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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sickos at Ditch Mitch Ecstatic Over Pastor's Death

For a few weeks I’ve been trying to expose the disgusting side of KY’s political blogosphere, namely the blog Ditch Mitch. These are the guys who sprinkle every third post or so with references to kinky gay sex. They just can’t get enough of it. They make videos, alter photos, and seize on every sex story they can find as if the voters of Kentucky really care about such things. I'm not a shrink, so I won't try to guess as to the mainsprings of such thought, but it'd be interesting to see these guys' backgrounds.

Last week, they stooped to a new low in response to my work, as they gleefully reported the details of a dead man's autopsy. Just think, here’s a bunch of Ivy Leaguers, among the top Democratic bloggers in the state, one of them a former candidate for County Judge Executive in his home county, and they’re taking pleasure and trying to find political gold in the sordid details of an Alabama pastor’s death. The man's death had nothing to do with politics. But they can't resist taking pleasure in pain. What kind of sick indviduals are they?

Is this the elite that really thinks they’re gonna ditch Mitch McConnell? Will the media ever pay attention the way they do when the GOP blogs make a snafu? Will Greg Stumbo, a serious candidate in many ways, continue to parade before their cameras hamming it up with these vulgars?

Cross Posted at Cyberhillbilly



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