Friday, November 29, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving To All Believers.
1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation
It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God; to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations are blessed whose God is the Lord.
We know that by His divine law, nations, like individuals, are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world. May we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war which now desolates the land may be a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole people?
We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown.
But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.
It has seemed to me fit and proper that God should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart and one voice, by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November as a day of Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father Who dwelleth in the heavens.
A. Lincoln
October 3, 1863
Labels: Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Newspaper: Kentucky Senate Candidate, Troy Brooks, Has History Of Theft Charges, He Demurs.
Ky. Senate candidate has history of charges
A Bowling Green man set to run for state Senate was once indicted on numerous theft charges and was disbarred in Tennessee – terminating his status as a lawyer – for complaints related to those charges.
Troy Brooks announced this week his intention to file and run to represent the 32nd Senate District. Incumbent Sen. Mike Wilson, R- Bowling Green, filed to run for re-election to that seat.
A filing in the Court of Criminal Appeals of Tennessee states that Brooks was indicted by a grand jury in Wilson County on five counts of theft over $10,000, four counts of theft over $1,000, six counts of fraudulent use of a credit card in the amount of $1,000 to $10,000 and one count of fraudulent use of a credit card in the amount of over $500. The case arose from the misappropriation of about $185,000 from nine clients, according to the filing.
According to a 2008 judgment from the Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Brooks pleaded guilty to four charges of theft over $10,000.
The judgment states that 37 complaints against Brooks are incorporated into various supplemental petitions.
The judgment states that, in total, Brooks “obtained $250,794.30 of his (clients’) or third parties’ money and converted it to his own use.”
It states that the judgment against Brooks is a default judgment in which all the petitions against him are deemed to be true because he failed to respond to discovery requests.
On Tuesday, Brooks said he did not plead guilty to the charges.
Sandy Garrett, chief disciplinary council for the board, said Brooks is eligible for reinstatement because enough time has passed – five years – since his disbarment, but reinstatement would have to be approved by a hearing panel of judges.
Brooks said incidents that led to the charges were not cases of theft, but merely disputes over fees and misunderstandings and that the charges have now been dismissed.
He produced orders of expungement citing either “successful completion of all probation provisions and proceedings against defendant have been discharged by the court,” or “nolle prosequi entered in the case” as reasons he was entitled to have records related to the charges expunged. “Nolle prosequi” is a declaration by a prosecutor or plaintiff that he or she will not proceed further with a case.
The Board of Professional Responsibility judgment cites court documents wherein Brooks attributed misconduct to a “get-rich-quick” scheme through email that promised investment opportunities in Nigerian oil and gas.
According to the judgment, after researching the offer, Brooks began using clients’ money for investment “with the full assurances that (he) would have the return of the money in time to take care of all disbursements.”
After realizing the opportunity was a scam, he started gambling “under the false hope that (he) could recoup the funds until (he) was reported (to the Board of Professional Responsibility),” according to the judgment.
On Tuesday, Brooks described the narrative within the Board of Professional Responsibility judgment – including the accusation that he used client money for investment in Nigerian oil and gas – as “totally false” and said that the charges arose from fee disputes with clients.
Brooks said he refunded the money in dispute to clients.
Editor's note: Update 12/02: Troy withdraws from Senate race. Read more here.
Labels: Kentucky politics
POTUS Barack Obama And The "Economy --- Of Words", That Is!
When I was a radio news reporter, a mentor taught me a phrase that I still use today. He used to critique my scripts by reminding me of “the economy of words,” which meant using fewer words to tell a more concise story.
I’ve probably said or thought about “the economy of words” thousands of times since I first heard it. It worked in radio, and it is a superb rule to remember in political and business writing.
Until recently, the phrase meant one thing to me — a reminder to eliminate unnecessary prepositional phrases and to be more active and descriptive in my communications. Less is more.
But I’ve been thinking about it in a different way lately. In an economy, there is a currency that theoretically has value. In the economy of words, the words are the currency.
Our political system is an economy of words. What our leaders say, therefore, should have value.
But some politicians entrusted with printing the political economy’s currency are turning the system on its head. Chief among them is President Barack Obama, who is making a nasty and trust-destroying habit out of saying absolutely anything to fit the moment’s politics.
Last week, President Obama added another log to the flip-flop fire with a statement supporting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s “nuclear option,” which changed the long-standing rules of the Senate and dramatically weakened the rights of the political minority.
