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Friday, May 04, 2007

Person(s) for the week: Ronald "The Gipper" Reagan.

I have tried to think about who our Person(s) for the week ought to be, and I must confess, the more I thought about the question, the more I continued to insist that even in death, NO person dominated the news as much as the "Gipper" did this week -- especially with the "Gipper" wanna-bes of the Republican Presidential contenders leading up to their performances on the stage last night.
So I give to you the Person for the week, Ronald "The Gipper" Reagan.

Honorable mention goes to the field of "Gipper" wanna-bes who debated (or as I would refer to it, the American Idol version of politics) at (drum roll, please) the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California (see previous post).



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