Web Osi Speaks!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

You Just Can't Trust That Woman. Monica Lewinsky? No, The Other Woman: BILLARY Clinton!

I May FINALLY Be Able To Afford The I-Phone -- At $199.00 And With 3G!

Read about it here.

I can't wait!

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BREAKING NEWS: Federal Reserve Bank Lowers Rate By Quarter Percentage Point.

This is the seventh FED. rate cut in recent memory and makes the new rate 2%.

You think this is going to help the economy? Doubtful.

You think it's going to help your pocket book? Don't count on it.

Banks and lending institutions are like gas stations. When was the last time your local gas station lowered prices QUICKLY based on good news from OPEC? The reverse is usually the case!

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Paula Abdul Makes A Faux Pas, Reveals "American Idol" Show To Be Scripted And Staged!

Did you catch it: Paula Abdul has just judges a song that has NOT been sung yet!

What a SAD JOKE "American Idol" is!!

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Another Congressional Endorsement For Barack Obama. This Time It's California Congresswoman, Lois Capps.

Read about Rep. Lois Capps' endorsement of Barack Obama.

Like I said, the exodus may have begun, as is evident by the fact that a vast majority of U. S. House and Senate members have chosen Obama.

In fact, many in the Democratic party, like Mkike Dukakis and former President Jimmy Carter, are joining DNC Chair. Howard Dean, in urging for an end to the primary on June 3rd.


Another Bush Appointee, General Services Administration (GSA) Chief, Lurita Doan, Gets Dumped By The White House.

And the dumping is for good and valid reasons. The only question is why it took this long.

Read about it here.


More COPSE Drama, As Virginia Fox Suggests Governor And COPSE May Be "Acting Under Color Of Law To Deprive Me Of My Rights."

I thought all the COPSE drama was over since the "war" was concluded(?), but it sounds like more drama is on the way.

As you may recall, Virginia Fox, former Fletcher Education Secretary, was denied sitting as a member of the Council On Post Secondary Education (COPSE) because Governor Steve Beshear has decided that her appointment to the Council was not proper.

Now comes the next round with Virginia Fox suggesting that her ouster could be construed "as acting under color of law to deprive me of my rights."

Folks, this is coded language to suggest that a lawsuit is NOT out of the question.

Stay tuned for further developments.

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Indiana U. S. Representative, Baron Hill, To Join His Colleague, Ben Chandler Of Kentucky, And Endorse Barack Obama For President.

From the Arena: Rep. Baron Hill, D-9th District, Indiana, ends his status as an uncommitted superdelegate tonight with an endorsement of Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

Obama, the junior senator from Illinois, will get the endorsement during his appearance in Bloomington, Ind., at a rally at Indiana University's Assembly Hall. The rally starts at 8:30 p.m.

It looks like the mass exodus of Super Delegates to Obama is about to start.

Stay tuned.

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Ron Paul Is Still "In It", Plans Kentucky Rally In Bowling Green!

Here is the news announcement:

Media Advisory: Ron Paul Brings Campaign to Kentucky, May 16

Contact: Jesse Benton

Phone: 703-248-9115

For Immediate Release

April 29, 2008

Who: Republican congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul


Ron Paul Freedom Rally at the Bowling Green High School Basketball Arena

1801 Rockingham Lane, Bowling Green, KY 42104

Friday, May 16th, 2:00 PM CT

Public and media are invited.


Barack Obama Campaign Sets Up "Truth Squad" For Kentucky.

Here is the press release:

TODAY: Obama Campaign to Announce Formation of Kentucky Truth Squad

LOUISVILLE, KY — The Obama campaign today will host a conference call with Metro Councilman David Tandy, Former State Sen. David Karem, and Rep. Ruth Ann Palumbo to announce the formation of the Kentucky Truth Squad, an advisory committee dedicated to combating misinformation and negative attacks on Senator Obama in the lead up to the primary on May 20th.

WHO: Councilman David Tandy, Former State Sen. David Karem, and Rep. Ruth Ann Palumbo

WHAT: Conference Call with reporters to launch the Kentucky Truth Squad

WHEN: TODAY, Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 11:30 AM ET

RSVP: Please email to receive dial in information.

Sad it has to come to this.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Here We Go -- Again. Saber Rattling In Iraq.

Read about Iraq saber rattling here.

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Mike Dukakis -- Remember Him? -- Predicts A Barack Obama Primary Win.

No surprise there, don't you think?

