Web Osi Speaks!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

*** The legalization of illegality: "Bone-headed" ideas out of Lexington, Kentucky! ***

If you live in Lexington, Kentucky, you have to wonder what kind of people your Mayor puts on his Commission on Immigration who came up with this "bone-headed" idea!

It is as if the Commission does NOT understand that illegal immigrants are law breakers who deserve to be punished for breaking our (immigration) laws. The Commission's recommendations, amongst them is the IRRESPONSIBLE (and probably unconstitutional) plan to issue illegal immigrants driver's licenses and IDs, has touched off a firestorm of sorts -- and RIGHTLY so.

This firestorm included politicians, who could NOT pass up a chance to jump on the bandwagon and score political points, though some of them previously IGNORED the issue.

In fact in 2002 while a Congressman, Fletcher voted for AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, see his rating!! Now he assumes position on the other side of the issue in order to ride it for what's it's worth!!!

Speaking of politics while ignoring some politicians, Lexingtonians should keep those who voted for the implementation of these measures in mind come election time.

What is next, a plan to make illegal immigrants legal, by rewarding their illegal behavior with all rights and privileges reserved for citizens?

My goodness -- what is our country becoming -- a land of the free and LAWLESS?

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