Web Osi Speaks!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hal Heiner For Kentucky Governor: My Experience Tops Potential Rivals'.

Heiner says his experience tops potential rivals's 

Kentucky gubernatorial candidate Hal Heiner said background and experience are what separates him from potential opponents, including Agriculture Commissioner James Comer, in the race for governor.

“I think there’s a big difference in my background and experience and just about anybody else that’s considering getting in this race,” he said.

The Republican spoke to members of the Daily News editorial board Wednesday.
He is headed west this weekend for the Fancy Farm Picnic but will not have a speaking spot because he is not on the ballot in 2014, Heiner said. The governor’s race will be in 2015.

Heiner is the founder of Capstone Realty and a former member of the Louisville Metro Council. Before that, he worked for a civil engineering firm and in the commercial division of a regional development company.

He said he knows what the state needs to do from a jobs standpoint. “The No. 1 issue by far in Kentucky is how do we kickstart the economy in Kentucky,” Heiner said.

The state has stagnated in the areas of jobs and income, he said.
One of his legislative priorities, if elected, would include the passage of right-to-work legislation that would allow employees to opt out of paying union dues, Heiner said.

“Kentucky has to join the other 24 right-to-work states,” he said. “We have simply no choice.”
Another priority would be comprehensive tax reform, including the state’s income tax, Heiner said.

Heiner said Kentucky is increasingly becoming an island in terms of its 6 percent personal income tax rate. Indiana’s rate is lower at 3.4 percent, Ohio has lowered its rate and Tennessee has no personal income tax.

“Our tax structure in Kentucky, if it was a platform, would be moss-covered,” he said. “It has been untouched for so long.”
Heiner said he also wants to improve fiscal management in state government.

If elected, Heiner said he wants to see Kentucky named one of the top 10 states to do business by Chief Executive Magazine within two years of taking office.
The governor needs to be out in the state campaigning for the changes he wants to make and getting people on board with his vision even after the election is over, Heiner said.

“If you want to have long-lasting, big improvements in state government, it can’t happen just within Frankfort,” he said.

The governor should be the holder of a vision for where the state needs to go, Heiner said. Once people are on board with that vision, they will encourage legislators to make necessary changes, he said.

“There is a yearning in Kentucky for a vision and for new ideas,” he said.
Heiner has been traveling the state for about four months campaigning and said he feels he is gaining name recognition.
“I wanted to get into the race early to meet people face to face,” he said.

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Just What Is The Big Deal About Kentucky's Fancy Farm? Watch Video.

The Golf Pro President.


Politicians At Work!


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sarah Palin Show.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mitch McConnell Edges Alison Lundergan Grimes In Latest SurveyUSA Poll Of Kentucky Senate Race.

See the very accurate SurveyUSA/Bluegrass poll here.

I fully expect the senior senator to be re-elected this fall.


Do Nothing CONgress!


Monday, July 28, 2014

Republicans Narrowly Favored To Capture Senate In November. Watch.




Friday, July 25, 2014





More Funny Cartoon From Joel Pett.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Vladmir Putin, The International Master Tactician On The World Stage.


Monday, July 21, 2014

Joel Pett Is Still Funny.


Saturday, July 19, 2014



Friday, July 18, 2014

Dick Cheney!


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Hamas T-shirts. Laugh, If You Want.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Sarah Palin! LOL.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Are You #Happy? Why Not? Dance.

More Than 100 Laws Take Effect In Kentucky Today. Check Out Some Here.