But we haven't heard from him in so long, I almost forgot all about him!

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Republican Party Of Kentucky (RPK) Says Bruce Lunsford Violated FEC Rules With TV Ad.

Here is the press release:


FRANKFORT – Republican Party of Kentucky Chairman Steve Robertson announced today that he will file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Bruce Lunsford for airing television advertisements without the legally required disclaimer - and a second complaint with the Federal Communications Commission against the CW television station in Louisville for airing the illegal advertisement.

“It is ironic that Bruce Lunsford is complaining about Greg Fischer’s inability to follow the law when Lunsford himself is violating the same requirements,” said Robertson, referring to a letter Lunsford’s attorneys recently sent to television stations around Kentucky complaining about Greg Fischer’s commercials that also violate federal election law.

On April 21, 2008, Bruce Lunsford appeared in a television broadcast on the CW’s “Louisville Live this Morning” program, during which the show’s host, Dan Spangler, admits that Lunsford paid for the segment, making the appearance a paid advertisement. The paid segment did not contain the required disclaimer.

“Based on the recent actions of Bruce Lunsford and his attorneys with regard to Greg Fischer’s illegal ads, this is clearly a willful and knowing violation of federal law that should result in Lunsford not being eligible for lowest unit rate advertising under FCC regulations, not to mention the penalties that could be imposed by the FEC,” said Robertson.

Copies of the complaints will be available tomorrow upon request from the Republican Party of Kentucky.

Update: Below must be the offending ad:

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Governor Steve Beshear Wins "War" With COPSE, As Brad Cowgill Resigns.

Read about Brad Cowgill's resignation.

I am NOT going to say more about this "WAR".

I have covered it EXTENSIVELY already.

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SURVEYUSA Poll: Greg Fischer Jumps In Poll, Bruce Lunsford Falters; But Is It Too Little Too lAte?

The latest SurveyUsa Poll results show that Greg Fischer moved up nearly 10 points in 2 weeks while Bruce Lunsford lost about 5 points.

That shows that Fischer's ad MUST be working, and his signs popping up everywhere must have given him some traction. However, Bruce Lunsford still leads him by a comfortable 43 to 18 margin.

But the real question is: with three weeks left before the May 20th primary, can Greg Fischer catch up to Bruce Lunsford or is Fischer's momentum pretty much too little too late?


Republican Party Of Kentucky (RPK) Poo Poos Ben Chandler's Endorsement Of Barack Obama.

Below is the RPK's news release:

RPK Chairman: Obama, Chandler Out-of-Step with Kentucky
Contact: Andi Johnson

FRANKFORT – Republican Party of Kentucky Chairman Steve Robertson today released the following statement regarding Congressman Ben Chandler’s endorsement of Barack Obama.

“This endorsement again shows how completely out-of-step Ben Chandler is with Kentucky. Barack Obama has been outright rejected by Kentuckians in recent polls as he lacks the basic experience to serve as America’s Commander-in-Chief. Obama’s elitist remarks about rural America and plans to raise taxes on hardworking families demonstrate his inability to understand the needs and values of the majority of Kentuckians. But being out-of-step is nothing new for Ben Chandler – who like Obama supported the largest tax increase in American history. It is very telling that Chandler had to go outside his district to make this endorsement. I hope his constituents are paying attention.”

I wonder what the "basic experience to serve as Commander-in-Chief" is?

Before ANYONE answers, please note that John McCain is already on record as stating that Barack Obama is "ABSOLUTELY QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT"!

While I wait for an answer from ANYONE, I'll be a little bit presumptuous and state that whatever it is, CLEARLY LYING BILLARY Clinton does NOT have it.


Congressman Ben Chandler Endorses Barack Obama For President.

Here is the press release:

Kentucky Congressman Ben Chandler Endorses Barack Obama for President

LOUISVILLE, KY — U.S. Congressman Ben Chandler from Kentucky endorsed Barack Obama for President today, citing his ability to lead the country forward:

"Today I am pleased to announce my support and to offer my endorsement to Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States. I have listened to this man, I have met with him and like many of you, I am inspired by his message of change and of hope for our future. But more importantly, I am convinced Barack Obama will provide the steady hand and leadership we need to chart a new path for our nation.

In these tough economic times, when many in our nation and right here in Kentucky are struggling to make ends meet and to provide for their families, too much is at stake for us to do nothing. I hope all Kentuckians and citizens throughout the nation will join with me in firmly supporting Barack Obama to lead our nation to a better future and to a place of respect for our country around the world."

