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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

As anticipated, Napier asks for recanvass in Treasurer's race, as voter turn-out is higher than projected.

With less than 1/2%, or about 1100 votes, separating the unofficial top vote getter, Melinda Wheeler, and next runner-up, Rep. Lonnie Napier, in the statewide race for State Treasurer, it was anticipated that a re-canvass would be requested. That is now the case as a re-canvass has been requested by Lonnie Napier, who's understandably "not ready to throw in the towel yet." So we await.

But we do NOT have to wait to proclaim that the voter turn out, though abysmal, still beat expectations. I had joined many in guessing that statewide voter turn-out was going to be less than 15%. Turns out it was more like 21%, though it was still NOTHING to brag about.

The voting percentage compares more to the voter turn out in 1995, when 21.3% of the voting population selected Paul Patton to face Larry Forgy, was slightly more than the 2003 17% that chose Ernie Fletcher to face Ben Chandler, and, a welcome improvement over the shameful 6.4% voter turn-out that pitted Paul Patton and Peppy Martin -- remember her?

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