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Thursday, July 12, 2007

September 15th is STILL the day to remember!

Today President Bush released the preliminary Iraq Assessment Report in PDF or Plain text detailing America's progress on that war. According to the report, the Iraqi government has SATISFACTORILY met 8 of the 18 benchmarks set for it. The report found progress in the following areas: a revision of the Iraqi constitution, the formation of semi-autonomous governing regions, and Iraqi political and economic support for military operations to secure Baghdad neighborhoods. The government has taken some steps to protect minority rights in the existing legislature and authorized the expenditure of $10 billion on provincial reconstruction projects.

Though it is obvious the Iraqi government is woefully inadequate for the job it was created to do, as is evident from its failure with regard to the rest of the 18 benchmarks which were given failing or UNSATISFACTORY grades, causing many war opponents to increase their call for cessation of hostilities and to bring our troops home, considering that this is a mere preliminary report and that the consensus when the "surge" was announced was to wait for General Petreus' final report on September 15th in order to properly assess the fruits of Bush's "surge", is September 15th not STILL the day to remember?

Update: Following on the heels of the report, the House rushed and passed a resolution for Iraq troop withdrawal, effective APRIL FOOLS' DAY, 2008. Catch the irony? PATHETIC.

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