More than 100 new laws take effect Tuesday in Kentucky

FRANKFORT — More than 100 new laws approved during Kentucky's 2014 General Assembly go into effect Tuesday, changing how the state deals with everything from acupuncture to voyeurism.
Some of the new laws already are in effect because they contained an "emergency" clause. An example is Senate Bill 124, which allows physicians at the University of Kentucky and University of Louisville to provide oil derived from marijuana and hemp to help people who suffer from certain severe seizures.
Most of the new laws, however, take effect July 15 — 90 days after the session ended April 15.
Here are some of the major ones:
Crime and safety
■ House Bill 128: Victims of domestic violence who want concealed carry permits for protection will find them easier to obtain. Anyone who has been granted an emergency protective or domestic violence order will be allowed to receive a provisional concealed carry permit in one business day. The petitioners would undergo the same background checks and application requirements as other applicants but would have up to 45 days to complete the necessary training for a full concealed carry license.
■ Senate Bill 184: A person's criminal record could be cleared of a nonviolent offense if a judge determined the offense resulted from being a victim of human trafficking.
■ HB 69: It will be a Class D felony to possess a "tax zapper," a device that could be used on a computerized cash register to help a retailer hide sales subject to tax from tax collectors.
■ SB 225: The state's voyeurism laws will be updated to outlaw a practice called "up-skirting," in which a cellphone is used to take pictures underneath a woman's skirt without her consent.
■ SB 20: October will be designated Anti-Bullying Month, and a purple and yellow ribbon will be designated as the symbol for anti-bullying awareness.
The bill was the idea of students at Madison Middle School in Richmond.
Health care
■ SB 98: Adult care employers will be able to check a new adult abuse registry to see if prospective employees have a history of substantiated adult abuse, neglect or exploitation.
■ SB 7: Advance practice registered nurses will have broader authority to write prescriptions.
■ SB 29: Acupuncturists must be licensed.
■ HB 157: Doctors will get more training on recognizing and preventing abusive head trauma among children.
■ HB 98: School staff can be trained by health professionals to assist diabetic students with insulin administration.
■ SB 47: The state will require periodic reporting of health statistics relating to drug-addicted or dependent newborns.
■ HB 260: In order to get from one ATV trail to another, an operator of an all-terrain vehicle who is 16 or older will be allowed to cross a public roadway without protective headgear if the speed limit is 45 miles per hour or less.
■ SB 66: Known as the "Boater Freedom Act," this law will require boating enforcement officers to have a reasonable suspicion of violation of the state's boating laws before boarding and inspecting a boat on state waterways.
■ HB 90: Parents or guardians will be required to make a court appearance when their children who are younger than 18 are cited for a driving traffic violation.
■ SB 170: The state will update and expand its list of invasive and noxious plants, such as kudzu and poison hemlock, targeted for eradication from roadsides and public right-of-ways.
■ HB 237: The state will implement a $5.2 billion plan for road and bridge projects during the next two fiscal years.
■ HB 232: Businesses must notify consumers if a security breach might have resulted in the unauthorized acquisition of the consumers' personal or financial information.
■ HB 475: Residents near state park lodges and golf courses in counties where alcohol sales aren't allowed will be able to vote on whether by-the-drink alcohol sales should be allowed at the facilities.
■ SB 213: Sunday alcohol sales will be permitted at small farm wineries if authorized by a fiscal court vote or a local option election.
■ HB 28: A lobbyist will not be allowed to buy food or drink for an individual legislator. Also, interest groups will not be able to pay for lawmakers' out-of-state travel, and legislative candidates will be prohibited from accepting campaign contributions during General Assembly sessions from political action committees or organizations that employ lobbyists.
■ HB 396: Manufacturers of appliances will be eligible for Kentucky Jobs Retention Act benefits. The legislation is expected to help GE invest up to $325 million in its Appliance Park operations in Louisville.

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Richie Farmer Saga Continues As Two More Subordinates Plead Guilty And Are Fined And Reprimanded For Ethics Violations.

Two former Richie Farmer subordinates guilty

FRANKFORT, Ky. – Two employees of the state Agriculture Department under former Commissioner Richie Farmer were found guilty Monday of violating the code of ethics for state employees.

That brings to seven — including Farmer himself — the number of department employees during Farmer’s 2004-11 tenure who have been found guilty of ethics violations.

The Executive Branch Ethics Commission on Monday reached settlements in cases it brought last year against Bill Ed Mobley and his brother Steve Mobley.

In one settlement, Bill Ed Mobley admitted claiming pay on his time sheets for times he failed to carry out his assigned job duties. “Mobley was assigned the duties of a Stockyard Market Reporter,” a news release from the commission said. But “Mobley consistently failed to appear at these stockyards and failed to make market reports of the activities of the stockyards.”

Mobley also admitted violating the ethics code by claiming mileage reimbursement for trips to stockyards he did not take.

Under the settlement, the commission reprimanded Bill Ed Mobley and fined him $3,000.

In the other settlement, the commission found that Steve Mobley violated the ethics code for processing time sheets and mileage reimbursement claims of his brother.In the settlement Steve Mobley did not admit to this violation but agreed not to contest the charge.

