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Thursday, March 29, 2007

***** Julian Carroll reveals POLITICAL motive behind his UNPRECEDENTED attack on Steve Pence. *****

One does not have to look beyond Kentucky Senator Julian Carroll's statement of endorsement for the Lunsford/Stumbo ticket to unearth the REAL POLITICAL reason behind his ill-advised and UNPRECEDENTED attacks on Lt. Governor Steve Pence. Consider, if you will, what Julian Carrol is quoted as saying is his reason for the Lunsford/Stumbo endorsement:

"Because the governor’s chair is now held by a Republican, the Senate is now controlled by Republicans, and (U.S. Sen.) Mitch McConnell is now in the driver’s seat to raise money nationally, the governor’s race for November is the most important race for Democrats in my lifetime,"

"If we win, as we must, we can again rebuild the Democratic Party in Kentucky. If we lose, the Democratic Party in Kentucky will have great difficulty coming back in my lifetime."

[The performance of President George Bush and Gov. Ernie Fletcher] "and the issues attendant to their failures have given us an opportunity that will not be matched in my lifetime. Thus, we must face reality in making our primary choice that may well not be our personal wish but is absolutely necessary to achieve our goal to elect a Democratic governor in November."

NEED I, or ANYONE ELSE for that matter, say any more ... about Julian Carroll's true POLITICAL intentions in attacking Lt. Governor Steve Pence in a matter that is an intra party Republican squabble?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course that makes sense. If Fletcher is the Republican Nominee, the Democrats will waltz back into the Governor's office. Lunsford can beat Fletcher...thus it's in the Democrats interest to make damn sure Fletcher gets the nomination.

I for one, will absolutely NOT be voting for Fletcher. I am voting for Anne Northup.

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is real easy to post anonymously. I applaud the bloggers who post their opinions and I applaud the posters who sign their posts.

It would appear to me the comments made by Julian Carroll would be welcomed by every Republican. While we all have our pick for the primary we should be do everything within our powers to build up the primary winner. If we receive free help from Julian Carroll so be it and give me more.

The time for negativity has passed. No more blood needs to be spilled. The race should be based on who is best able to lead this state. If you believe your candidate to be the best choice tell every one why and explain your reasoning.

Ann Northup has said we are a family and families have disagreements. I can agree with that. We have had our family squabble, now it is time to make up and run the remainder of the race as a family. If the current negative attacks continue, from all sides through the primary, healing and reconciliation will be difficult if not impossible.

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever....release the hounds!

3:06 PM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...


1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:37 AM  

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