Said Obama: "I am honored to have the support of Congressman Ben Chandler. As a Congressman, Ben has been a tireless fighter for working families and seniors, our troops in Iraq and our veterans at home. When he served as Kentucky Attorney General, he fought to pass Megan's Law and protect women and children, and he took action to protect the elderly from patient abuse and neglect. I look forward to working with Ben to strengthen our middle class and to keep our sacred trust with our past and present servicemen and women.”

Congressman Chandler is Senator Obama’s 244th Superdelegate endorsement. Senator Obama is now 288 delegates away from winning the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.

I think this is a BOLD endorsement from Ben Chandler. It takes CHUTZPA to do what one thinks is right, and NOT play to political -- or for that matter, RACIAL -- whims and caprices.

Update: Watch the video:


Fred Thompson Is Alive And Well. Will John McCain Choose Him For Vice Presidential Candidate?

Will he?

That'll win over Fred Heads, and more.

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Senator BILLARY "OINK, OINK" Clinton Requests $2.3 BILLION in "Pork" For 2009, Largest EVER.

Still thinking about voting for BILLARY Clinton?

Well, get ready to crown her "the Queen of pork"!

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National News: Governor Elliot Spitzer's "Kristen" Goes "Wild", Files $20 Million Lawsuit.

Read more here. I won't get into it.


Click On The Picture To Beat Up On BILLARY CLINTON.

Wanna beat up on BILLARY Clinton? Click the picture. Enjoy!


BREAKING NEWS: Barack Obama Campaign To Hold Press Conference With Kentucky U. S. Representatives John Yarmuth And Ben Chandler.

TODAY: Obama Campaign to Hold Press Conference with Congressman Ben Chandler At 11:30 AM

Congressman Chandler will be Joined By Fellow Kentucky Congressman John Yarmuth

LOUISVILLE, KY – Today, Obama for America will host a major press conference with Kentucky Congressman Ben Chandler. Congressman Chandler will also be joined by Kentucky Congressman John Yarmuth at Jefferson Square Park in Louisville, KY at 11:30 A.M.

Interested media are encouraged to attend.

Full details can be found below:

WHO: Representative Ben Chandler, D – 6th District

Representative John Yarmuth, D – 3rd District

WHAT: Press Conference with Obama for America

WHERE: Jefferson Square Park, S 6th St and W Jefferson St, Louisville, KY

WHEN: 11:30 AM, Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

I expect that Ben Chandler will endorse the Obama ticket, but I have NOT been able to confirm it yet!

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Republican National Committee (RNC) urges Networks To Yank Anti McCain "100 Year" Ad.

Read about the request, and watch the 100 year ad below. No word yet on whether the networks will oblige the RNC.

Update: Below is what John McCain actually said:


Is BILLARY Clinton REALLY Running For 2012? Read Why It Makes Sense That She May Be Doing So!

Read about it here.

Don't put ANYTHING past Bill and Hillary. The two of them will say and do ANYTHING to get what they want.



Governor Steve Beshear Vetoes 2 Year Highway Plan, And Veto Can't Be Overriden.

Yes, the Governor's veto stands since the legislature "ran out of time" and can't override it.

Are more possibly on their way? Well, stay tuned.

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Audit News From Kentucky Auditor's Office.

State Auditor Crit Luallen Releases volume two of Statewide Audit of Kentucky
Audit examines state government’s oversight of federal programs; inadequate oversight places up to $26 million in jeopardy

Frankfort, KY (4-28-08 Attachments) Kentucky Auditor Crit Luallen has released the second volume of the annual statewide audit of the Commonwealth of Kentucky for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, finding that the state did not comply with federal requirements regarding two programs - the Highway Planning and Construction program and the Highway Safety program.

The audit found inadequate oversight of $24 million in transportation federal funds and $2 million in federal emergency disaster relief funds.

Federal law dictates an audit of the financial statements and compliance with requirements applicable to major federal programs. This year, the Auditor’s Office issued that report in two volumes.

Volume one, released in February, contained financial reporting information based on an audit of the state’s financial statements and contained 75 findings. Volume two of the audit examines the state’s monitoring of major federal programs and found, in most respects, that Kentucky is in compliance with federal guidelines. Both reports can be found at

In volume two, auditors note 18 findings, including the two cases of material non-compliance in transportation, that show significant deficiencies in how state government oversees federal funds.