Steve Mobley did admit in the settlement that he violated the code by failing to report in his annual disclosure statement a gift — a wooden hat valued at about $600 from a Kentucky Proud vendor.

The commission reprimanded Steve Mobley and fined him $2,500.

Both Mobleys are from Farmer’s hometown of Manchester. They were among several appointees of Farmer fired in early 2012 by Farmer’s successor as agriculture commissioner, James Comer.

Steve Mobley’s attorney, Paul Fauri of Frankfort, had no comment on Monday’s settlement. Bill Ed Mobley’s attorney, Stephan Charles, of Manchester, did not return a phone message seeking comment.

The commission previously reached settlements with Farmer and four other department employees.

The commission has one case still pending against a former Agriculture Department employee during Farmer’s tenure. That case is against Stephanie L. Sandmann, who has denied the commission’s charge that she claimed pay for time not worked.

Farmer, a former basketball player for the University of Kentucky, settled multiple ethics counts last year as part of an agreement that also saw him plead guilty to two counts of a federal indictment that alleged theft of public funds. He is serving a 27-month sentence at a federal prison in West Virginia.

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Kentucky's Driver's Licenses Do Not Comply With Federal Law. This Is Just Plain Hilarious!

Ky. licenses may not comply with US rules

Tighter security requirements for driver's licenses could keep Kentucky residents from federal facilities.

REAL ID Act requires uniform standards for state driver's licenses across the country.
Kentucky is among several states that fail to comply, which will make it more difficult to get into federal buildings and get on an airplane.
Federal officials are either unwilling or unable to identify which federal facilities in Kentucky, if any, will require passports for entry.

When Alex DeSha was making arrangements for about 50 Kentuckians to attend an Environmental Protection Agency public hearing in Atlanta later this month, he found out their driver's licenses wouldn't be accepted as identification.

New security provisions that take effect July 21 will require that people with driver's licenses from Kentucky and nine other states show a passport or some other kind of federal identification, such as a military ID, the EPA said.

And by 2016 the implications could spread well beyond EPA hearings as Kentucky driver's licenses risk falling out of compliance for boarding airplanes.

Kentucky officials have been working to tighten 39 procedures to satisfy the REAL ID Act of 2005, signed by President George W. Bush as a way to make it difficult for terrorists to obtain state-issued identification. Implementation of the act has been delayed several times and Kentucky is seeking an extension from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security until 2016 to comply.

One big issue, said Kentucky Transportation Cabinet spokeswoman Lisa Tolliver, is that unlike many states where driver's licenses are issued by a single state agency, Kentucky's licenses are handled by local Circuit Court clerk's offices at 145 locations, making it more difficult to standardize procedures.

As for DeSha and his fellow environmentalists, the EPA has since worked out an arrangement so passports won't be required and they'll be escorted into the meeting room by security personnel. But the agency continues to post access warnings on the EPA website.

"We have been working to get into compliance," Tolliver said. "We will have to be fully compliant by 2016."

Indiana's driver's license was cleared in 2012 by Homeland Security. Indiana started work complying with the law in 2009, adopting its own efforts, including implementing a centralized system for issuing permanent driver's licenses and identification.

Logistical challenge

The REAL ID Act was based on recommendations from the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission. But some states complained that the requirements were too costly, and others objected because of privacy concerns.

Tolliver said state officials have been grappling with a list of requirements, including how information from documents like birth certificates and Social Security cards is collected and stored, the technical features and appearances of driver's licenses, and security standards at locations where driver's licenses are issued.

And with 145 Circuit Court clerk loctions issuing licenses, there's a major logistical undertaking to ensure each is using standardized equipment and procedures, she said.

"There were a lot of concerns that it would become a national identification card," said Chris Calabrese, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, which opposed it.

He said the ACLU worried that too much personal information will be collected and shared among states and the federal government, and that information would not be adequately protected from security breaches.

"The idea was not immediately embraced by people in Kentucky or in other states," said Chuck Wolfe, spokesman for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.

Besides Kentucky, the other states that the federal government says have not adequately changed their licenses are Alaska, Arizona, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Oklahoma and Washington.

