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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Barack Obama Calls For Immigration Reform. Are You Impressed? -- By The Way, We Already Know Where John McCain Stands On Illegal Immigration!

Fell free to give us your thoughts.

As for me, I think John McCain disappoints on this issue.

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Blogger Unknown said...

He talks the talk but will he walk the walk? I takes more then pretty speeches,it takes leadership. As we all know from John McCain "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" means amnesty which I and most conservatives oppose. The borders must be secured first then we need a guest worker program to document who they are,where they are and their criminal records,if any.Any convicted felons in this country illegally should be deported immediately.

9:44 AM  
Blogger cw allen said...

Since we've seen Johnny boys bad idea for immigration reform!! I figure he has had his chance. As the days pass I'm warming to the idea of giving someone new a try! Right now that some one happens to be Mr Obama! Maybe we should give him a chance to walk his talk!!

5:39 PM  

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