“It’s vital that Kentucky has proper oversight and management of federal programs and funding because of the wide range of counties and citizens affected by them,” Luallen said. “This aspect of our audit focuses entirely on the state’s expenditures of these federal awards and reports on its internal controls and compliance regarding these programs.”

Included in the audit findings are the following items:

· The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) should improve policies and procedures relating to the amount of awards given to and the monitoring of subrecipients of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Highway Planning and Construction Program.

Auditors were unable to verify the appropriate use of more than $24 million in expenditures because KYTC did not keep proper documentation, such as a complete list of subrecipients who received federal funds from the agency.

Auditors also found a potential for questioned costs because KYTC did not have proper monitoring procedures in place. Because of this, auditors could not conclude that all the disbursements of this federal grant were accurate and valid payments. The Auditor’s Office will submit the report to federal authorities for follow up to determine if the state must repay any of the funds.

According to the audit, KYTC responded: “The cabinet can and will improve the documentation of subrecipient monitoring and oversight which occurs and incorporate procedures which will enhance this oversight.”

· The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) should implement policies and procedures for tracking subrecipients of the Highway Safety program.

Auditors examined oversight of the Highway Safety program under the Kentucky State Police (KSP) and KYTC, since an executive order moved oversight of this federal program from KSP to KYTC on June 15, 2007.

Examination of this program found a lack of proper tracking and follow-up on audit reports required by subrecipients of this program. Auditors did not question costs on this grant because there was enough documentation to identify the subrecipients and the payments made to them.

With KYTC currently administering this federal program, auditors recommend stronger controls in subrecipient monitoring. According to the audit, KYTC responded that it would develop and maintain a tracking system for dispersing highway safety funds.

· The Department of Military Affairs (DMA) should implement procedures to ensure that all subrecipients of Federal Emergency Disaster Relief (FEMA) grants are properly monitored.

The auditor’s office reviewed DMA’s oversight of FEMA grants after state auditors asked the agency to review a recent Leslie County Fiscal Court audit, which reported that the county failed to provide auditors with documentation on more than $2.0 million in FEMA grants for disaster relief from 2004-2007. Federal law requires counties to document grant usage, and DMA is to monitor this requirement.

During the statewide audit, auditors reviewed DMA’s handling of FEMA subrecipients receiving $500,000 or more in funding to ensure the subrecipients obtained a program audit, which federal guidelines require. Of 20 federal grant applicants, six were not asked by DMA to certify whether or not they were required to have an audit of their program.

Based on this information and other audit findings in this area, auditors are recommending DMA closely monitor all subrecipients to ensure they are meeting all federal guidelines. The auditor’s office is also asking DMA to develop a corrective action plan to resolve the FEMA reporting issues in Leslie County.

According to the audit, DMA has established an action plan to properly monitor its oversight of FEMA grants and to correct the issue in Leslie County.

Other audit findings include the Cabinet for Health and Family Services should ensure adoption assistance and foster care case files have supporting documentation required by federal guidelines and the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security should improve internal controls over preparing federal grant reports.

Federal law requires, in part, this annual audit by Luallen’s office of the state’s financial statements and compliance with federal program requirements. This audit, also known as the Statewide Single Audit of Kentucky (SSWAK), is submitted to the federal government. Work began on this annual audit in May 2007. This report is the product of 44 auditors and more than 17,000 hours of work.


Governor Steve Beshear Signs Mortgage Bill Into Law.


Legislation enhances consumer protection

FRANKFORT, Ky. (April 28, 2008) – Gov. Steven L. Beshear today ceremonially signed into law House Bill 552, which makes widespread changes in the state’s mortgage industry. The official signing was April 24. Unless stated otherwise in the bill, these changes take effect immediately.

“This important legislation will increase consumer protection and reduce mortgage fraud and predatory lending,” said Gov. Beshear. “It will hold mortgage brokers to a higher standard and will allow the Office of Financial Institutions – the state agency that regulates the mortgage industry – greater authority to oversee lenders and enforce the mortgage statutes.”

HB 552 was sponsored by House Banking & Insurance Committee Chairman Rep. Tommy Thompson (D-Owensboro). It was drafted by the Office of Financial Institutions (OFI) in conjunction with members of the House and Senate B&I committees, consumer groups and industry representatives, including the Mortgage Bankers Association of Kentucky, the Kentucky Mortgage Brokers Association, the Kentucky Bankers Association, the Kentucky Housing Corp. and others.