In 2013, President Obama says the filibuster is a “reckless and relentless tool” used by Republicans to block his nominees.
He was singing a different tune in 2005, though, when he said that “the American people want less partisanship in this town, but everyone in this chamber knows that if the majority chooses to end the filibuster, if they choose to change the rules and put an end to democratic debate, then the fighting, the bitterness, and the gridlock will only get worse.”
President Obama just devalued Sen. Obama’s words.
President Obama’s quest to completely mangle any trust the American people might have had in his words continued over the weekend, as his administration entered into a nuclear deal with Iran.
Earlier this year, making his first visit to Israel as president, Obama said, “The United States stands with Israel because it is in our fundamental security interests to stand with Israel. Our alliance is eternal. It is forever.”
That was in March. In November, Secretary of State John Kerry, last seen getting the equivalent of a diplomatic wedgie from the Russians over Syria, cut a deal with Iran that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says is a “historic mistake” that has made the world “much more dangerous, because the most dangerous regime in the world took a meaningful step toward acquiring the most dangerous weapon in the world.”
The value of Obama’s words is not just dropping with the American people, but with America’s allies abroad.
The granddaddy of Obama’s trust-busters is the now infamous claim that, under his health care law, all Americans can keep their insurance plan if they like it. This was an outrageous lie told to sell a bad bill and bolster a re-election campaign. Dozens of congressional Democrats repeated this lie, dutifully following President Obama’s lead.
We now know, thanks to NBC News, that President Obama wasn’t telling the truth and that his “administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them.”
Not only was President Obama wrong, but it seems clear that he purposefully misled people. Now, a year after defeating Mitt Romney, a national survey of 2012 Obama supporters found that nearly one-quarter of them would not have voted for his re-election if they had known the truth about that claim.
President Obama’s job approval ratings are now the lowest of his presidency. In fact, the average of the eight most recent national job approval surveys shows that just over 40 percent of people approve of Obama versus 55 percent who disapprove. Some surveys have him in the 30s.
But it is more than just his policy decisions or his use of website technology straight out of 1993 that is driving down the president’s numbers. It’s that his words no longer have value and that people just don’t trust him anymore. As the Righteous Brothers would say, the voters have lost that loving feeling.
President Obama was swept into office on soaring rhetoric, the delivery of which was so acclaimed that it gave the words and the man himself more credibility than a relatively untested politician deserves. How ironic that the same president finds his oratorical ability insufficient to assuage the hurt feelings and broken trust millions now feel toward his time in office.
It goes beyond his policy decisions. Words matter. They have value, unless you repeatedly use them duplicitously. Eventually, that practice catches up with you. It caught up with President Obama a full three years before he leaves office, which is going to make for a politically long and lonely second term in the White House.
Scott Jennings is a partner in RunSwitch Public Relations, and former deputy White House political director under President George W. Bush. He was a staff member on Mitch McConnell’s ‘02 and ‘08 re-election campaigns. His column appears every third Wednesday. He can be reached at
Editor's comment: I found out RATHER QUICKLY during his first term that POTUS in not trustworthy and i abandoned hope for change. He promised better, and we got screwed.
But then again who is the one politician who can be trusted -- really?!
Labels: Keeping them honest, POTUS Barack Obama
Monday, November 25, 2013
One Man Crying In The Wilderness In A Banana Republic!
Fighter of Corruption in Nigeria Considers Next Steps
ABUJA, Nigeria — THE cash was handed over in large sacks containing $15 million in $100 bills, bags so heavy that the stoop-shouldered civil servant needed help carrying them.
Afolabi Sotunde for The New York Times
Labels: Abject Corruption, Keeping them honest
The Practical Implications Of #USSenate #Democrat's #Nuclear Strike.
I fully expect so!!
Let the games commence in earnest!!!
Labels: Democratism
Words To Live By, Words Of Wisdom, And Words To Ponder.
Labels: Words of wisdom, Words to live by, Words to ponder
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
#USSenateDemocrats Go Nuclear!
Labels: Democratism, Keeping them honest
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
#GeorgeZimmerman Arrested For Pointing Gun In Girlfriend Samantha Shiebe's Face, Ordered By Judge To Turn Over Guns And Stay Away From Victim. Karma Is Working, But This Is #Floriduh! Watch Video.
