Web Osi Speaks!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Is this the final campaign ad for Fletcher?

Is this it for Fletcher?


On "saber rattling" with Iran, first we cage them in.

On "saber rattling" with Iran, first we cage them in.

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*** I do Not mean to pile on, but new Bluegrass Poll finds that Beshear leads Fletcher by 23%, CONFIRMS SURVEYUSA poll's 24%. ***

I do Not mean to pile on, but the new Bluegrass Poll finds that Steve Beshear is leading Ernie Fletcher by 23% -- a finding that CONFIRMS SURVEYUSA's poll result of 24%, as previously reported here.

Update: Read update on poll.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Next Tuesday, I expect Daniel will be here to reveal the "Hand Writing On The Wall". Where will you be?

Next Tuesday, I expect Daniel will be here to reveal the "Hand Writing On The Wall".

Where will you be?


Latest SURVEYUSA poll shows Beshear's lead over Fletcher has grown to 24%. WOW.

The Latest SURVEYUSA poll shows Steve Beshear's lead over Ernie Fletcher has grown by 2% to 24% (or 60% to 36%), while Fletcher's has fallen by 2%.


No need to try and decipher this one, as it speaks for itself!


Attorney General candidates hurl "political grenades" at each other.

Stan Lee on Jack Conway

Jack Conway on Stan Lee

Who's bearing false witness you ask? PolWatchers has an idea.

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The Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll shows Richie Farmer leading David L. Williams for Agriculture Commissioner.

The Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll shows that current Agricultural Commissioner, Richie Farmer, leads his opponent, David L. Williams, by 19 points, or 55% to 35%, with 11% STILL undecided.

Though I'll wait for SURVEYUSA poll to come out -- soon -- for this and the other races to see how things are REALLY shaping up, this one is GUARANTEED to prove to be interesting, folks, regardless of how it turns out.

Stay tuned.


Trey Grayson Endorsed By Several Newspapers

Over the last few weeks, Trey Grayson has been endorsed by a number of Kentucky newspapers. Here are the highlights:

The Lexington Herald Leader

"A challenger must make the case that he would do a better job in an office than the incumbent seeking re-election...Bruce Hendrickson hasn't met that test in his race against Secretary of State Trey Grayson...Grayson, a Republican from Northern Kentucky, has been impressive in his four years as secretary of state. Perhaps most important, his office's role in conducting honest, accessible elections is unblemished...Grayson deserves to be judged by his public service. It would be a disservice to Grayson, and the people of Kentucky, to deny him another four years in office."

The Louisville Courier-Journal

"Trey Grayson, is an obvious choice. He has taken the office and done a lot with it, modernizing its services with new technology. He's also pushed hard for civic literacy...Mr. Grayson is the kind of high achiever one likes to see in public service. Keep him there."
The Kentucky Post (Covington)
"Grayson...has demonstrated his ability to perform the job quite capably, and a willingness to go beyond...and advocate for changes to improve election processes in Kentucky and nationally. He has modernized the record-keeping and recording systems in the secretary of state's office, expanded efforts to increase voter registration and civic education in Kentucky and stayed on top of the frequently-changing developments involving the federal law that emerged in the wake of the 2000 election debacle in Florida."

The Kentucky Standard (Bardstown)

"Trey Grayson has done a good job in his first four years as Secretary of State. His actions have secured him our nod for re-election this November...Grayson has also continued to run the office in a bipartisan fashion as started by former Secretary of State John Y. Brown. We believe that is the best way to run government - when it is a benefit for both parties all residents win...We believe Grayson has proven to be a fine Secretary of State and feel he should be allowed to continue in that role for another four years."

The Elizabethtown News-Enterprise

"Grayson has modernized the secretary of state's diverse operations, worked to ensure the credibility of elections in the state, revived civic education in our schools, and become involved in trying to restore some sense to the national presidential primary election process. His experience in the position for four years provides a competive advantage over his Democrat opponent, Bruce Hendrickson."

Beshear Said to be Ready to Offer Senator Buford Job

Frankfort is abuzz with rumors that KY Senator Tom Buford has been offered and is likely to take a high level post in a Steve Beshear administration. A well paid post in Frankfort would boost Buford’s state retirement significantly. Buford’s retirement would give Senate Dems an opportunity to close the gap prior to next year’s election where Dems are expected to make an all out effort to regain the Senate.

If Buford steps down Dems like Tony Wilder, the County Judge Executive of Boyle County, and Joe Walker, the former Sheriff of Jessamine County, are two who could mount a strong bid. Walker filed to run against Buford in 2006 but unexpectedly dropped out leaving Dems without a challenger and local insiders scratching their heads in wonderment. Naturally, there’s been plenty of speculation of a quid pro quo where Buford would step down following this term.

On the Republican side the strongest potential candidate for an open seat would appear to be State Rep. Lonnie Napier. Lonnie’s protégé John Wilson, CJE of Garrard County, would be another, however, Wilson has a young family and may be leery of leaving a comfortable spot in Garrard County for a part time job with the KY Senate. Might Brian Goettl take a look at this if it were to come to fruition? Goettl was elected to the post of County Attorney in Jessamine County in 2002, the first Republican to do so in over a century. It would be interesting to see how a fellow web media entrepreneur fares in this sort of race. If he ran, I expect Goettl’s web postings would be heavily scrutinized. Whether conservative posts would hurt him in conservative central Kentucky counties is anyone’s guess. Goettl would also be in the same boat as Wilson, having a secure full time job in Jessamine.

Lots of speculation here, admittedly, but that’s what bloggers do. One local pol I spoke to indicated he’d heard from reliable sources that the Herald Leader has been working on this story since last week.

Cross posted at

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Public may not be buying idea to abolish Treasurer's office, as Todd Hollenbach leads opponent by 15 percentage points.

A while back on this blog site, I asked some questions about whether truly Ms. Melinda Wheeler is serious about abolishing the office she was running for, and even issued a challenge to her to prove that she is SERIOUS about what she was telling us by promising NOT to run for s second term if she wins, regardless of how her campaign to abolish the Treasurer's office turns out.

She proved my point by NOT accepting my challenge, as I suspected. Now the voting public, according to poll results, is proving that they are NOT buying her "let's abolish the Treasurer's office" idea, as is demonstrated by Todd Hollenbach's lead of her by 15 percentage points, or 51% to Wheeler's 36% (13% are undecided, margin of error is 4%).


Monday, October 29, 2007

***** More Osi Speaks news. *****

Just a reminder that we will be endorsing candidates starting EARLY morning this November 1st, with the first being for Auditor. Other offices will be announced at the same time EVERY day with the final office for Governor being announced on EARLY Sunday morning for Governor. It will be fun, surprising and, hopefully, informative.

Also, just another reminder that you can sign up to receive updates of blog postings by entering your email address on the right side of this blog where it says "Subscribe below for updates." I know my FEEDBURNER has been losing links of late and I am working to repair it. That is why you see so much fluctuations with the subscriber count every day (it seems like!) If you are NOT getting your email updates, I apologize GREATLY.

And, finally, I will be adding other Contributors to the site -- AFTER the elections. So keep coming back to see who the new Contributors will be. Since this blog is a CONSERVATIVE blog, it is NOT designed exclusively for one party or the other. So there will be REAL CONSERVATIVE of EVERY political persuasion. Feel FREE to email me, If interested. Thanks, again.

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Hope For France

There is indeed hope for France. President Nicolas Sarkozy is a jewel, and he threw pearls at us today.

In an interview taped roughly a month ago Leslie Stahl asked him a stupid question about his personal life, something that has no relevance to governance especially since he has no history of lying to the world and there is no evidence that his personal behavior may be affecting his ability to do his job, and Sarkozy got up and walked out of the interview.

He said it was a stupid question, which it was, and he was angry at one of his employees for scheduling the interview in the first place because he is "very busy, very busy." He has much better things to do.

I wish more American politicians would tell reporters that they're asking stupid questions.

There may be no stupid questions in elementary school, but there sure are in the adult world.

U. S. Supreme Court to decide Exxon Valdez's punitive damages, and Federal False Claims Act.

The US Supreme Court has granted certiorari in order to resolve the dispute over the $2.5 billion punitive damages to be paid by Exxon Mobil, and its shipping subsidiary, for the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill of 11 million gallons of crude oil in Prince William Sound, Alaska.

The questions for the Court to decide are:

1. May punitive damages be imposed under maritime law against a shipowner (as the Ninth Circuit held, contrary to decisions of the First, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Circuits) for the conduct of a ship's master at sea, absent a finding that the owner directed, countenanced, or participated in that conduct, and even when the conduct was contrary to policies established and enforced by the owner?

