Web Osi Speaks!

Monday, March 19, 2007

*** SURVEYUSA poll: Fletcher's numbers fall -- again. ***

Mark Hebert of On the Mark is reporting, and Bluegrassreport is confirming, that a new SURVEYUSA poll is out. They suggest that the Governor's poll numbers are down from last month -- from 36 to 32 approval, with from 59% to 63% disapproval (46% of Reps. now approve, down from 50%). Mark Hebert should know because he works for WHAS 11, which jointly conducted the poll with SURVEYUSA, and he confirmed the existence of the UNPUBLISHED poll results to me. I will update this post as soon as I can confirm the results OFFICIALLY! So stay tuned.

UPDATE: I have now CONFIRMED the OFFICIAL SURVEYUSA poll results (taken on 3/12/07) and the numbers posted above are CORRECT. What is WORSE is that the Independents' approval of the job the Gov. is doing tumbled from 41% last month to just 22% approve and from 58 to 70% disapprove! Also for those who described themselves as Moderates, ONLY 24% approve, while 74% disapprove!!
Regionally, the Gov. fared best in Western KY where his approval rating went from 40 to 46%, with disapproval dropping from 57 to 51%. In other places, the Gov. lost ground. In Louisville, he went from 32 to 26% approval with disapproval going up from 63 to 73%; in North Central, he went from 33 to 29% approval, and 61 to 65% disapproval; and, in Eastern KY, he went from 44 to 32% approval and his disapproval rose from 53 to 63%!
Could the poll results be a reaction to the Gov.'s campaign ad which starting airing about the time of the poll or could something else be at play here?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

We better find a new candidate for Governor. I think his latest commercial is hilarious. When has he ever walked from the capitol to the governor's mansion??? I think NEVER. That's not even him walking down the hill...which is why it's out of's an actor portraying Ernie...LOL...he wouldn't even walk from the capitol to the governor's mansion in his OWN Commercial...LOL

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might want to get out your date book and check on the date the Fletcher ad first aired. I do believe it was the day after the poll was conducted. Now explain to me how the ad could have affected a poll taken the day before it was aired.

If the Courier Journal is involved with a poll it is suspect from the first liberal leading question they ask.

The only poll that truly counts is taken on May 22. After this poll, we will all know the true percentages.

8:12 PM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

The ad was posted to YouTube on the 12th and started airing on that day, the same date as the poll. I am assuming the poll was taken on that date because it is the only date shown on the poll. Moreover, I am NOT saying the poll was affected by the ad or vice versa; I was merely posing a question. The poll, by the way, was NOT conducted by the Courier-Journal and no where in my post is the C-J mentioned! Blame or suspicion where apprpriate!! As for the poll on May 22 being "the only poll that truly counts", I AGREE. However, SURVEYUSA polls have been notorious for accuracy and CANNOT be easily DISCOUNTED!

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never mentioned a word about the commercial affecting the poll. I think the poll speaks for itself without the commercial. If the poll were taken today...LOL...I suspect the poll numbers would be slightly down because of the commercial. I can't wait for May 22nd. I am going to vote early and often...LOL

9:21 PM  

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