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Sunday, March 09, 2008


Don't think the loss of Denny Hastert's seat in the special election has much to do with anything outside of Illinois' own local politics. But boy, is it a doozy of a problem in the Prairie State. Illinois Republicans have won lots of elections the last 40 years, but have put in utterly ruinous characters when they did.

Starting in 1968 with Governor Richard Ogilvie, and going through Govs. Thompson, Edgar, and Ryan, they have been nothing but tax and spend liberals who destroyed the GOP brand. The last US Senator of any length was Chuck Percy, who went from being a Goldwaterite to a liberal anti-semite.

The GOP there had some decent Congressmen, but they have a tendency to stay on way too long, such as the inebriated Phil Crane who should have quit years ago and instead lost to a Democrat who is digging in. Hastert was an absolute dud as Speaker, way in over his head. He could have at least stayed until November instead of risking his seat in a special, but he was too selfish.

If Republicans are no better than Democrats, why would anyone vote for them? In Illinois, the answer is nobody.

Don't ever fall for the idea Republicans are too ideological or too conservative. That's just short-hand for "we Dems don't want to argue the issues or have to do anything for the voters, cuz' that might cost us an election." Illinois used to be one of the wealthiest, most educated, fastest-growing, and lowest taxed places in American. RINOs put an end to all that and now they can't even win elections in safe suburban seats. We should all take heed.



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