Web Osi Speaks!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Bluegrass poll: Huge majority of voters want to vote on gambling, and a plurality of them support it.

The new Bluegrass poll is showing that a Huge majority (78%) want to vote on gambling and plurality (48% versus 42%) support it.

It is NO wonder then why Fletcher's "not in my Kentucky home" casino ads are NOT resonating with many voters!

Oh by the way
, if you are wondering, I happen to be one of the 78% who want a voice on this issue. I want the issue placed on the ballot so that I can listen to both sides (pro and con) and decide for myself how I think it should be decided.

That IS simply Democracy at work -- in case if some folks have forgotten. Opposing placing the gambling issue on the ballot seems to me not only very elitist, but downright SINFULLY UNDEMOCRATIC.



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