Labels: Public safety
Read My Hero Abraham Lincoln's #GettysburgAddress.
Labels: Abraham Lincoln
Monday, November 18, 2013
New York City's Newly Elected Mayor Bill De Blasio Has A Black Wife. He's Already My Kind Of White Guy! Watch Video.
Labels: Politics
Words To Live By, Words Of Wisdom, And Words To Ponder.
-- James 4:7, KJV
2) However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived"— the things God has prepared for those who love him
-- 1 Corinthians 2:9, KJV
Labels: Words of wisdom, Words to live by, Words to ponder
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Louisville Courier-Journal Pens More Editorial About Kentucky's "Gestapo".
Labels: Keeping them honest
It Is Way Past Time!
US Names 2 Nigerian-Based Groups Terrorist Organizations
In a statement Wednesday, U.S. counterterrorism official Lisa Monaco said the two groups have been responsible for thousands of deaths in northeast and central Nigeria in recent years.
She said the groups have carried out dozens of attacks on churches and mosques, as well as targeted killings of civilians. U.S. officials blame Boko Haram for a 2011 attack on a U.N. building in Abuja that killed 21 people.
The designation cuts off Boko Haram and Ansaru from U.S. financial institutions and allows banks to freeze their assets held in the United States.
The announcement came as a U.S. Congressional subcommittee holds a hearing on the threat posed by Boko Haram, Nigeria's most prominent militant organization.
Earlier this year, Ansaru declared itself a splinter group independent of Boko Haram. U.S. officials said Ansaru's attacks have focused mostly on Nigerian military and Western targets.
Before Wednesday's hearing, committee chairman Christopher Smith said Boko Haram fit the definition of a terrorist group and should be designated as such.
Boko Haram's name in the Hausa language means "Western education is a sin." The group has battled the Nigerian government since 2009, with frequent attacks on police stations, jails, and government officials, as well as civilian targets like churches and mosques.
The group is believed to be fighting for an Islamic state in northern Nigeria, although much about its membership, leadership and structure remains unclear.
Last year, the U.S. State Department designated Boko Haram's most visible leader, Abubakar Shekau, a terrorist, along with two other men ( Abubakar Adam Kambar and Khalid al-Barnawi) who allegedly have ties to Boko Haram and al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb.
Nigeria's government declared a state of emergency in three northeastern states in May and has sent thousands of troops to battle the group. But attacks continue, amid accusations the military has killed hundreds of civilians through indiscriminate and heavy-handed violence.
The State Department said Wednesday that the designations were "only one tool" in what must be a comprehensive approach by Nigeria's government to counter the groups through law enforcement, political and development efforts, as well as military engagement.
Labels: Banana Republic, TALIBAN, Terror
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Happy 11 12 13! Enjoy!!
Labels: General information
Monday, November 11, 2013
Hal Heiner Looks To Be Republican Gubernatorial Nominee, But Has To Fight James Comer First!
Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner James Comer sees Hal Heiner over his shoulder
It seems like it was only yesterday that U.S. Rep. Brett Guthrie announced he wouldn’t run for governor in 2015, seemingly leaving the GOP nomination for Agriculture Commissioner James Comer to claim.
But there’s a reason there are big payoffs for those who bet on the Kentucky Derby in October rather than on the day of the race. The further out you are, the more difficult it is to predict the outcome.
Though Comer is probably still the favorite, there are indicators that are now pointing at former Louisville Metro Council member Hal Heiner as the Republican to keep your eye on.
For months now, Comer has been traveling the state, getting to know new people and re-establishing relationships with people who helped him when he won his current office in 2011. Comer has been doing it in a fairly high-profile fashion as part of his official duties.
He’s not making the rounds as a gubernatorial candidate because he’s not running for governor — says he hasn’t decided yet — wink, wink.
Heiner, on the other hand, has been traveling the state as well. He’s still deciding, too.
But he’s talking with individuals as he edges toward a gubernatorial announcement that could come as soon as he finds a running mate — potentially early next year.
And that’s where Comer’s biggest problem lies. It’s unclear if he — or any candidate — can raise the money from contributors to fund what would essentially be a year-and-a-half primary election campaign.
Heiner, a wealthy Louisville real-estate developer, doesn’t have that problem.
