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Friday, October 05, 2007

Why No Voter In Kentucky Should Vote For Ernie Fletcher

Marcus Carey recently had a post on this Blog entitled "Why Every Voter In NKY Kentucky Should Vote For Ernie Fletcher". In response let me tell you why Fletcher does not deserve your vote. The following facts speak for themselves:

-When Ernie Fletcher took office Kentucky had the 37th worst unemployment rate in the
nation.Today Kentucky has the 46th.

-The Governor CLAIMS:

“If you look at the number of people employed when I took office and now, we have about 100,000 more people employed."

In fact,since December 2003, Kentucky has had an increase of only 61,700 jobs in Kentucky. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

-Ernie Fletcher passed the Alternative Minimum Tax, which is a new tax on our most vulnerable small businesses and our personal income rate has gone down.

-In 2003, Kentucky was ranked 43rd in personal income. At the year end 2006 numbers, Kentucky was ranked 45th.

-In 2003, Fletcher pledged to make clean up the mess and change the culture in Frankfort.Instead, the Governor descended into an illegal effort to thwart the state's merit system with a scheme for politically based hiring. In the August 24,2006 Agreed Order dismissing the charges,with prejudice, the parties(the Governor and AG)recognized that " the Attorney General's investigation and prosecution of this matter were necessary and proper exercises of his constitutional duty" and that the "investigation and prosecution have benefited the Commonwealth and ensured that abuses of the state's merit system will be eliminated." In the Agreed Order, Ernie Fletcher acknowledged "that the evidence strongly indicates wrongdoing by the administration with regard to personnel actions within the merit system. The fact is he he pardoned 27 people indicted in the scandal then fired several of them;did take the Fifth (Amendment before a grand jury)and was indicted. The fact is he does have a legal defense fund and refuses to disclose the names of contributors until after the election.

-Kentucky is ranked 45th in New Economy growth, tracking entrepreneurship, workforce education, and high-tech capacity. We were ranked 42nd before Fletcher took office in 2002. (2007 State New Economy Index)

-Kentucky’s business “friendliness” ranks 39th worst in the nation, while our surrounding states enjoy rankings such as 12th (Indiana), 13th (Virginia), 15th (Missouri) and 18th (Tennessee). (Tax Foundation, 2007)

-Kentucky is ranked 41st in the “chance for success” index measuring the likelihood of child born in Kentucky to have a prosperous adulthood. (Cradle to Career Report 2007)

-Over the last three years Fletcher not fought for pension reform, medical malpractice/tort reform, changes in the prevailing wage laws, lower taxes, smaller government or fiscal restraint.

-Kentucky’s business “friendliness” ranks 39th worst in the nation while our surrounding states rank much higher– Indiana: 12th, Virginia 13th, Missouri: 15th, Tennessee: 18th (Tax Foundation, 2007).

Kentucky needs a Governor that will not throw his appointees to the wolves! We need a Governor who does not issue blanket pardons but will let legal proceedings run their course so that all the facts will come out and if crimes were committed the legal system will render justice! We need a Governor who will not take the fifth amendment before a grand jury and who will accept personal responsibility for his own actions!We need and deserve a Governor who will follow the law and not interpret it to suit his own ends! We need a Governor who will be a fierce advocate for bold new ideas and not be AWOL during General Assembly sessions.More importantly,we do not need or want Ernie Fletcher for another four years!

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Blogger George said...

Nice presentation of meaningless facts when you don't indicate how the current administration caused such declines when we had a do nothing house leadership. Since when can a governor create jobs? Part of the tax reform that you complain about was to make Kentucky more business friendly after 30 years of democrat rule.
We do not need a governor who believes in giving earnings from one group to another. While there was some welfare reform the democrats are now putting it into SCHIP programs, health care for adults and other "free" programs. I, for one, am tired of politicians pitting one group against another to get votes. If I were to go next door and demand my neighbor pay for my child's medical bills, he would rightly kick me out. We need to demand that those who are able, work and pay their own way. We have too many individuals in the state especially, that their only work is walking to the mail box.
Your candidate merely wants to increase the number of individuals who are living off of those of us who work.

1:43 PM  

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