune out the electoral process altogether. I am sure some will disagree with me, and argue instead that campaign contributions represent free speech. But where free speech ends and corruption via influence peddling begins ought to be VERY clear.

Check out Senator Clinton's war chest.

No one can argue, with a straight face, that when campaign contributors pour money into a political campaign that they are NOT making an economic investment that they hope to yeild future dividends when these contributors receive special favors.
If it were Christmas time one could, possibly, make a claim that campaign contributors are like the three wise men bearing gifts in a celebratory mood for the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.

But elections take place well before Christmas!

The unfortunate by-product of such a democracy as we are now embracing is that it is NOT what our Founders envisioned. Hence, we not only debase what they fought and died for - a truly representative government but NOT one bought and paid for -, but we end up with the best candidates (and elected officials) that money can buy. And, the best and brightest of our fellow citizens shun public service because they refuse to be so corrupted by money. What is worst is that many people will swear that this malady has crept into ALL forms of our government, including our judiciary.

Now, you may ask why I point out the danger with the judiciary. It is because the judiciary is supposed to protect us from the excesses of the other branches of government, and when the rule of law takes a back seat to influence peddling, we might as well trash our BELOVED constitution!!

GOD save us ALL.



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