He hasn’t said whether he will self-fund his campaign, but it’s assumed that he will to some significant degree. Heiner contributed more than $1.9 million to his failed Louisville mayoral campaign in 2010. In all, his campaign spent $2.8 million.
And supporters say Heiner is prepared to raise and spend $5 million in the GOP primary. That would be, by far, the most a Republican has ever raised in a Kentucky gubernatorial primary, outpacing Ernie Fletcher, who raised $3.5 million in the primary when he sought re-election in 2007.
When he ran for agriculture commissioner in 2011, Comer raised $695,796 from contributors and loaned his campaign $100,000.
With Kentucky’s campaign finance laws as they are, limiting individual contributors to $1,000 contributions in each of the primary and general elections, you can see how it would be difficult for Comer to catch up to Heiner if he wanted to throw in his own resources.
Meanwhile, Comer appears to be trying to pivot to become the “outsider” candidate if Heiner gets into the race.
Comer had appeared to be lining up as the establishment candidate, and there had been signs that he would have the support of U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell. But that’s not so clear now.
McConnell’s former state director, Larry Cox, had come out of retirement to go to work for Comer in his state office but left abruptly this summer.
And last week in Somerset, Comer appeared to poke McConnell in the eye.
The Lexington Herald-Leader reported Wednesday that at an event in Pulaski County, Comer proclaimed his independence from McConnell and from U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers, who is revered in Somerset, the Pulaski County seat.
“I cannot be controlled,” he told the crowd.
“The days of party bosses hand-picking elected officials in smoke-filled rooms must end,” Comer was quoted as saying.
“No more scenarios where party bosses send some guy from, say, Louisville, who has never been to Somerset before and order you to support him because (they) can control him.”
That guy from “say, Louisville,” is Heiner.
Comer knows it and he knows Heiner is the Republican he needs to keep his eye on.
Labels: GOP, Kentucky politics, Republicanism
My Friend, Rand Paul, Challenges His Critics To A Duel, And Now Allison Lundergan Grimes Challenges My Buddy Mitch McConnell To A Shooting Contest After He Receives NRA Award! Let The Shooting Commence!!
Senate candidates tout gun-rights support
Labels: Democratism, Kentucky politics, Rand Paul, Republicanism, Stick with Mitch
Do You Want To Know Why I Am A Strong Supporter Of The National Rifle Association (NRA)? Ask Junior Marvin About "Police And Thieves"! #Reggae.
Happy Veterans' Day. We Honor Those Who Gave The Last Measure Of Devotion To Their Country, And Those Who Are Still Giving!
Labels: Happy Veterans' Day
Words To Live By, Words Of Wisdom, And Words To Ponder.
Labels: Words of wisdom, Words to live by, Words to ponder
Sunday, November 10, 2013
CBS' 60 Minutes And Lara Logan Leads With A "Correction" About Dylan Davis' Scam Account Of His Heroics In Benghazi We Reported Here. CBS Was Hoodwinked! Watch "Apology"!!
Saturday, November 09, 2013
Friday, November 08, 2013
Reoccurrence Of Cancer Forces Judge Margaret Huddleston To Pass On Seeking Third Term. We Wish Her Speedy Recovery.
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Five In Clay County, Kentucky, Previously Ordered Released By Appeals Court And Retried After Sentences In Voter Fraud Cases, Including Circuit Court Judge R. Cletus Maricle, Enter Guilty Pleas To Avoid Retrials And Possible Long Sentences.
GREEDY AT&T On CIA Payroll For Spying!
CIA paying AT&T to provide call records - NY Times
Labels: Keeping them honest
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Kentucky Republicans Seem Eager For Another Butt Kicking!
SOMERSET — In the days leading up to his remarks Tuesday
at the Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture
Commissioner James Comer began referring to them as
"the Fort Sumter speech."
To most of the 100 or so farmers and merchants gathered,
Comer's words appeared far removed from the first battle
in the Civil War, but there was a great deal more going on
for some, especially in one departure that seemed at odds
with the rest of Comer's routine luncheon speech.
"The days of party bosses hand-picking elected officials in
smoke-filled rooms must end," said Comer, who is mentioned
often as a likely Republican gubernatorial candidate in 2015.
"No more scenarios where party bosses send some guy from,
say, Louisville, who has never been to Somerset before and
order you to support him because (they) can control him."
Labels: GOP, Kentucky politics, Republicanism