Web Osi Speaks!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Barack Obama Changes His Mind, Will NOW Forgo Public Financing Of His Campaign. His Opponents Feign Outrage. I Say: "Good For Obama And Tax Payers".

Barack Obama, who raised over $272 million for his primary election largely through the use of the internet for fundraisings, has NOW decided to forgo $82 million made available to candidates who want public financing and opt to self fundraise instead.

Considering his success with the internet, who would blame him?

John McCain, who opted out of public financing for the primary and raised a mere(?) $99 million dollars but NOW wants to accept public financing, has decided to take Obama to task for breaking his earlier statement in favor of using public financing.

While it is true that Obama earlier wanted public funding, so what?

Why is this NOT a good deal for Barack Obama and us Tax payers that he doesn't want to use Tax payers money to run for office?

If Obama declines to feed at the public trough for his campaign, why is that NOT a good thing, as long as special interests are NOT funding his campaign?

And has that NOT being the case, since a VAST majority of his campaign money comes from little folks donating a few dollars at a time on the internet?

It sounds to me like John McCain, and others who are taking Obama to task for refusing to limit himself to public money are DEATHLY AFRAID of what his fundraising PROWESS will do to them in the campaign money chase.

Give me a break, already!

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