2. When Congress has specified the criminal and civil penalties for maritime conduct in a controlling statute, here the Clean Water Act, but has not provided for punitive damages, may judge-made federal maritime law (as the Ninth Circuit held, contrary to decisions of the First, Second, Fifth, and Sixth Circuits) expand the penalties Congress provided by adding a punitive damages remedy?

3. Is this $2.5 billion punitive damages award, which is larger than the total of all punitive damages awards affirmed by all federal appellate courts in our history, within the limits allowed by (1) federal maritime law or (2) if maritime law
could permit such an award, constitutional due process?

Also, the Court has agreed to hear the case of Allison Engine v. United States, (07-214), in order to decide whether the Federal False Claims Act [31 USC 3729 text] is limited to claims of misspent funds submitted to a federal government agency, or whether it also applies to claims submitted to a federal contractor that will ultimately be paid with federal money.

Stay tuned.

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Those darn Robo Calls are b-a-c-k!

Those darn Robo Calls are b-a-c-k, wrecking havoc, once again.

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Words to live by..

"If you think too much about being re-elected, it is very difficult to be worth re-electing."

— Woodrow Wilson


Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll, finds Crit Luallen "with sizable [22%]" lead over her opponent.

The Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll, finds state Auditor, Crit Luallen, "with sizable" lead over her opponent. The spread is such that Crit Luallen is supported by 55% to her opponent's 33%, with 12% of the poll respondents undecided.

Have your say.


The normally conservative Elizabethtown newspaper, The News Enterprise, joins others in endorsing Steve Beshear for Governor.

The normally conservative Elizabethtown newspaper, The News Enterprise, joins others, including the Louisville Courier-Journal, The Lexington Herald-Leader, The Northern Kentucky's Kentucky Post (and its sister paper, the Cincinnati Enquirer), The Ashland Daily Independent, The Henderson Gleaner, and The Danville Advocate-Messenger, in endorsing Steve Beshear for Governor.

Here are excerpts:

For most of this year Ernie Fletcher, the state’s first Republican governor in 32 years, has been running for re-election to a second term campaigning more like a challenger than an incumbent, an outsider trying to win the key to the governor’s mansion in Frankfort.

The incumbent’s job performance is always the issue in an election campaign, but Fletcher has committed considerable energy and resources to convince voters that the real issue in this watershed political confrontation is his opponent, Democrat Steve Beshear, a Lexington lawyer, former state representative and attorney general.

After four years in office, there is plenty the governor could have talked about, possibly to more positive effect. Modernizing the state’s taxation system, for one. The increase in state spending on education, for another; road construction and repair; improvements in Medicaid; the federal-state health-care program for the low-income; and others.

All that, however, has been overshadowed by the indictment of more than two dozen Fletcher administration members accused of providing preference to fellow Republicans in filling protected state jobs. It wasn’t so much the political favoritism that has dogged the administration, but the governor’s handling of the investigation, the misuse of the powers of office and the finger pointing.

Running far behind Beshear largely because of the hiring scandal, his job approval rating low, Fletcher chose the high-risk option of attack. He tried to make expanded gambling the issue. But that will not be a real issue until at least Nov. 8, 2008, and then only if two-thirds of the members of the General Assembly agree to submit a constitutional amendment to a statewide vote to allow casino gambling.

Fletcher tried to make the legal work by Beshear’s former law firm in the liquidation of the bankrupt Kentucky Central Life Insurance Co. an issue. But even retired Jefferson County Circuit Judge Richard Revell, who reviewed the case, called it a "dead issue, meaningless" as a campaign allegation.

The governor is spending the closing days of the campaign working to energize his conservative political base focusing on social issues that are not on next year’s legislative agenda and are beyond the control of a state’s governor.

With nine short days remaining before voters decide who will be their next governor, the issue remains as always: the incumbent’s performance in the office. If the governor’s job approval rating and standing in the polls are any indication, he has been unable to shake the stigma of the political hiring scandal that has dogged his administration.

Both Fletcher and Beshear have records of public service. Both want to enhance economic development to provide more better-paying jobs, improve education at all levels, pay teachers better, relieve the impact of college tuition costs, raise the state’s standing in many competitive categories and provide better, affordable health care to children and seniors. Whoever is elected surely will be challenged by tightening state revenues to try pay for all their campaign promises.

The big difference: Ernie Fletcher is the only candidate who has had 28 staff members indicted by a grand jury of ordinary citizens. He is the only candidate who has used his Fifth Amendment right to refuse to answer the questions of those citizens on the grounds the answers somehow could get him in trouble. He is the only candidate who pardoned indicted and unindicted members of his administration.

Ernie Fletcher is the only one of the two candidates for governor who signed an agreement to free himself of the charges from an investigation he now tells people was a witch hunt. The agreement said "the evidence strongly indicates wrongdoing by his administration with regard to personnel actions within the merit system" and that the investigation "benefited the commonwealth and ensured that abuses of the state’s merit system will be eliminated."

Ernie Fletcher campaigned four years ago promising to clean up the streets of Frankfort. His election was a lifetime opportunity to strengthen the two-party political system in Kentucky. Instead, he has jeopardized not only his place in history, but also the political futures of promising young leaders of his party. He lost the support of his lieutenant governor and was challenged in a divisive primary election.

Gov. Fletcher and his running mate Robbie Rudolph would have to continue to spend considerable energy and resources to escape the dark cloud of political scandal that surely would follow them if they are given another four years in Frankfort. Kentucky cannot afford that; the commonwealth needs leadership to unite Republicans, Democrats and independents to face the serious challenges ahead.

The News-Enterprise editorial board recommends that Steve Beshear and his running mate Daniel Mongiardo are in a better position than Ernie Fletcher and Robbie Rudolph to unite the state to take on those challenges and finish the job of cleaning up Frankfort.

This editorial represents a consensus of The News-Enterprise editorial board.

No newspaper endorsements yet for Ernie Fletcher.

Any thoughts?


So much for Senator Mitch McConnell's supposed vulnerability.

The oft quoted Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll has found some vulnerability for U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell's in his 2008 re-election bid, as the poll says his popularity has continued to slip.

Read Pol Watcher's analysis.

But the rather poignant points NO ONE should miss are these conclusions:

"But he would still defeat any of four potential Democratic challengers if the race ended today."


"On the positive side for McConnell, the poll showed he'd have at least a 5-percentage-point lead over each of four potential Democratic challengers: U.S. Rep. Ben Chandler, state Auditor Crit Luallen, Attorney General Greg Stumbo and former Marine Lt. Col. Andrew Horne -- now a Louisville lawyer. So far, no Democrat has announced to run, although Stumbo has begun raising money to explore whether to get into the race."

So much for vulnerability.

As the fine young man, Billy Piper, McConnell's chief of staff, CORRECTLY observed: it:

"The headline should be that McConnell beats all comers, which is remarkable given the fact that your paper as well as several D.C.-based liberal groups have waged an unrelenting attack on the (GOP Senate) Leader for the past several months."

Enough said, though, as I'll await the SURVEYUSA poll to tell me what I REALLY need to know!


The Courier-Journal, declaring that "it is time to make a change", endorses Steve Beshear for Governor.

The Louisville Courier-Journal, declaring that "it is time to make a change", has announced its endorsement of Steve Beshear for Governor.

Read the endorsement.

Here are excerpts:

Ernie Fletcher swept to the governor's office four years ago on a pledge to "clean up the mess in Frankfort." After 32 years of Democratic rule, culminating in Gov. Paul Patton's sex scandal, voters understandably gave Dr. Fletcher and the Republicans a chance to do better.

They didn't.

Instead of the ethical administration that was promised, Gov. Fletcher's term foundered on the shoals of a systematic and illegal effort to subvert state government's merit system by awarding civil service jobs to political allies.

The results were distressing: a protracted investigation; blanket pardons from Gov. Fletcher that nullified charges against 13 named and 14 unnamed defendants; refusal by Gov. Fletcher, who invoked Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination, to testify before a grand jury; an indictment of the Governor himself; a malodorous deal with Attorney General Greg Stumbo that dropped the case against Gov. Fletcher, and constant claims from the Fletcher camp that he was the victim of a political witch hunt, even though the Governor acknowledged in the settlement that the probe was legitimate.

It is time to make a change.

Fortunately, Kentucky voters have an attractive alternative. Steve Beshear, the Democratic candidate, has a record of accomplishment and integrity as a state representative, attorney general and lieutenant governor. In recent years, he has been a successful attorney in Lexington.

We endorse Mr. Beshear enthusiastically for governor.

Anyone following this campaign through TV ads alone might conclude that it is primarily about casino gambling.

That is not the case. Mr. Beshear offers a comprehensive, creative and energetic platform in areas critical to Kentucky.

