Web Osi Speaks!

Friday, November 09, 2007

SAD to say, but Rudy Giuliani's mistakes will turn out to be ours, if we nominate him.

Rudy Giuliani's mistakes may turn out to be ours, if we nominate him. His latest mistake concerns his buddy buddy, Bernard Kerik, who has just being indicted.

This is just one of many FAUX PAS that makes Rudy notorious we won't even begin to go into details about how he CONSISTENTLY profits from the tragedy of 9/11. Heck his campaign is all about -- yes, you guessed it -- 9/11).

For Republicans to nominate Rudy Giuliani for President -- and for him to ACTUALLY win -- will be a DISASTER IN THE MAKING for ALL of us.

You think and say Hillary Clinton is BAD? Well, don't miss Rudy, either!!

NOTE: Incidenttly, both Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton want to give ILLEGAL immigrants drivers licenses! You go figure. Maybe, the two of them can run on the same PRO illegal immigration, pro abortion, pro gay rights, pro marital infidelity ticket.

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