Web Osi Speaks!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Senate Democrats will seek to block Ted Olson for Attorney General. I can't say I blame them!

Senate Democrats will say "NO" to Ted Olson for Attorney General. I don't blame them. I have NOTHING against Ted Olson, other than my STRONG belief that he will NOT be able to separate serving the President from serving the country -- the same BIG problem that tied Alberto "GONZO" Gonzales in political and legal (maybe, even ethical) knots --, so PLEASE give me someone like LARRY THOMPSON, instead!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last time I looked, the office of the Attorney General was in the Executive Branch not the Legislative or Judicial Branch. Since when have democrats and RINOs complained about partisans like Reno etc. serving the President rather than the country. There are those of us who remember Waco and Elian.

10:37 AM  
Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

You flawed logic suggests that it is OK to subvert justice in the name of partisanship since the other side may have done. When do you ask yourself when this self destructive behavior should come to an END. I say we START NOW, and you are welcome to join me, if you have the courage and love of country.

9:12 PM  

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