In education, for example, rightly an area of special emphasis, Mr. Beshear proposes funding an aggressive expansion of preschool and early childhood education. He advocates attracting and retaining good teachers by making pay competitive with nearby states and offering teachers low-interest home loans. He stresses the need to raise reading and math skills. And he offers an imaginative proposal to offer college tuition loans that can be forgiven if students work in Kentucky after graduation.

And in another vital area, health care, Mr. Beshear promises intensified outreach to families with uninsured children who are eligible for KCHIP or Medicaid, as well as a plan to allow non-qualifying families to buy into KCHIP.

Yes, Mr. Beshear does propose paying for some initiatives through revenue from a limited number of casinos -- an idea Gov. Fletcher opposes. But expanded gambling would require approval of a constitutional amendment by the legislature and the voters, a process that ensures intense scrutiny.

For his part, Gov. Fletcher can point to some solid accomplishments. He put the state's Medicaid program on solid footing, and he launched important medical programs, such as extensive screenings of newborn babies. His tax reform package, though lacking in key areas, did remove 500,000 low-income Kentuckians from the tax roles. And he vigorously promoted tourism and international events for the state.

Moreover, Gov. Fletcher was attentive to the needs and projects of Louisville. The new arena, for instance, would not have happened without his help. It is critical that the next administration recognize the importance of Louisville's success to the prosperity of the state.

At the same time, however, it's fair to ask why Gov. Fletcher even wants the job. In Frankfort, he often removed himself from the action. For example, in the waning days of this year's legislative session, he left town -- an act that would have been unthinkable for most governors. Instead of holing up in the Capitol to try to bring Republicans and Democrats, House members and senators together on big issues, the Governor went out on the campaign trail.

Mr. Beshear, on the other hand, has a record of making tough decisions as attorney general and of leading a sophisticated study as lieutenant governor of Kentucky's challenges and opportunities.

Both in leadership and policy, Mr. Beshear is the better choice. Kentuckians should elect him their next governor.

The Herald-Leader has also endorsed Steve Beshear for Governor. Here are excerpts to the endorsement:

Elect Beshear as governor

Fletcher hasn't earned second term

Steve Beshear

After four years as governor, Ernie Fletcher still fumbles the levers of power.

He hasn't learned how to govern or lead. He can't keep or attract competent people. He is deceived by his own spin and has yet to figure out how to deal with the legislature.

As a result, Kentucky is drifting, making little progress in education, economic development or environmental protection.

Challenger Steve Beshear has the knowledge and experience to be an effective governor, and his priorities are more or less in line with Kentucky's needs.

Voters should elect Beshear Nov. 6 - and not just because of Fletcher's indictments, pardons and taking the Fifth Amendment, though all that should weigh in their decisions.

Fletcher, after all, promised to clean up the mess in Frankfort, then proceeded to create an old-fashioned patronage mess of his own.

Just as telling as the governor's "initiative" to replace Democrats in merit jobs with his political supporters is the way he responded to the investigation.

If the first Republican governor in 30 years had come clean, maybe fired a few people, corrected the abuses and apologized, Attorney General Greg Stumbo could not have prosecuted without genuinely appearing to have waged the political witch hunt of which Fletcher accuses him.

Instead, Fletcher hunkered down, wasted almost $3 million and counting in taxpayer dollars on legal defense, took money from undisclosed donors for his private defense fund and played the victim.

In the process, he rendered himself and his administration ineffective and irrelevant.

Fletcher has had some accomplishments. Most notable are stabilizing Medicaid without throwing people off the rolls and tax reform, including a long overdue cigarette tax increase.

But much of what he claims as accomplishments - increased education spending and teacher pay, and incentives for energy development, for example - really belong to the legislature. They would have happened without Fletcher (and pretty much did happen without him since his office has been curiously disengaged when the General Assembly is in session).

Early on, Fletcher said he has a hard time thinking politically, an odd admission from someone trying to govern Kentucky. But his re-election campaign proves it.

After Beshear won the Democratic nomination by promising a referendum on casino gambling, Fletcher unveiled a long-hidden but deeply-felt conviction against casinos and launched his campaign on that theme. When that fell flat, he attacked Beshear's ethics by dredging up a 14-year-old conflict of interest in which Beshear had a peripheral role.

Now Fletcher is desperately flailing away at illegal immigrants after benignly ignoring their presence for four years.

It's hard to take him seriously.

Beshear, on the other hand, is solid, smart and straightforward, if a bit dry. He understands how government works and how to make government work for people. He is a student of progressive policy from way back. He served well as a legislator, attorney general and lieutenant governor in the 1970s and '80s.

Finishing third in the 1987 Democratic primary for governor interrupted his political ascent. What he's learned in the 20 years since then - in law and banking - will serve him well as governor.

He's run a cautious campaign, which is understandable given his front-runner status. To shine as governor, he'll need to take more risks and show more boldness. He also needs a Plan B in case voters reject casinos and he doesn't get that revenue.

This is the second chance voters have had to re-elect a governor since approving a constitutional amendment in 1992 allowing succession.

Fletcher clearly has not earned a second term. Kentuckians should elect Steve Beshear.

Any thoughts?


Saturday, October 27, 2007

The same new Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll reveals a Jack Conway lead in Attorney General's race, "undecideds" will decide the winner.

The same new Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll that showed a 15 percentage lead for Beshear and revealed a Trey Grayson lead in the Secretary Of State's race, has now found a 52% to 34% for Jack Conway in the Attorney General's race (with 14% STILL undecided).

Read the H-L analysis.

Counting the undecideds and the 4% margin of error, this race is a toss up. Whoever gets a majority of the undecideds wins this race.

Again, I'll wait for the SURVEYUSA poll, so I can compare them, as I find that poll MOST reliable.


An American soldier in Iraq proclaims: "I Don't Think This Place Is Worth Another Soldier's Life" ...

... (read about it here) while conveniently forgetting what we already know that "war is HELL", soldier!

Maybe this Soldier thought that he was going to a PICNIC when he signed up to go to war in Iraq!

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Kentucky Post's voters guide is a great resource.

Kentucky Post's voters guide is a great resource. Check it out here. Here are excerpts:

A voters guide

Here's where the candidates stand on the issues
By Dan Hassert
Post staff reporter


Ernie Fletcher, the Republican incumbent, is a 54-year-old doctor and former Air Force pilot who hails from Lexington. Prior to being elected governor in 2003, he served as a state representative and a U.S. Congressman. His running mate is Robbie Rudolph, secretary of Fletcher's executive cabinet and a businessman from Western Kentucky. His Web site is

Steve Beshear, the Democrat challenger, is a 63-year-old lawyer from Lexington. He is a former state representative, attorney general and lieutenant governor under Gov. Martha Layne Collins. His running mate is state Sen. Daniel Mongiardo, a doctor from Eastern Kentucky. His Web site is

Casino gambling. Kentucky Central. The hiring scandal.

The hiring scandal. Casino gambling. Kentucky Central.

Kentucky Central. The hiring scandal. Casino gambling.

Through a dozen campaign ads, a couple of dozen joint appearances, hundreds of newspaper articles and thousands of blog posts, those three topics, in one order or another, have dominated 90 percent of the rhetoric in the 2007 Kentucky governor's race.

But there's a lot more to the candidacies of Republican incumbent Ernie Fletcher and Democratic challenger Steve Beshear.

For example, Fletcher wants to create a simpler Web-based testing program to track students' scores, to boost enrollment at Kentucky's medical schools, to give more money to Meals on Wheels and to expand a state health insurance program to businesses with up to 50 employees.

Beshear wants to create report cards for nursing homes, set up a cabinet-level energy adviser position, forgive student loans for college graduates who stay in state and create a Parent Involvement Pledge to ensure schoolchildren get support at home.

But chances are, with all the fury over who wants to do what with gaming and who does or doesn't have ethics scandals in their background, voters haven't heard much about the candidates' plans for health care, education or the economy.

The candidates blame each other, of course.

Fletcher's campaign says Democrats have exaggerated to would-be voters the significance of an investigation that ended last year into whether the administration violated rules on hiring.

Beshear's campaign says Fletcher has successfully kept the discussion off the policy documents the former lieutenant governor has been rolling out since the summer.

"Ernie's wedge issues often end up getting more ink and television time than the major issues that Beshear and Kentuckians want to discuss," charged Vicki Glass, spokeswoman for Beshear.

But to cut through all the inflammatory rhetoric and sound bites and to try to fathom what the next governor of the state plans to do over the next four years, The Post has compiled a head-to-head comparison of the candidates' positions on major and some minor policy issues. To do this, we interviewed the candidates, attended debates and perused hundreds of pages of policy positions, press releases, e-mails and news articles.