“HB 552 expands and clarifies the mortgage terminology in the statute and increases the scope of OFI’s jurisdiction,” said OFI Executive Director Cordell Lawrence. “It generally focuses on three areas: consumer protection, industry regulation and enforcement.”

The following are some of the provisions the legislation includes:

· Establishes a Kentucky Homeownership Protection Center to provide mortgage foreclosure counseling and education programs by or through the Kentucky Housing Corp.

· Reduces the maximum prepayment penalty to 3 percent for the first year, 2 percent for the second year and 1 percent for the third year (rather than 5 percent for five years).

· Prohibits prepayment penalties within 60 days prior to the date of the first interest rate reset.

· Creates the Mortgage Fraud Act, which will clarify and better define mortgage fraud and will make it easier to prosecute.

· Sets up a Mortgage Prosecution Fund to provide extra funding to assist local prosecutors and the attorney general in prosecuting mortgage fraud cases. OFI does not have jurisdiction and powers to criminally prosecute these cases, Lawrence noted. It will be funded through fines/penalties.

· Establishes among mortgage brokers a heightened standard of care toward borrowers. A broker may no longer act as an agent for the lender and must act in the best interest of the borrower.

· Caps total net income for mortgage loan brokers and mortgage loan companies at 4 percent.

· Establishes by 2010 testing requirements for all individuals originating mortgage loans who are required to register with OFI, including HUD-exempt individuals.

· Eliminates an exemption for those making fewer than five loans per year; HUD-exempt companies must now annually request a claim of exemption in writing.

· Adds a new section making it unlawful to improperly influence a real estate appraisal.

· Requires mortgage loan processors to register.

· Provides for a number of technical changes to bring Kentucky laws in line with the use of the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS), which is a national, online database all mortgage companies and individuals operating in Kentucky must now use to register.

An OFI Web page at outlines the specific changes for different areas of the mortgage industry and for consumers. Mortgage companies and individuals are urged to visit this page and implement these changes as soon as possible.

OFI is an agency of the Department of Public Protection in the Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet. It supervises the financial services industry by examining, chartering, licensing and registering various financial institutions, securities firms and professionals operating in Kentucky. OFI’s mission is to serve the public through effective and efficient regulation that promotes consumer confidence and economic growth.


BREAKING News: U. S. Supreme Court Agrees With Me, Finds That Voter Identification Cards Are NOT Like Poll Taxes.

Earlier on this blog, I had taken a different view from others who suggested that voter id cards were like poll taxes. Today a splintered 6 to 3 U. S. Supreme Court has agreed with me, finding that to be the case, as the Court has approved some states' -- like Indiana -- requirements that voters show registration ID cards before casting their votes.


The Court, "in affirming the Seventh Circuit declin[ation] to judge the law by the strict standard set for poll taxes in Harper v. Virginia Bd. of Elections, 383 U. S. 663," found that "even handed restrictions" protecting the "integrity and reliability of the electoral process itself" provided "[v]alid neutral justifications for a nondiscriminatory law, such as SEA 483 [the subject Indiana law], [which] should not be disregarded simply because partisan interests may have provided one motivation for the votes of individual legislators."

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Howard Dean, DNC Chair, Says Either Obama Or Clinton MUST Drop Out By June. Guess Who Will? Hint: It's NOT Obama.

It's bye, bye BILLARY!

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You can read about AWFUL.


Former Kentucky Governor Paul Patton Weighs In On Brad Cowgill's COPSE Selection, Sides With Govenor Steve Beshear.

The feuding between Governor Steve Beshear and the Council On Post Secondary Education (COPSE) over the Council's selection of Brad Cowgill as President has drawn the interest of former Governor Paul Patton, one of the main architects of the original Kentucky's 1997 higher education reforms.

Paul Patton says the "obvious intent of the law" is to have a president who is "one of the most highly respected positions in higher education in the nation."

Continuing, Patton said "Under the circumstances, Mr. Cowgill does not fit what is intended or needed", and "I can't see how he's got the background to do the job."

The "war" continues, and you will be updated.

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Words To Live By.

"Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread."

— Thomas Jefferson


Kentucky University Presidents Applaud McConnell's Direct Help For Kentucky Universities.

