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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Race Always the Issue With Dems

Ah, just in time for the MLK Holiday, the creeky Clinton crime family on its last legs, playing the race card, in all kinds of weird little ways.

I guess we could have expected no less. This is the party that defended slavery, brought us Jim Crow and segregation, then made amends with the racial spoils sytems, quotas, and tribal identity hustlers, like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Once upon a time Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of a colorblind society when we would be judged on the "content of our character". That sure was a long time ago, and I suppose a scary thought if you don't have much character to begin with.

Given there is little to distinguish among the Democrat White House contenders but the rage of their egos and ambition, this may get real ugly, real soon. Even if it means smashing the old Black Democrat base.

Right now, any candidate with a D on the ballot starts out with 90% of the black vote. If that were in any way ever reduced even a bit, the GOP would win every election outside San Francisco.

Perhaps this little episode of Hillary-win-at-all-costs is the last straw that begins some badly needed political re-alignment in places that need it the most.


Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

Bravo, Frank, bravo. But, until the Republican Party puts its own house in order with regards to race, I do not expect to see Blacks migrating to the party -- even as they recognize the hustlers you identify.

Blacks will go independent FIRST before doing so. But like you said, maybe a little migration may tip the political balance.

6:18 PM  

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