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Monday, November 05, 2007

Cothran's Good Point

Blue Grass, Red State

I think Martin Cothran made a really really good point on his Mere Politics blog when he said that KY media is flipping out about the Fletcher campaign telling voters about an endorsement that Steve Beshear got from an organization that neither Beshear nor KY media told Kentuckians about.

Not like this good point is going to affect the election or anything, but it is still a really good point and something we need to keep in mind in the future.

As for Cothran's insulting Osi, I don't know. I would say that Cothran probably hasn't paid a whole lot of attention to Kentucky's other conservative bloggers for the last year or so if he doesn't even know who Osi is.

Also, I don't even know what was written on this site yet, because I've been so busy doing 72 hour campaigning for the Republican candidates and going to Indy for the Colts-Patriots game that I haven't looked. However, if below is writing about how Larry Forgy is an idiot, the writer of that material was correct if Forgy is seriously planning on running for Senate next year with any party. It would be nice if Forgy would change his party registration, though, because if the polls prove to be correct tomorrow and Ernie Fletcher loses by a large margin that would prove that Forgy is very out of touch with the people of Kentucky and does not need to be in any position of leadership in the Republican Party of Kentucky. This is obviously because Forgy and others seriously thought Fletcher could pull off a win tomorrow. If Fletcher wins or loses by a small margin, the misperception is forgivable. If he loses by a large margin, however, the people who predicted a Fletcher win need to stop making predictions and get out of leadership positions. They are too out of touch to be in leadership.

Cothran again
The other thing about Cothran is - while I think he makes great arguments in his writing, I'm just kind of tired about hearing about gay people all the time. I'm on his email list, and it seems like every time I get an email from him it is about gay people and legal issues brought up by gay people. It gets old, even though he makes a lot of good arguments.

All I'm saying is, he could probably have a very great impact on KY politics if he would write more about issues other than gay ones.



Blogger KYJurisDoctor said...

You have to be suspicious of those -- especially so called "conservatives" -- who, under the guise of working for the family, rant and rave ANNOYINGLY about gays and homosexuals.

They are usually CLOSETED gays themselves, and choose to hide their TRUE selves -- think the PHARISEES, think Senator Larry Craig, think about all the others.

So ignore, while you can, those who are WOLVES, but come in sheep's clothing!

8:48 AM  

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