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Monday, May 07, 2007

U. S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: A study in contrasts or "Pin Point" mind?

U. S. Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas, the most powerful African American in America, has puzzled many people. Ever since his Anita Hill marred Supreme Court confirmation hearings, the most (or second most, behind Justice Anthony Scalia) conservative jurist in the country is the subject of a new book titled SUPREME DISCOMFORT: The Divided Soul of Clarence Thomas, by Kevin Merida and Michael A. Fletcherby. Read excerpts from chapter one. The book details how many -- mostly Liberal (and Black) -- see Thomas as an Uncle Tom, who "sold out" for his own selfish advantage and who is still keeping score from the Anita Hill saga, while others -- mostly Conservative (and White) -- see him as one who "pulled himself up from his bootstraps". I believe, however, that the more important study of the man's contrasts (or lack thereof) could BEST be explained by his "Pin Point" mind; By his Pin Point mind I mean the place in Georgia where Justice Thomas was born and where his roots lie. I will NOT try to plow a path where I believe others, like USA TODAY's Dewayne Wickham and Washington Post writers, Kevin Merida and Michael A. Fletcher, have adequately paved. So permit me to give you, Justice Thomas' life: A Tangle of Poverty, Privilege and Race.
You see, I believe the man suffers from a "but for the grace of God, there go I" strangeness, that makes him at once both a VERY Conservative jurist and a kind (but self-inhibited) compassionate individual.

Your thoughts are appreciated.

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