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Friday, August 15, 2008

Person For The Week: Joe Prather.

Our Person for the week is Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Secretary, Joe Prather.

We choose him, NOT only for the simple fact that he has been in the news because of the "CESSPOOL", but he is our person for the week because he promises to clean out the "CESSPOOL".

I know, I know, many of you are going to take issue with the last statement because you will conclude that you have heard that kind of talk in Kentucky for decades.

To those of you who say that I say that Mr. Prather appears determined to be different.

One thing that convinces us that he might be different freom his predecessors is for three reasons:

First, he has already turned down Leonard Lawson's alleged corrupt overtures;

Second, his boss, Governor Steve Beshear does NOT appear to have been bought with campaign money by Mr. Lawson; and,

Thirdly, Mr. Prather NEVER, as far as we know, solicited for the job, whether on his behalf or in behalf of highway contractors like Mr. Lawson.

These three points give us hope that Mr. Prather may prove to be the "CESSPOOL CLEANER".

So join me in drinking to Mr. Prather's health and courage.



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