Web Osi Speaks!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


A lot of pundits have wondered why an airhead like Caroline Kennedy is on Obama's VP picking committee. Not sure she can spell Vice President, let alone find one for Barry that makes sense, but that's not her job.

It's to be the front person when Hillary gets passed over. All of the superannuated feminist biddies that are Hillary's core support won't like that, but if JFK's daughter is there to smooth things over and say " We really, really tried to find a qualified woman" when they pick some whitebread nobody like Ed Rendell or Evan Bayh, that might mollify some of them.

Hillary being spurned once again, will use all her powers left to sabotage the Dems in 2008, but what can you do?

Can't say I blame Barry too much on this one. Win or lose, putting up with Bill and Hillary for a fall campaign or a whole term in the White House is more than any sane person would want to tolerate.


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