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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why Does U. S. Senator, Charles Grassley (A Republican), Want Your Credit Card Information, And Why Is He Being SNEAKY About It?

FreedomWorks has more on the Senator's SNEAKY maneuver.

The question you have to ask yourself is: if it is such a good idea, why would the Senator NOT reveal it to the American people?

The maneuver should remind you of those earmarks that no one knew they were voting for, but somehow the earmark is approved to build an Alaskan bridge to no where.

Unfortunately, this one builds a bridge to your PRIVATE and PERSONAL information.

Call your Senator and ask him or her to "sunshine" the give me your credit card information proposed by Charles Grassley, and hidden in Senator Chris Dodd's Housing Bill, so that the Senators will pay attention to what they are REALLY voting on.

It sure sounds like a DUD -- pun is intended -- hidden in a GRASS bed.

Video may help:



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