In some ways, the candidates' plans are similar. But differences abound:


College tuition:

Beshear would create Kentucky First Scholarships, a program that would forgive one year of a student loan for each year worked in Kentucky after graduation. He would also create more programs that blend high school and college classes so students can earn college credits early.

Fletcher would pursue his Kentucky Covenant plan, a needs-based scholarship plan that encourages students at an early age to attend college and helps them find funding. He would also continue to support tuition tax credits for families with children in Kentucky higher education institutions, and work to include adult and part-time students. But Fletcher said he wants to evaluate the KEES scholarship program to standardize GPA measurements and make the awards more consistent school to school.


Beshear said the Bucks for Brains program, which matches public dollars with private donations to fund research programs and faculty, needs to be funded better. Fletcher said the current system of allocating funding for higher education doesn't hold public institutions accountable for things such as student retention and graduation rates.

University bonds:

Beshear believes universities should be able to issue revenue bonds to pay for projects that generate revenue, such as dormitories and parking garages, provided the state provides oversight. Fletcher thinks the governor's office should retain control over that decision to protect the state's bond rating.


Teacher pay:

Fletcher said increasing teacher pay is a top priority. He also supports rewards for teachers who do extra work and tuition reimbursements for teachers who go into areas of critical need. Beshear said he too wants to raise salaries, but he would not favor different pay scales for different subject areas.

SEEK formula:

Both candidates said they were sensitive to the financial plight of high-growth school districts, particularly ones like some in Northern Kentucky whose wealthier property values caused them to lose out on state funding. Both said they would be willing to look at the revenue-sharing formula, called SEEK, but would be leery of doing anything to hurt poorer districts. Fletcher has suggested a separate mechanism that addressed the facility needs of growth districts.

Early childhood:

Beshear's plan calls for expanding pre-kindergarten programs to every 3- and 4-year-old and creating a committee that would coordinate work of early childhood care providers and educators to build consistency and reduce duplication. Fletcher, whose administration has expanded pre-school funding, said he would like to work toward fully funded all-day kindergarten and pre-school programs but would need to build new classrooms and hire more teachers to do so. He said his administration is working on addressing early childhood development before pre-school.

Elementary/secondary schools:

Beshear's plan calls for more focus on classroom safety and discipline, redesigning high schools to expand use of advanced placement courses, smaller class sizes and classrooms and more use of technology for distance learning. He also would create a Parent Involvement Pledge and put extra focus on science and math by creating Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Academies for middle and high school students.

Fletcher would continue to push his Read to Achieve program, put additional resources and focus into raising math and science scores, continue to invest in technology, and create a simpler, less time-consuming Web-based testing program to track students' scores.


Health care coverage:

Beshear would focus on expanding health care coverage to all Kentuckians, especially children, by increasing outreach efforts for children eligible but not enrolled in Medicaid or the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program. He would allow moderate-income families to buy into KCHIP at partial or full prices; help small businesses afford insurance and let young adults stay on their parents' health plans until age 25.

Fletcher's plan would allow businesses with up to 50 employees (instead of 25) to seek help in paying for health insurance premiums under the state's new ICARE plan; would have KCHIP pay into private health insurance plans offered by small businesses to cover dependents of employee; and would offer tax credits to businesses with employee wellness programs.

Health care costs:

Fletcher would continue to target obesity, heart disease and diabetes complications through his Get Healthy Kentucky campaign; continue to modernize the Medicaid system; and increase the use of health information technology and e-prescribing.

Beshear would push for further implementation of electronic technology for records; form an Academy for Health Care Improvement and Cost Reduction to focus on preventing medical errors and reducing costs; invest in preventive care, such as the Patient Navigator Program in place at St. Elizabeth Medical Centers; control pharmaceutical spending; and crack down on Medicaid fraud and abuse.

Smoking ban:

Neither candidate supports a statewide ban on cigarette smoking in public places, leaving that decision to local communities.

Medical malpractice liability:

A strong supporter of caps on malpractice awards, Fletcher supports a constitutional amendment that would allow the General Assembly to change state statutes to allow medical liability reform. But he's willing to compromise and rely on independent boards to weed out frivolous lawsuits. Beshear opposes caps but would support other ways to reduce lawsuits, such as a Medical Error Disclosure Act to restore trust among patients.

Physician recruitment:

Fletcher would work to bring more doctors to the state by focusing on preventing medical malpractice suits, increasing the amount of Medicaid reimbursements and expanding slots at state medical schools. Beshear would assess the need for a student loan forgiveness program for medical providers working in certain specialties or geographic areas, and would adjust Medicaid reimbursements in some areas, like dentistry.

Senior citizens:

Both candidates have detailed plans on aging issues.

Fletcher created the Department of Aging and Independent Living in November 2006 to coordinate agencies, programs and information related to aging. Among those are programs to help pay for prescription drugs, to support grandparent caregivers and to prevent elder abuse. He has proposed adding $15 million for Meals on Wheels, adult day care and other programs; creating incentives for the purchase of long-term care coverage; creating caregiver tax credits for families who provide in-home care for elderly relatives; and continuing a study by the University of Kentucky on the state's readiness for a booming elderly population.

Beshear's "Putting Kentucky Senior Citizens First" plan includes funding the Pharmaceutical Assistance Program passed by the legislature in 2005 to cover a gap in the Medicare Part D benefit. He would also launch a campaign to ensure prescription drug safety that would include education for senior citizens as well as pushing electronic prescribing to reduce errors. He pledges to create a Nursing Home Report Card that can be accessed by the public and to push for stronger laws to prevent abuse, exploitation and neglect, as well as target financial predators.



Beshear vows to push the General Assembly to let voters decide on a constitutional amendment that would allow expanded gambling, whether at established horse tracks or stand-alone casinos. He said taxes on gambling could produce $500 million in state revenue. Fletcher said he would fight the effort at every turn, saying gambling is unreliable as a revenue source and would bring social problems.

Tax pledge:

Fletcher has signed a national special interest group's promise that he will not raise taxes under any circumstances. Beshear has not signed it and said he will not, saying it hamstrings him as a leader.

Cigarette taxes:

Neither candidate would support an increase in the state's cigarette tax.

Local sales tax:

Both candidates oppose giving local communities the power to add local sales taxes.

Budget efficiency:

Beshear would implement a top-to-bottom efficiency study of state government that could save $160 million to $180 million. Fletcher would continue efforts to target Medicaid fraud, to limit change orders on transportation projects and to trim the number of full-time employees.

Public retiree benefits:

Both candidates say the estimated $18.8 billion unfunded liability facing the benefits programs for state, county, city and public education retirees is one of the biggest problems facing the state. Neither candidate has a detailed plan for how to address the crisis, however.

Both Fletcher and Beshear said they want to see the recommendations of a panel Fletcher set up to look at the situation. It's to report back by Dec. 1. Fletcher said he supports selling bonds to give the programs an influx of cash, while Beshear has said the state might have to reduce benefits for future employees.



Fletcher often stresses his opposition to abortion and says government should outlaw it. Beshear says he believes abortion is always "a tragedy" but he thinks the decision should be made by families.

Intelligent design:

Fletcher has said schools should have the freedom to teach this alternative to evolution. Beshear disagrees, saying schools should teach science and families and churches should teach religion.

Domestic partner benefits:

Fletcher said universities should not offer these, saying taxpayers shouldn't be paying for "insurance for gay couples." Beshear said universities should have the autonomy to design their own health care and benefits packages because they're competing for faculty and staff with national schools.


Both candidates say they own at least one gun and are strong supporters of in the Second Amendment right to own firearms. The National Rifle Association has endorsed Fletcher, giving him an A+ rating, but it also has given Beshear an A rating.


Brent Spence Bridge:

Both candidates say they'd be committed to building the Brent Spence Bridge replacement, as well as Louisville's two bridges. But neither has a firm plan for paying the state's significant portion of those bridges' costs. Both say they oppose raising the gasoline tax for that purpose, and neither supports using tolls for the Brent Spence. Beshear said the problem will require public-private partnerships and other creative solutions, while Fletcher said he wants to analyze a legislative proposal that suggests local authorities and to continue cost-saving measures in the Transportation Cabinet.

Formula of the Fifths:

Neither candidate is willing to adjust the formula that distributes gas tax revenue to communities for roads even though they agree it favors rural areas.


Right to Work

Fletcher supports passing so-called Right-to-Work laws, a designation that hurts unions' abilities to collect dues and recruit members, saying the current situation hurts Kentucky's ability to recruit businesses. Beshear opposes Right-to-Work laws, saying they suppress wages.

Prevailing wages:

Fletcher wants to eliminate prevailing wage laws, which set minimum wages on public projects. Beshear wants to keep them.


