Web Osi Speaks!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Say what you may about the French, they CLEARLY understand their civic duty.

The French have just elected a new Conservative leader, a U. S. friendly Nicolas Sarkozy, who resembles France's former leader, Napoleon Bonaparte -- he's a tad taller -- but shares more in profile with King Louis XIV. Read the story and watch his victory speech.

So I say to Monsieur Jacques Chirac (their departing leader), Au revoir, and Bonjour to Monsieur Nicolas Sarkozy.

What is more telling about Sarkozy's election to me is the fact that, no matter how much Americans choose to berate the French now -- though it is clear to me (and other objective students of history) that the Revolutionary war would most likely have failed if NOT for French assistance -- the French understand civic responsibility a lot more than we do. It is reported that election turnout was in the near record 84 percent range. Compare that percentage to Kentucky's anticipated 15 percent and you get the picture!

So let's see if Kentuckians can top the French in something more constructive than easy criticisms and the renaming of their French fry the Capitol fry, by showing up at the polls to vote this May and this November; and then let's see if our ENTIRE country can emulate the French next year and follow suit.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's good news. ;-)

6:47 PM  
Blogger rickmalek said...

Good post, Osi. True.

11:12 PM  

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