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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Two more Republican Leaders endorse Steve Beshear.

Here is the press release:

More Republicans For Steve Beshear

Louisville, KY (October 10, 2007) – Today, additional prominent Republican leaders announced their support for Steve Beshear, Democrat candidate for Governor, in the upcoming gubernatorial election.
At a press conference in Louisville, Former Republican State Representative and Senator Lindy Casebier and former State Representative Bill Lile endorsed Beshear in the November election. Casebier chaired the Senate Education Committee for and Lile served as House Republican Whip for four years while serving in the Kentucky General Assembly.

"I support Steve Beshear and Daniel Mongiardo because they will put progress before politics; they will end the "us versus them" mentality that has plagued Frankfort for too long," said Casebier. "They will strive to bring all Kentuckians together. They will lead by example rather than by exploiting issues for political gain. I am convinced that Steve and Daniel live and govern by the Golden Rule."

"After four years of broken promises and failed leadership, I have decided that it is time for a new direction for Kentucky," said Lile. "Leadership demands that the hopes and aspirations of all Kentuckians are considered. It is essential that the General Assembly and the Governor work in harmony to better the lives of all citizens regardless of party. I believe that Steve Beshear is the person that can fulfill the leadership vacuum that presently exists in our Commonwealth."

Casebier and Lile join Republicans Steve Nunn, Larry Hopkins and Dr. David Steven who announced their endorsement of the Beshear-Mongiardo ticket last month.
"I am honored to have the support of these Republican leaders," said Beshear. "They have joined with me because they recognize the need to bring to Kentucky strong leadership that will serve the great people of this state with dignity and integrity."

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