Beshear said he would attract new jobs with a program that would provide incentives for businesses with high-growth potential in high-wage jobs, that would improve confidence in government with ethics reform, that would modernize Kentucky's workforce development and training system and that would improve health care coverage for workers. Fletcher would make Kentucky more attractive to businesses by improving its education and health care system, and would work to bring high-tech and alternative energy jobs to Appalachia.


Pardon powers:

Beshear supports a constitutional amendment to limit the power of a governor to pardon a criminal only after he or she is convicted. Fletcher said the power to pardon should be retained as is but used sparingly.


Fletcher says Kentucky should protect information related to tax incentives and companies' related performance goals, saying to reveal that would hurt recruitment. But Beshear said more public analysis is needed to make sure companies live up to their end of the deals.


Both candidates say "scandals" in their opponents' past make them unfit to be governor.

So who do you believe or support?

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Bob Kerrey opts out of Nebraska Senate race, Republican prospects improve with Mike Johanns or Jon Bruning.

Now that former Governor and U. s. Senator, Bob "Nebraska's darling son" Kerrey, has opted out of running for Chuck Hagel's Senate seat, (listen to why he decided against running) the prospects have GREATLY improved for Republicans to retain the seat with a Republican nominee of either former Mayor, Governor and Bush's Agricultural Secretary, Mike Johanns, or current Nebraska Attorney General, Jon Bruning.

Good news for Republicans, but stay tuned, as I suspect Bob Kerrey may run for Senate in New York state instead.

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Friday, October 26, 2007

The same new Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll reveals a Trey Grayson lead in SOS race.

The same new Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll reveals a Trey Grayson lead (45% to Democrat Bruce Hendrickson's 38%, with 16 percent STILL undecided) in the Secretary Of State race. Read the poll results here and the H-L analysis.

In another related poll of the Governor's race, most give the nod of integrity and honesty to Steve Beshear over Ernie Fletcher, and the poll shows that most trust Beshear to keep a pledge to "clean up the mess" in Frankfort.

Though I believe this poll to be LEGITIMATE and ACCURATE, I will wait for the SURVEYUSA poll to come out because I believe it MOST legitimate and accurate of ALL the polls!


Person for the week: Bobby Jindal.

Our Person of the week is the newly elected Republican Governor of Louisiana, U. S. Representative, Bobby Jindal, (pictured with his wife above) that state's FIRST non-white governor since the Reconstruction and the nation's youngest-ever governor, who stated that "[o]ur people don't want to be amused by our politics anymore." -- a CLEAR signal being sent to Louisiana North (Kentucky) that the "political corruption torch" will be passed to it unless things change here also and Kentucky follows Bobby Jindal's stated example.

CONGRATULATIONS are in order, Governor Jindal.


Quote(s) for the week.

1) "Our people don't want to be amused by our politics anymore."
- BOBBY JINDAL, who will take office in January as Louisiana's first non-white governor since the Reconstruction and the nation's youngest-ever governor, on attempting to pass the political "corruption torch" to Kentucky.

2) "Dumbledore is gay."
- Author J.K. ROWLING, outing one of her Harry Potter characters. Facing criticism, J. K. also said "He is my character. He is what he is and I have the right to say what I say about him."

3) "This is not a dream, OK? You're not going to wake up from this."
- Comedian STEPHEN COLBERT, on entering the presidential primary in his home state of South Carolina, adding that he doesn't really want to be President, he just wants to run.

4) "Our country, and the entire international community, cannot stand by as a terror-supporting state fulfills its grandest ambitions."
- DICK CHENEY, US Vice President, in an "OH NO, not again" moment, while declaring that Iran will not be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon.

5) "The bottom line is that the State can't account for where it went."
- GLENN D. FURBISH, an auditor with the Government Accountability Office, after the U.S. State Department failed to account for $1.2 billion given to DynCorp International to train Iraqi police.

6) "September 11 was terrible, but if one goes back over the history of the IRA, what happened to the Americans wasn't that terrible."
- DORIS LESSING, Nobel Prize in literature winner, comparing the 9/11 attacks to those by the Irish Republican Army in Britain.

7) "It looked like the end of the world."
- MITCH MENDLER, a San Diego firefighter, on the Southern California fires that have forced the evacuation of 250,000 people.

8) "The Muslim world is waiting for you to gather under one banner."
- A new audiotape purportedly by OSAMA BIN LADEN, calling for Iraq's feuding militant factions to unite against U.S. troops.

9) "The detention of Aung San Suu Kyi is the most visible manifestation of the regime's brutality but it is only the tip of the iceberg."
- Six female Nobel Peace laureates, in a letter they signed asking the U.N. to push the Burmese junta to release the pro-democracy leader.

10) "If we have the ability to send a satellite to the moon, why is it so difficult to send all corrupt officials to prison?"
- WU MINGFA, a farmer from Xichang, China, asking a question about China that we should be asking about America, on the nation's first lunar satellite, which launched Wednesday from Wu's hometown.

11) "We have lost, I think, and success is now unlikely."
- PADDY ASHDOWN, former U.N. envoy, on NATO's military campaign against Islamic militants in Afghanistan, adding that the implications for losing in Afghanistan were worse than losing in Iraq.

12) "Hillary and I have few things in common: we've both been senators, lawyers, and wives of Presidents, but not much else."
- CRISTINA FERNANDEZ de KIRCHNER, who is expected to succeed her husband as Argentina's President.

13) "The policies of Iran constitute perhaps the single greatest challenge for American security interests in the Middle East."

14) "When I see someone on television, when they say, 'This is a suspect,' I have a difficult time believing that that actually is a suspect."
- WILLIE "PETE" WILLIAMS, who is now free after serving nearly 22 years behind bars for a rape he never committed.

15) "We care if our food has butter or margarine on it. We really should be much more careful about the medications we put in our mouths."
- HEDY COHEN, a spokeswoman for the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, after an increase in fatal pharmacy errors.

16) "I would really like to know specifically what those teeth might be."
- Congressman TOM TANCREDO, criticizing Condoleezza Rice, who said she was using the "teeth of diplomacy" to deal with North Korea.

17 "Closer now to 80 than 79, the passing on of my remaining vestiges of leadership is more than overdue."
- DNA Pioneer JAMES D. WATSON, on his decision to retire (REALLY he CRAWLED back into his cave) after setting off a furor last week over comments questioning the intelligence of blacks.

18) "Al-Jazeera directors have shamefully chosen to back the Crusaders' side, and the defenders of hypocrites and the thugs and traitors of Iraq."
- Statement from the Al-Fajr Media Center, accusing the Middle East television network of misrepresenting Osama bin Laden's latest audiotape by airing excerpts in which he admits to mistakes by the insurgents in Iraq.

19) "Fletcher’s message is resonating, but only with his base. ... He hasn’t been able to expand his coalition beyond his base and that’s why he’s going to lose."
- Michael Baranowski, a political scientist at Northern Kentucky University.

20) "There’s two weeks left here and the governor is campaigning hard throughout the state. ... We still have time to communicate the message."
- Jason Keller, Spokesperson for the campaign of Kentucky Governor, Ernie Fletcher.


Following the House, which extended internet tax free law to four years, Senate passes its version to extend law to seven years.

Following the U. S. House, which extended internet tax free law to four years, the Senate, under the leadership of our Senator Mitch McConnell (who ADMIRABLY campaigned for the law to be made permanent), has now passed its own version to extend the law for seven years.

Both the House and the Senate will have to compromise (yes you heard me, COMPROMISE) on a final version that President Bush is expected to sign into law.

We applaud the Senator's GALLANT efforts in this regard.

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U. S. House dares President Bush and passes SCHIP he already vetoed. Why can't they "act their ages and NOT their shoe sizes" in Washington?

The U. S. House of Representatives has dared President Bush once again and passed a non veto proof SCHIP he already vetoed.

The President has promised to veto the bill once again.

It seems to me that Democrats, rather than daring Bush on SCHIP, need to be trying to compromise with Republicans to pass a MUTUALLY acceptable plan to take care of our children.

Why can't they ALL "act their ages and NOT their shoe sizes" in Washington?

But then again, we are talking about Washington!

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*** Fletcher's campaign message is NOT resonating outside of his base of support! ***

According to the new Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll previously reported on here, Fletcher's campaign messages are falling on deaf ears outside of his base of support.

Here, excerpted, is John Stamper's report on it:

The list of failed campaign messages is long:

* Fletcher says Democratic challenger Steve Beshear’s values don’t match those of most Kentuckians. According to the telephone survey of 600 likely voters, 44 percent disagree, while 42 percent agree with the governor.

"Man does that say it all," said Del Ali, president of the Olney, Md.-based firm Research 2000 that conducted the poll. "That’s something Fletcher should be up 20 or 25 points on" if he expects to win.