Max Bluestein, director of research at Keeping IDentities Safe, a Washington-based non-profit advocating for more secure licenses and IDs, said his group has been warning the states that unless they complied with the new rules, their residents would be facing problems.

"The regulations set forth in the REAL ID Act are all quite achievable and the federal government has made funds available to do so," he said in an e-mail. "It's largely been misconceptions and misinformation that has kept states behind, via their legislatures."

But Kentucky Transportation Cabinet officials said they were not aware of any political controversies or budget constraints had delayed the state's compliance.

"There's been no foot dragging," Wolfe said.

Wolfe said Kentucky may decide to centralize the process for people who want the federally compliant driver's license, while offering non-standardized licenses to those who do not. "You could have regional offices, or have the paperwork handled back here in Frankfort, and your license gets mailed to you," he said.

He said those decisions have not been made.

No help from DHS

Sample of the new design for Kentucky’s driver’s licenses, unveiled in 2012. When Kentucky finishes complying with the REAL ID Act, license plates that meet the security rules will also feature a star. (Photo: Courtesy Kentucky Transportation Cabinet )
Originally, the compliance deadline was 2008, but it has been pushed back more than once. DHS now plans to enforce it in phases.

On July 21, according to the DHS website and the EPA, the tougher identification requirements go into effect for any "restricted areas" in "all federal facilities," and for nuclear power plants. In January, the rules will apply to "semi-restricted" areas of federal facilities, with the air travel mandate scheduled to go into effect "no sooner than 2016."

Exceptions will be made for certain types of federal facilities, including those involving "activities directly related to safety, health, life preserving services, law enforcement and constitutionally protected activities," according to the DHS website. The law is also not intended to interfere with applying for or receiving federal benefits.

Still, it was unclear just what specific facilities or buildings in Kentucky, if any, would reject the state's driver's licenses.

Homeland security officials did not respond to questions from The Courier-Journal, or from the staff of Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Louisville, about what buildings in Kentucky might reject the state's driver's license.

"We're trying to get DHS to explain the guidelines to us, and to explain where our office, and other federal facilities in our district stand, and what our constituents need to do to gain access to federal buildings," said Yarmuth spokesman Stephen George.

George said it appears that the downtown Romano Mazzoli Federal Building that houses the congressman's office and federal agencies including the Army Corps of Engineers and Internal Revenue Service might fall under the January deadline.

Robert Steurer, spokesman for Sen. Mitch McConnell, declined to provide any information beyond what DHS has posted on its website. But he said the senator's staff "reached out" to DHS on behalf of the newspaper.

Sen. Rand Paul's office was not aware of any problems with Kentucky's driver's licenses and access to federal facilities.

"As far as I know, we have not been advised of this policy or heard any comments about it," said Paul spokesman Daniel Bayens.

For their part, EPA officials said they would welcome Kentucky residents at the public hearing, the first of eight scheduled this summer on a proposal to regulate climate pollution from power plants.

"We will be having staff members available at the entrance to help escort folks to the conference room and to answer any questions that may come up," said Angela Hackel, one of the hearing's organizers.

Meanwhile, it's not just regular Kentucky citizens trying to exercise free speech rights who have been warned they may need passports, which cost $110 and are typically used for foreign travel, to get into federal buildings after July 21.

At least one high-ranking state government employee is getting caught in the tighter security web.

It's happening to R. Bruce Scott, commissioner for the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection, an agency that enforces federal and state rules for air quality, water quality, and solid and hazardous waste.

Scott is on the executive committee of the Environmental Council of the States, an association of state and territorial environmental agency leaders, and the council has warned him that he will need a passport to attend a meeting at a federal building next month.

"Bottom line, I either need to get a passport to moot the issue," or Kentucky will need to come into compliance with the federal law, he said.

At a glance

July 21

Restricted areas for all federal facilities and nuclear power plants

Jan. 19, 2015

Semi-restricted areas, such as those available to the general public but subject to ID-based access control, at most federal federal facilities.

2016 or later

Boarding commercial airplanes.

Unless Kentucky reaches an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security, Kentucky driver's licenses may not be good for access to these kinds of facilities, after certain dates. A second form of ID, such as a passport, could be required.


Barack Obama.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Ok, You've Got To Admit This Cartoon From Mike Luckovich Is Very LOL Funny!


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wanna Hit?


Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Rand Paul Responds To Georgia Powers.

Rand Paul, Special to The Courier-Journal

Georgia Powers' recent op-ed in The Courier-Journal mischaracterizes my views, and does a disservice to a host of issues that I am working on to help minorities.

Let's start with fact one: I support the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is simply unimaginable to think what modern America would be like if not for the brave men and women who stood up for the rights of all Americans. This legislation changed the future of our nation by enforcing the belief that all men and women are created equal.

In passing the law, Congress rightly acted under the 14th Amendment which states that "no state shall deprive" an individual of his or her natural right to due process and equal protection under the law.

I do not support discrimination of any kind, public or private. I, like most Americans, celebrate the great civil disobedience of sit-ins that helped bring down Jim Crow. I respect and admire Samuel Tucker, who organized one of the first sit-ins in 1939 at the library in Alexandria, Va., and the Greensboro Four. A few months ago, I met Clarence Henderson who sat with others at the Woolworth's counter in Greensboro. He was kind enough to recognize the work I'm doing for minority rights: "I have seen him be a voice crying out in the wilderness, standing up for freedom," he said. "I have encouraged [Sen. Paul] to keep speaking out because he reminds me of myself—when I walked into the Woolworth's in Greensboro, I did it not for publicity, but because it needed to be done."

We must continue to build an America that our children — of every race, creed and color —deserve. That is why I am advocating for a 21st century civil rights agenda with economic empowerment, voting rights restoration, sentencing reform and school choice at its core. These are all issues of paramount importance to the black community and I am proud to be the champion of these ideas.

My Economic Freedom Zones legislation would allow $650 million to remain in the West End of Louisville over 10 years. This plan would create thousands of new jobs in West Louisville.

This week, I joined with Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey to introduce a bipartisan bill to roll back harsh mandatory sentencing on non-violent drug offenses.

When nearly one-third of the adult black male population has been in prison — when the prison population has exploded ten-fold in the past generation — there is a problem. Politicians, wanting to be "tough on crime" have made harsh, unnecessary sentences the only answer, ruining many lives over a simple mistake.

The war on drugs has had a racial outcome and no one in Congress is fighting harder to eliminate racial bias from our criminal justice system.

If someone does go to jail and pays their debt for a crime, they deserve to have their voting rights restored when they return to society. Too many voters are disenfranchised today from voting, due to a mistake for which they have already paid.

(GEORGIA POWERS: Do not be fooled by Rand Paul)

ALSO: Readers weigh in on Georgia Powers and Sen. Rand Paul

Of course, the root of so many problems in all of our communities — black, brown or white — is education.

Our system is broken, especially in our poorest communities. That's why, just this past Monday, I joined Pastor Jerry Stephenson in the West End of Louisville to discuss the success he has had with his after-school and summer academic programs. We talked about the promise of school choice and the obstacles that still exist, and how we can make better schools with local and parental control the norm rather than the exception.

I have brought this message to Louisville and Lexington. To Paducah and Pikeville and everywhere in between in Kentucky for the past five years.

And recently, I have brought this message to Washington, D.C., Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, California and New York. I will travel throughout Kentucky and the nation, with passion in my heart.

When you believe in something wholly, it is easy not to be deterred by the naysayers who want to protect a broken system, or who have a political interest in making sure you don't succeed.

Our nation has made great strides on civil rights in the past 50 years. I was too young to have marched with Dr. King, but I like to think that I would have.

Now there is more to do, and I want to help lead the way, in the ways that I can. No one in Congress is doing more to address these important civil rights issues and I won't rest until we have an America that is truly colorblind.

Rand Paul, R-Bowling Green, is a U.S. senator representing Kentucky.

Editor's note: Read the Georgia op-ed here.

Taking you back to 2010 when rand paul first ran for senate and met with cj staff. watch:

on race and civil rights. watch:




Tuesday, July 08, 2014



Monday, July 07, 2014

Former Kentucky Senator Georgia Powers: Georgia Powers.

Do not be fooled by Rand Paul

Sen. Rand Paul doesn't get it.

Anointing himself liaison for GOP minority outreach, he's been knocking on doors of African Americans with increasing frequency, unabashedly seeking support for the GOP and presumably his budding presidential aspirations.

