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Friday, October 24, 2008

Sorry For Slow Postings, As Professional Duties Tied me Down. I Thought We Start With This Courier Journal Letter. I Disagree With The Writer.

Former supporter says it's time for McConnell to be defeated

As one of the earliest active supporters of Mitch McConnell in his political career and one who appreciated the advice and support that he gave to me when I was running for office, I have given the following long and thoughtful consideration before attempting to write this opinion.

I have closely followed this political race and have grown increasingly frustrated that the most powerful Republican in the Senate, our senior senator, has failed to be a leader in the issues most important to all of the people as he worked to secure his re-election and political power.

When I served in the state legislature it was dominated by the Democrats. I thought that things would get better if we had a more competitive two-party system in our state and country. Now I must say I was wrong. It has not made the needed difference. Unfortunately the Republicans nationally and in our state have failed to make positive changes in the political process and have failed to implement what I used to think were the true Republican principals.

It seems all they really wanted was the power they did not have. When Republicans became the majority in 1994, they campaigned on principles of reform including term limits. Term limits and drawing compact political districts by non-elected experts are probably the only ways to truly reform the functioning of our legislative process.

Mitch McConnell has always opposed term limits. While he has accomplishments to his credit during his 24-year career in the Senate, he has proven the be best at blocking reforms we desperately need to bring our government back to respectability, and he has not been a leader or positive force in solving what I think are our most pressing national issues.

I am not a disgruntled former politician but a sad and frustrated former elected legislator and die-hard advocate for political reform, health care reform, improved education and affordable housing. It has taken a long time for me to be willing to speak out because I will always be appreciative of the support and help I received from Mitch and the national Republican Party when I ran for Congress. I am now a registered Democrat, continue to be very conservative about the role of government, but I am convinced that we need new people with new energy to try to make the many changes that I feel passionately need to be made.

I am very insulted that Mitch has refused to engage in the most time honored process of campaigning -- debate. He has deprived all of us the opportunity to hear from him why he thinks he should be re-elected. It is time for Mitch McConnell to retire from the Senate and find another way to use his knowledge and influence.

I encourage everyone to vote for Bruce Lunsford, work with him as he uses new energy and his abilities to work for us, and hold him accountable for working for the changes that must begin to be made to ensure the future we all want for our children, grandchildren and the global community.


Louisville 40207

Susan B. Stokes was a Republican member of the Kentucky State House of Representatives from 1989-1993. She made two unsuccessful races for U.S. Congress in 1992 and 1994. -- Editor.

Editor's comment: I think that Kentuckians will continue to BENEFIT from Mitch McConnell's CLOUT as Senate Minority Leader if he is re-elected.

I am william to hear CONTRA arguments to my point.



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