* Fletcher says Beshear acted unethically as a lawyer trying to salvage Kentucky Central Life Insurance Co. Only 38 percent of those surveyed agree, while 47 percent disagree.

Arguments about ethics are "just not credible" coming from Fletcher, who was damaged politically by an investigation of state hiring practices, said Richard Fording, an associate professor of political science at the University of Kentucky.

* Fletcher says he deserves another four years in office based on his accomplishments as governor. But 59 percent of those surveyed disapprove of the governor’s job performance, compared to 38 percent who approve.

"The vast majority of Kentuckians are ready for a change," Beshear said in response to Fletcher’s approval rating.

* Fletcher says he pardoned his administration during an investigation of state hiring practices to spare them from a Democratic "witch hunt." According to the poll, 56 percent believe Fletcher’s pardons were unethical, while 36 percent side with Fletcher.

Fletcher’s campaign spokesman, Jason Keller, blamed those numbers on ads from an outside Democratic group that he said only tell half of the hiring investigation story.

The ads, run by a group called Bluegrass Freedom Fund, highlight the fact that a grand jury indicted Fletcher and several key aides and that Fletcher invoked his Fifth Amendment protection against self incrimination when he appeared before a grand jury.

The ads do not note that the charges against Fletcher were dismissed in an agreement the governor signed with Attorney General Greg Stumbo or that the Executive Branch Ethics Commission dropped its investigation of Fletcher, citing a lack of evidence.

"The key part of that story is conveniently left out," Keller said.

The only bright spot for Fletcher in the poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points, is that a slim plurality of voters agree with Fletcher’s anti-casino stance.

Forty percent of those surveyed agree that casinos will bring more social ills, while 33 percent agree with Beshear that casinos will create needed tax dollars for education and health care.

However, that stance has apparently moved very few voters to Fletcher, given that an overwhelming majority disagree with Fletcher on whether they should get to vote on the issue.

In a Herald-Leader/Action News 36 poll conducted last month, 82 percent of likely voters said they want to vote on the issue.

"Fletcher’s message is resonating, but only with his base," said Michael Baranowski, a political scientist at Northern Kentucky University. "He hasn’t been able to expand his coalition beyond his base and that’s why he’s going to lose."

Exemplifying Baranowski’s analysis is the fact that 73 percent of Republicans surveyed agree that Beshear acted unethically in the Kentucky Central case, while only 9 percent of Democrats and 36 percent of Independents agreed.

Further, after watching two weeks of commercials that criticized Beshear’s role in the liquidation of Kentucky Central, the governor managed to sway to his camp only 3 percent of Democrats, 4 percent of Republicans and 5 percent of Independents.

Keller concedes that the governor’s message hasn’t gotten through to as many voters as hoped, but he remains optimistic that will change before Nov. 6.

"There’s two weeks left here and the governor is campaigning hard throughout the state," Keller said. "We still have time to communicate the message."

Political observers are more than a little skeptical. "He’s thrown the kitchen sink at Beshear and it didn’t stick," Ali said.

My view? You can blame or praise (depending on where you stand) the 527, Bluegrass Freedom Fund, for their VERY EFFECTIVE ads assault -- more like a German "Blitzkrieg" -- on Fletcher, particularly this DEVASTATING one:

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Georgia Supreme Court ORDERS a young Black Teenager, Gernalow Wilson, released from prison because his sentence is "CRUEL and UNUSUAL"! ...

... (read the Court's opinion), but regardless of any morality involved in the facts of the case, my question is: Would this Teenager's sentence of 10 years for having consensual sex with another Teenager have been imposed, if he wasn't Black?

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

I appreciate your respect, Marcus, but I MUST speak the truth as I see it. My blog respects NO man or party.

I appreciate your respect, Marcus, but I MUST speak the truth as I see it. blog respects NO man or party; it is NEITHER a mouthpiece to bash anyone (or party) or to praise anyone (or party) NEEDLESSLY.

As for your accusation about my tone towards Fletcher, NO such thing exists, unless one sees it because they are already biased in Fletcher's favor. I try NOT to blindly follow someone who is leading me (like a goat) off a cliff.

Though many people expect me to side with Fletcher no matter how WRONG he is, and to help bear false witness against Beshear, no matter how right he is -- and vice versa, I DECLINE their invitation. My parents did NOT raise a fool, NOR did they raise one who reads the Bible but won't live it! (I'm not referring to you, of course).

As for the polls, ALL of them conducted by legitimate sources CONSISTENTLY show Beshear leading Fletcher by a wide margin. Then comes this one, commissioned NOT by an independent source, but by a person who worked for Fletcher (until recently, and probably STILL is on his payroll) trying to convince us that his poll should be taken seriously.

I'm NOT that dumb.

I am here to tell you that I consider the Herald-Leader's poll more legitimate than that poll, and the SURVEYUSA poll even more accurate.

That's my opinion, and mine ONLY. NO one has to accept it. Anyone is welcome to form their own opinions on that issue.

Please extend my love to your family, and you can reply to me PRIVATELY (if you do not mind) rather than through a blog post!!

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Osi, I am in your house and must show you respect. But I disagree.

As you know I am a champion of your life story and your dedication to liberty. Though we were born in different places, raised by different fathers and shaped by different experiences, my passion for truth, justice and liberty is in harmony with you.

You have invited me into your house as a contributor to this project. I certainly mean no disrespect. But when you said that you read the Herald-Leader poll as the "legitimate one" I felt compelled to speak out.

I have not polled all registered voters. They have not either.

I have not determined who will in fact vote on November 6th. They have not either.

I cannot tell you how those registered voters who will vote on November 6th will vote. They cannot either.

It is one thing to have doubts, it is another thing to have faith.

I have sensed your opposition to Governor Fletcher by the tone and tact of some of your postings. I would appreciate hearing your thoughtful, and respectful reasons for your position.

Though I have more than blog space allows, I thank you for allowing me to have this space to put forth some of the reasons why I support Governor Fletcher. For now, for you and any of your readers who would like to read some of my reasons I encourage you to go to my blog

My best to you and your family.

So much for that other poll that shows a tie.

So much for that other poll that shows a tie. This legitimate one shows a 15 percentage point spread between Fletcher and Beshear.

Though this Herald-Leader commissioned poll somewhat confirms the SURVEYUSA's poll, which found a 20 percentage point spread reported here earlier, I prefer to watch that poll instead of any other.

For what it's worth, read the analysis.


Another of Stumbo's assistants has run-in with the law, second in a week.

Read it here. First DUI, then STALKING, what next?


New H-L/WTVQ 36 Poll Shows Beshear Up By 15 Points!

New H--L/Action 36 Poll Shows Beshear Up By 15 Points!

Excerpt from Pol Watchers/Lexington Herald-Leader:

Fletcher still trails Beshear by 15 points, as compared to a 17-point deficit in September.

If the election were held today, Beshear, a former lieutenant governor and attorney general, would receive 55 percent of the vote compared to 40 percent for Fletcher, according to the Herald-Leader/Action News 36 Election Poll.

Five percent of the 600 likely voters surveyed said they’re still undecided with less than two weeks until the Nov. 6 election.

The figures moved only slightly from the Herald-Leader/Action News 36 survey six weeks ago, which showed Beshear leading Fletcher 56 to 39 percent with five percent undecided.

This latest telephone survey was conducted between Oct. 22 and Oct. 24 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.

Comment: Looks like the Governor will have plenty of time for "noodling" and turkey hunting!

James Watson discovers he has IDIOT DNA and CRAWLS back in his hole.

Read it here.

I say: Good riddance to the likes of him, including his mentor, Adolph Hitler. He can CRAWL back into the hole from where he emerged, as far as I am concerned.

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Watch an "American Nightmare" tonight on CNN, at 8 P. M. Eastern Time. You won't want to miss it!

Could CRIMINALS be running the Fayette County, Kentucky, Detention Center? ...

... It's starting to SMELL like it!

David Adams has followed the story for a while. Check him out.

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On the national scene: Witness Political Pinatas, from the debates so far.

On the national scene, witness Political Pinatas, from the debates so far.

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Another day another state official gets busted for DUI. Last time it was Fletcher's guy; this time it's Greg Stumbo's assistant.

Read it here.

This guys just don't get it: You drink, you catch a cab. What is hard about that?

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The "DREAM Act" becomes a "NIGHTMARE" for supporters of illegal immigration, as they smell defeat -- once AGAIN.

The "DREAM ACT" was NOT such a DREAM after all for its backers as WISE opponents in the U. S. Senate, led by our very own Senator (and Minority Leader) Mitch McConnell, deals it a WELL DESERVED "death blow".

Thanks to ALL the Senators who voted for SANITY, and "forget yous" for all others.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fletcher's "victory tour" bus tour for Thursday.