I support every political party's efforts at inclusion, a core goal of the civil rights struggle for which I and many other Kentucky leaders fought. African Americans fought long and hard for the right to economic, legal, political and social inclusion.

But Sen. Paul is forgetting a critical concept: You must earn our community's trust and support. We don't give it freely. We especially don't give it to leaders who shake our hands while spitting in our faces.

If the African-American community delves behind Paul's outstretched hand, we find a man whose words and deeds expose a troubling belief system, whose votes have consistently opposed policies that advance our community.

Let's give Paul the closer look he requests following the recent 50th anniversary of the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, landmark legislation that outlawed racist voter registration requirements and gave all Americans, regardless of their skin color, the right to be served in all facilities open to the public.

Paul disagreed with the Civil Rights Act, and believes private businesses should be able to discriminate. Sen. Paul, in explaining his opposition to the Civil Rights Act, said, "I think it's a bad business decision to exclude anybody from your restaurant, but, at the same time, I do believe in private ownership." Paul would support the decision by Rich's lunch counter in Atlanta to refuse to serve the Rev. Martin Luther King.

Paul wrote a critique of the Fair Housing Act, another landmark bill that prevents discrimination in the selling, renting or financing of housing. "At first glance," Paul wrote, "who could object to preventing discrimination in housing?" But then he goes on to ask if discrimination should "be prohibited for private entities such as a church, bed and breakfast or retirement neighborhood that doesn't want noisy children? Absolutely not. Decisions concerning private property and associations should in a free society be unhindered. As a consequence, some associations will discriminate. … A free society will abide unofficial, private discrimination — even when that means allowing hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin."

After the Supreme Court struck down part of the Voting Rights Act, Paul said the country has moved beyond a time where the color of someone's skin should factor into voting. "We have an African-American president. … There doesn't seem to be any sort of systemic problem like there was in the South with precluding blacks from voting." Recently he made clear he supported discriminatory voter ID laws: "There's nothing wrong with it. … I don't really object to having some rules with how we vote."

Not concerned by Paul's words? How about his staff:

Paul hired Jack Hunter, first to help him write his book, then in his Senate office, despite Hunter's appearances in a Confederate flag mask, his toasting John Wilkes Booth, saying his heart was in the right place when he assassinated Abraham Lincoln, and his membership in a group that the Southern Poverty Law Center has classified as a hate group, among other controversial comments.

Don't care about his staff? Here are Paul's actions:

• Opposes an increase in the minimum wage.
• Wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, taking health care from 421,000 Kentuckians.
• Introduced legislation to dramatically cut food stamps.
• Wants to abolish the U.S. Education Department.
• Opposed the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would ensure men and women are paid equally for equal work.
• Voted against the Violence Against Women Act.
• Opposed lowering the interest rates for millions of student loan borrowers.

Do not be fooled by Sen. Paul. I appreciate sincere efforts to work with our community and look for ways to better the lives of our children. But we have fought too long to give our precious vote to one who with one breath asks for support, and with the next promises to tear down the foundations of our progress, while surrounding himself with hate-filled people.

Georgia Powers was elected to the Kentucky Senate in 1968, the only woman and the only person of color in the 38-member chamber upon that election. She served in the Kentucky Senate for 21 years.

Editor's comment: 

I know dr. rand paul. he was my eye doctor, and my family's eye dr, for several years until he was elected to the senate. i have had numerous discussions with him on a variety of topics. he is not a racist, in my view, as some might speculate.

yes, I am a black (registered) republican!

i know sen. georgia powers and she is a very fine public servant. my wife wrote her biography. i have no reason to doubt the sincerity of her concerns based on certain ill advised pronouncements from rand paul.

But like one rodney king once asked, and I ask now: can't we all get along?


U. S. Supreme Court Takes Barack Obama To The "Wood Shed"! LOL.


Friday, July 04, 2014

Happy Independence Day To Us In America.

happy #americanindependence, everyone. we have reason to celebrate and thank God for those who fought and gave all measure of devotion and patriotism, so that we may be free from the tyranny of king george and his ilk.

happy independence day america.


We Revisit Iraq And Ask: What Could Go Wrong?!


Thursday, July 03, 2014

War Profiteers.


Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Hillary Clinton Prepares To Run For President By Trying To Remake Herself!


Tuesday, July 01, 2014

That's Adorable!

