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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hillary (BILLARY) Clinton Was Right: Klu Klus Klan Declines To Endorse Barack Obama.

Hillary Clinton warned us about how the "hard working Whites" will NOT vote for Barack Obama. Heck, many in West Virginia and Kentucky told exit pollsters that they would NOT vote for that Black guy, and many are STILL taking issue with that revelation.

Now the Grand Piss Ant of the KKK has declared that his RACIST organization has declined to endorse Obama, raising untold FEARS in the minds of Obama supporters that this could be the lack of endorsement that costs him the Democratic nod.

According to (you know who), "Our secret membership just did not feel that Senator Obama was addressing our core values." he said during press conference to a group of blindfolded reporters. "We examined the platforms of the leading candidates, but for all of us there seemed to be something unsettling about Obama, something lacking in his positions. I don't know about the others," he continued, "but for myself it really came down to health care. As you know, emergency hospital care has always been associated with our Brotherhood, but I feel the Senator has been rather niggardly in explaining the details of his plan. In the end we took a hood count, and voted unanimously against endorsement."

Read more.

We can't say BILLARY DIDN'T WARN us.



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