7:30 a.m. ET
Breakfast at the Republic Bank Building
9600 Brownsboro Rd.
Lebanon Junction
9:15 a.m. ET
Publishers Printing Facility
13487 S. Preston Hwy
11:00 a.m. ET
Meade County Rally
Lot adjacent to 584 Bypass Rd.
1:30 p.m. ET
Meet and Greet at Dexter’s Restaurant
1018 Old Highway 60
2:30 p.m. CT
Visit to Grayson County Republican Party Headquarters
6:45 p.m. CT
Rally at River Park Center
101 Daviess St.

If you attend, let us know how it went.


Kentucky's version of "The Village People"'s "Macho, Macho man"!

"Macho, Macho Man ... how to be a Macho Man"!


Finding NO "close call at all", Northern Kentucky's newspaper, Kentucky Post, endorses Crit Luallen for Auditor.

Finding NO "close call at all", Northern Kentucky's newspaper, Kentucky Post, endorses Crit Luallen for Auditor.


Campaign ad wars hit the airwaves.

It appears that the campaign ad wars are hitting the airwaves. Listen to Fletcher's here, here, here, and here.

Meanwhile, Labor groups start ads critical of Fletcher. Listen here, here and here.

No word YET from Steve Beshear on radio ads, but they are coming, I'm sure, and we will update the post as the ads appear. Stay tuned.


*** The legalization of illegality: "Bone-headed" ideas out of Lexington, Kentucky! ***

If you live in Lexington, Kentucky, you have to wonder what kind of people your Mayor puts on his Commission on Immigration who came up with this "bone-headed" idea!

It is as if the Commission does NOT understand that illegal immigrants are law breakers who deserve to be punished for breaking our (immigration) laws. The Commission's recommendations, amongst them is the IRRESPONSIBLE (and probably unconstitutional) plan to issue illegal immigrants driver's licenses and IDs, has touched off a firestorm of sorts -- and RIGHTLY so.

This firestorm included politicians, who could NOT pass up a chance to jump on the bandwagon and score political points, though some of them previously IGNORED the issue.

In fact in 2002 while a Congressman, Fletcher voted for AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, see his rating!! Now he assumes position on the other side of the issue in order to ride it for what's it's worth!!!

Speaking of politics while ignoring some politicians, Lexingtonians should keep those who voted for the implementation of these measures in mind come election time.

What is next, a plan to make illegal immigrants legal, by rewarding their illegal behavior with all rights and privileges reserved for citizens?

My goodness -- what is our country becoming -- a land of the free and LAWLESS?

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

** A NEW and IMMINENT scandal brewing? **

One has to wonder if this is not shaping up to be a NEW and IMMINENT scandal brewing in the political pot.

The PUNGENT smell of political corruption NEVER ceases, does it?

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***** SURVEYUSA poll: Beshear leads Fletcher by 20 percentage points! *****

The new SurveyUSA poll shows Steve Beshear leading Fletcher by 20 percentage points, or Beshear's 58% to Fletcher's 38%, with a few days to go before the election.

As Caleb Brown said today, in his piece about gambling, "Barring an as-yet-unrevealed skeleton in the closet, it seems clear that attorney Steve Beshear will be serving in the Kentucky governor's mansion by the end of the year."

Though the results of the poll have not being made public yet, Mark Hebert of WHAS11, has the inside scoop and here's what he's reporting:











Update: Here is the SURVEYUSA poll.


Is SCHIP a "costly" and "irresponsible" program? Congressman, Ed Whitfield, thinks so. What do you think?

Read it here and tell us what you think.

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Dan Mongiardo heaps praises on Lt. Governor Steve Pence, rules out senate race against Mitch McConnell, but not against Jim Bunning.

In their televised debate last night, Lt. Governor candidate, State Senator Dan Mangiardo, heaped praises on current Lt. Governor, Steve Pence, observing that "Steve Pence has, I believe, done a very admirable job," and that "He's a man that brings the type of characteristics we want in our leaders," including being "... very bipartisan in his approach as shown by his standing up against his governor when his governor went off in the wrong direction."

Mongiardo also announced that he would resign, rather than stick with Steve Beshear, should he as Governor do what Fletcher has done, that, amongst other things gave birth to the merit system hiring mess.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

ZOGBY poll spells TROUBLE for Hillary Clinton, as half of America say they'll NEVER vote for her!

Of all the talk you hear about Hillary Clinton's coronation as the Democratic presidential nominee, none should remind one of the "Howard Dean effect" -- no not the AWFUL Y-E-A-H SCREAM that helped doom his campaign, but his peaking too early.

You see, according to the ZOGBY poll, it appears that Hillary Clinton may lead, but half of America say they'll NEVER follow by voting for her!

How did the other candidates fare? Well, look below for excerpts:

Whom would you NEVER vote for for President of the U.S.?

Clinton (D)


Kucinich (D)


Gravel (D)


Paul (R)


Brownback (R)


Tancredo (R)


McCain (R)


Hunter (R)


Giuliani (R)


Romney (R)


Edwards (D)


Thompson (R)


Dodd (D)


Biden (D)


Obama (D)


Huckabee (R)


Richardson (D)


Not sure


At the other end of the scale, Republican Mike Huckabee and Democrats Bill Richardson and Barack Obama faired best, as they were least objectionable to likely voters. Richardson was forever objectionable as President to 34%, while 35% said they could never vote for Huckabee and 37% said they would never cast a presidential ballot for Obama, the survey showed.

The Zogby Interactive poll, conducted Oct. 11–15, 2007, included 9,718 likely voters nationwide and carries a margin of error of +/– 1.0 percentage point.

In a Zogby International telephone survey conducted in March, 46% said they would never vote for Clinton. In that survey, she finished in second place, behind Republican Newt Gingrich, a divisive figure who has since announced he would not seek the presidency and was not included in this new online survey. In that earlier poll, 54% said they would never vote for Gingrich. This recent survey included only the 17 candidates who were at that time running for President in one of the major parties. Former Vice President Al Gore, who like Gingrich was also included in the earlier Zogby survey of who would never win voters’ support for the White House, was excluded from this latest survey because of his insistence that he has no interest in a run for the presidency.

Interest in a Gore candidacy has been rekindled after he recently won the Nobel Prize for peace in connection with his work on the issue of global climate change.

Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback, who announced Friday he would end his campaign, was included in the poll. He might have sensed the nationwide opposition to his campaign, as 47% said they would never vote for him for President. The survey showed he was tied as the third most objectionable candidate, behind Clinton and Congressman Dennis Kucinich (49%). Tied with Brownback was Democrat Michael Gravel, a former Alaska senator, and GOP Congressman Ron Paul.

Opposition to Clinton among Democratic and Republican women revealed mirror opposite attitudes, the Zogby Interactive survey showed. While 83% of Republican women said they would never vote for her, just 17% said they could possibly cast a ballot for her. Among Democratic women, just 17% said they would never vote for Hillary, while 83% said they could.

Democratic women appear smitten by former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina and Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois – just 11% said they could never vote for them for President. Republican women, on the other hand, find former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney most attractive – just 14% said they would never vote for him. Tied for a close second was former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who were found to be objectionable by just 15% of Republican women.

Interesting, isn't it?

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C-J candidate's profile on Steve Beshear: "Work for state marked by aggressive approach."

You can read the Courier Journal's candidate's profile on Steve Beshear. Here it is:

It was a case that shocked the state and prompted demands for change.

In 1984, a lawsuit revealed a 9-year-old disabled boy known publicly as "Eugene D." had been discovered in a Louisville foster home, abused and severely malnourished, weighing 17 pounds.

Gov. Martha Layne Collins quickly appointed a commission to investigate and put Lt. Gov. Steve Beshear in charge. It produced a report that brought significant reforms to the state's child-welfare system, said David Richart, a youth advocate who served on the commission and credits Beshear as the force that drove the committee to produce a strong report.

"We met in the basement of the lieutenant governor's mansion and literally hammered out the final report," Richart said.

Today, Beshear, 63, is the Democratic candidate for governor. Although he hasn't held an elective office since his term as lieutenant governor ended in 1987, the former state representative and attorney general was aggressive, engaged and hard-working, say some familiar with his career.

"I've known him long enough to respect his work ethic and his abilities," said former state Rep. Steve Nunn, a Glasgow Republican who has endorsed Beshear.

Lt. Gov. Steve Pence, a Republican from Louisville, also speaks highly of Beshear, who gave Pence his first job as a lawyer in the attorney general's office.

"Morale was very high; everybody liked their jobs. It was a great experience for me," said Pence, who is not seeking another term after some highly publicized disagreements with Gov. Ernie Fletcher.

