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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Al Sharpton and Mitt Romney feuding.

The Rev. Al Sharpton, in a debate with an Atheist, took Mitt Romney to task over the Mormon church's discrimination against Blacks. Sharpton wonders out aloud whether Romney shares any of the church's now discredited bigoted views and whether Mormons believe in God. Sharpton is now being accused of being bigoted himself for stating that "[a]s for the one Mormon running for office, those that really believe in God will defeat him anyways. So, don't worry about that, that's a temporary situation." Hear Sharpton's comments.

Romney in turn responded to Sharpton by stating: "I can only, hearing that statement, wonder whether there's not bigotry that remains in America." Listen to Romney's response.

Romney also claimed that his father marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., during the Civil Rights Movement.

I am not defending anyone, but with ALL the accusations about bigotry floating around, here's my take on the controversy. Though his comments may have been overboard and may have exposed some religious intolerance on his part, I think Al Sharpton's inquiry about where Romney stands on the Mormon church's bigoted past(?) is a legitimate inquiry. Romney is right to be indignant about Sharpton's veiled accusation that, as a Mormon, Romney doesn't believe in God.

And, Romney's comment that his father marched with Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., demands further inquiry to ascertain its veracity and legitimacy. After all, this is the same Mitt Romney who was more liberal than Sen. Ted Kennedy and who now wants us to believe he should be the conservative flag bearer for the Republican party, and, who also claimed he was an avid hunter only to backtrack when exposed, explaining that instead, like "Looney Tunes' Elmer Fudd", he only hunted "Wabbitts" on a couple of occasions!

Now's your turn.

Talking about Al Sharpton, I found this once in a lifetime picture of Ultra Conservative Columnist, Ann Coulter, and the Ultra Liberal Rev. Al Sharpton and I thought I post it. Kinda like this picture on the left of Ronald Reagan and Ted Kennedy. Your eyes are NOT deceiving you, believe me!

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Blogger Jon said...

Sharpton's inquiry concerning where Romney stands would be legitimate in some other context. However, in this context he only threw it up after the fact to draw attention away from his own bigotry.

As it stands now, I don't think Romney owes him anything, much less an explanation for something his church did. If it needs to be asked, let someone else ask it. Sharpton no longer deserves an answer.

11:08 AM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

It appears that many, like you, do NOT trust Sharpston to be credible, even if his question may be legitimate. If so, he probably brought it on himself!

9:01 PM  

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