Law practice

Since 1988, Beshear has worked in private law practice, much of that time in the Lexington office of Stites & Harbison and most recently as managing partner, until he resigned in December to run for the Democratic nomination for governor.

His work there has come under fire from Fletcher, who accuses Beshear of an ethics breach in the early 1990s in connection with Stites' work to recover assets after the meltdown of Lexington's Kentucky Central Life Insurance Co.

Fletcher cites an instance in 1993 when Stites appeared to have a conflict because it also represented a Louisville bank involved in a complicated loan transaction linked to the Kentucky Central liquidation. At the time, the matter prompted a review and the temporary removal of the Stites firm from the Kentucky Central case.

But a further review by two judges in the case ultimately found no wrongdoing, and the Stites law firm remained on the job. Beshear dismisses Fletcher's allegations as unfounded.

"We ended up recovering over $300 million from the assets, and every policy holder and every creditor came out whole, which is almost unheard of in a bankruptcy situation," Beshear said.

A native of Dawson Springs, Beshear attended the University of Kentucky and graduated from UK's law school in 1968. After working at a Manhattan law firm, he returned to Kentucky to settle in Lexington with his wife, Jane, whom he'd met at UK.

In the House

Beshear made his first run for office in 1973 and was elected to the legislature at age 29.

He served three terms in the House of Representatives from 1974 to 1979, taking on such issues as legislative independence and abortion rights. He also sponsored legislation to improve child welfare.

"I never thought there was a political gain there," Richart said of legislation Beshear sponsored in 1978 to increase oversight of children in foster care. "It was just the right thing to do."

Richart, who works as a child advocate and consultant, stressed that he is not involved in any campaign and is registered as an independent.

Republican Walter Baker, a former state senator and Kentucky Supreme Court justice from Glasgow, served with Beshear in the legislature and recalls they were among legislators from both parties trying to wrest more independence from the governor.

In those days, "The governor ruled and we served," Baker said.

Though Beshear and Baker suffered for their efforts — both were kicked off key budget committees — they and other lawmakers eventually prevailed, Baker said.

"I think we established some semblance of legislative independence," Baker said.

Beshear also joined a minority of legislators opposed to efforts to restrict abortion and to ban the busing of children to integrate schools. Beshear said he still supports abortion rights.

"We are very concerned about Beshear as governor because his history has not been good," said Mike Janocik, assistant director of the anti-abortion group Kentucky Right to Life. "There are a lot of things a governor can do to encourage a culture of life."

Attorney general

In 1979, Beshear ran for attorney general, beating his main opponent in the race, Louisville lawyer Jack Smith, in the Democratic primary

"He beat me pretty handily," said Smith, adding he was disappointed to lose but came to admire Beshear's work as attorney general.

"He's smart. He's prepared," Smith said. "I think he'll make a pretty good governor."

As attorney general, Beshear made some unpopular decisions, including issuing an advisory opinion in 1981 saying that Kentucky's public schools should follow a U.S. Supreme Court ruling and remove copies of the Ten Commandments from classroom walls.

The previous year, the U.S. Supreme Court had struck down a 1978 state law requiring the commandments to be posted in every classroom.

His opinion touched off a furor, generating letters from angry Kentuckians and prompting a billboard in downtown Louisville asserting "Keep the 10 Commandments, Remove Steve Beshear."

He also employed previously little-used investigative powers of the attorney general, launching corruption investigations of a half-dozen employees in the administration of then-Gov. John Y. Brown Jr. and obtaining several fraud convictions, including that of the state labor commissioner.

And Beshear also began aggressively intervening to represent consumers in rate cases, including premiums charged for health insurance. Though attorneys general typically got involved in utility rate cases, Beshear was the first to challenge health insurance increases for state employees, said Danny Briscoe, a Louisville political consultant who was state insurance commissioner at the time.

Briscoe, who said he is not involved with Beshear's campaign, said the effort saved the state and rate-payers millions of dollars.

The most controversial issue Beshear took on as attorney general was his office's investigation into the 1979 state police shooting of Clyde Daniel Graham, an Elizabethtown man suspected of killing a state trooper. Graham was shot and killed after Kentucky and Illinois state police tracked him to an Illinois motel.

Two previous investigations — one by Illinois officials and the other led by then-Kentucky State Police Commissioner Kenneth Brandenburgh, a college fraternity brother of Beshear — had exonerated state police and found the Kentucky trooper shot Graham in self-defense.

But Beshear's investigation turned up startling new findings that Graham had been shot in the back and that police had omitted or covered up many details about the case.

The investigation cost Brandenburgh his job and pitted Beshear against state police, who were angry about being pressured to cooperate with the investigation and Beshear's decision to dig deeper into the case.

In the end, no one was prosecuted over the findings. The trooper who shot Graham, Sgt. Eugene Coffey, died of a heart attack before the report was released.

Beshear said he has no regrets about his handling of the investigation.

"We did our job," he said. "The facts took us where they took us."

Lt. governor's project

In 1983, Beshear left the attorney general's office to become lieutenant governor. He launched a project he called "Kentucky Tomorrow" in which he assembled business, academic and civic leaders from around the state to develop a long-range plan for Kentucky.

It was derided by some as a way for Beshear to advance himself in a job with few official duties and little visibility, and lay the groundwork for his unsuccessful bid for governor in 1987.

Beshear finished last in the Democratic gubernatorial primary that also involved John Y. Brown Jr. and the winner, Wallace Wilkinson, who went on to become governor.

But Richart, who served on Kentucky Tomorrow, said it produced worthwhile recommendations, some of which have been adopted over the years.

Beshear said he's pleased some things the report envisioned — such as creating a long-term, state planning and research group and trying to insulate the state economic development director from political influence — have come to pass.

"I'm not saying that all of those things happened because of the Kentucky Tomorrow project," he said. "If I had won the governor's race in 1987, a lot more would have come from it."

Beaten by McConnell

Beshear made another attempt at public office when he challenged U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell in 1996. McConnell won with 55 percent of the vote and Beshear returned to private life.

But Beshear said he's never given up his interest in politics or another run for governor.

"I've been interested in politics ever since I can remember," said Beshear, whose late father served as mayor of Dawson Springs, and his uncle in the state legislature.

"As to when I decided I wanted to be governor, I can't really pinpoint a time," he said. "But when you're interested in politics, that's certainly an office you would aspire to."

Reporter Deborah Yetter can be reached at (502) 582-4228.



Age: 63.

Address: P.O. Box 4227, Frankfort.

Occupation: Former executive manager, Stites & Harbison, PLLC.

Political posts: State representative; attorney general; lieutenant governor.

Education: Bachelor's degree, University of Kentucky; law degree, UK.

Personal: Married to the former Jane Klingner of Bowling Green. They have two sons, Andrew G. Beshear, 29, a Louisville lawyer, and Jeff Beshear, 33, a veterinarian in Charlottesville, Va. Beshear and his wife live on a farm in Clark County.

Contact: (502) 607-8500;; Beshear'S stands on:


Supports new Ohio River bridges in downtown and eastern Louisville and rebuilding Spaghetti Junction, and says state, federal and local officials must be innovative in paying for them. Opposes raising the gasoline tax or establishing toll system to pay for road projects and says the state should stop tapping the Road Fund to pay for general fund programs.


Favors allowing Kentuckians to vote on whether to expand gambling. Favors using state revenue from casino-style gambling to improve education and health care and to create jobs; some money would go to local governments and gambling-addiction services.

K-12 education

Favors expanding preschool programs and supports funding all-day kindergarten. Supports a review of high school graduation requirements to be certain students are prepared for further education.

Higher education

Favors establishing tuition loan program to encourage more students to go to college, with one year of tuition forgiven for each year that the student spends working in Kentucky after graduation. Supports allowing colleges and universities to decide whether to offer domestic-partner benefits. Backs fully funding state colleges and universities.


Backs continued use of Kentucky coal, but says global warming is a threat and promises to pursue technologies to reduce carbon emissions. Says he will elevate the importance of the environment in state government. Supports reducing energy consumption and increasing use of alternative energy sources. Favors continued use of mountaintop removal mining if regulations are enforced.

Health care

Top priorities are controlling rising costs and providing everyone access to quality affordable health coverage. Proposes expanding the Medicaid safety net to cover more low-income citizens and will encourage more dentists to accept Medicaid patients. Plans to work to get Kentuckians to be more active and reduce obesity and smoking. Backs seeing that every Kentuckian has health care.

Budget and taxes

Opposes raising the cigarette tax or other taxes to produce more revenue. Proposes study of state government to lower costs by eliminating waste and inefficiency. Funding priorities will include education, health care, economic development programs and infrastructure, as well as developing a solution for funding the state pension system. Promises to study the tax and fee burden on small businesses.


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