The Presidents of Kentucky's largest universities (pictured with Senator Mitch McConnell, who is at the top end) are on your near right, James Ramsey of U of L. On top, to your near right is Gary Ransdell of WKU, followed by James Votruba of NKU) have penned an op-ed praising Kentucky's Senior Senator, Mitch McConnell, for all the great things he has done on behalf of Kentucky's higher education. Here are excerpts:

Sen. Mitch McConnell has used his seniority and considerable influence in the United States Senate to move Kentucky's universities forward in extraordinary ways that allow us to serve Kentuckians and improve the quality of life for our commonwealth's citizens. ...

We would argue that federal dollars are going to be spent, and we much prefer to have them spent at Kentucky's universities where we know best how to solve real-life problems that plague Kentuckians than at universities that will never touch the lives of Kentuckians. ...

To lose the critical federal funding that Sen. McConnell directs to Kentucky's universities would be devastating. Those federal funds not only benefit our universities, but they directly impact Kentuckians who badly need the services and programs these funds support.

So together we thank Sen. McConnell for what he has done to help us advance higher education in Kentucky. He certainly does deserve proper credit, and we'll continue to thank him when an opportunity is presented.

James Ramsey is president of University of Louisville, Gary A. Ransdell is president of Western Kentucky University, and James C. Votruba is president of Northern Kentucky University.

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bruce Lunsford's Repentance. Will Democrats Forgive?

The C-J does a good job of presenting Bruce Lunford to the public. Good, I said, NOT perfect. But then again, many Democrats will NOT use the term "perfect" to describe their prospective Senate nominee -- Greg Fischer's fans will at this point say: Not so fast, mister.

But for whatever it's worth, read "Favored in primary, Bruce Lunsford has few woes". As for why Bruce Lunsford has supported Republicans in the past, particularly Ernie Fletcher, who he supported against Ben Chandler, the Democratic nominee, Lunsford said Fletcher "misjudged him as a person" and noted that "nothing in his background, his education, that would lead one to believe that he would be as inept in day-to-day management as he was … (or) that he would be deceitful in the things that got him in trouble."

Lunsford has supported other Republican candidates, including his eventual opponent, Senator Mitch McConnell. He has contributed more than $54,000 to Republican causes and candidates since 1987. As for his explanation to Democrats for this, Lunsford suggests that he "pa[id] to play", though this is the sort of mentality he wants to work against in Washington.

Kinda makes you wanna say "hmmmmm". Whether Democrats will forgive him remains to be seen. My guess is that they won't, especially since his opponent is running ads for Mitch McConnell, urging voters to "say NO to Bruce Lunsford". Watch the ad below, and Stick with Mitch:

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

I don't Know Why I'm Posting This -- Slow News Day? -- Here's YouTube Divorce, Part 2.

Someone At Greg Fischer's Campaign Needs To Read Those "TROUBLESOME" FEC Rules BEFORE Doing ANYTHING ELSE!

That needs to be done because it's become one "TROUBLESOME" FEC rule violation after another.

Hire someone to interpret those FEC rules for you, will ya?

For starters, it is WISE to read those TROUBLESOME FEC rules NOW! before taking on Bruce Lunsford.



Second District Republican Party Elects Two EXCELLENT Individuals, Jim Weise And Theresa Padgett, As Chair and Vice-Chair.

I just attended the Second District Republican convention here in BG and the Republican Party delegates made EXCELLENT choices for both Chair and Vice Chair.

Jim Weise, Hardin County Republican Party Chairman, was elected as the Second District Party Chairman, while Meade County Magistrate, Theresa Padgett, was elected as Vice Chair.

Having worked with these two individuals in the past, I can assure you that the Second District found two of the BEST to lead it.

Congratulations to both Jim and Theresa. I am CONFIDENT they'll do a MIGHTY fine job for the Second District.

Congratulations also go out to Jeff Farmer, a stalwart in the Second District, and the others who were elected to various offices, etc ..


Blah! Blah!! Blah!! From Bill And Hillary (BILLARY) Clinton.

Nothing but HOT AIR!


Reverend Wright Appears On PBS With Bill Moyers To Mixed Reviews.

I watched the Reverend on the Bill Moyer show tonight.

I opine that one of the last things Barack Obama's campaign needs NOW is NOT another Reverend Wright in the spotlight.

Having said that, share your thoughts with us on what you heard from him.

If you did not watch the interview, watch the videos of the interview below and decide for yourself:

Clip #1

Clip #2

Clip #3

Clip #4

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Barack Obama Has Released His FIRST Kentucky Campaign Ad. Give The Man Credit For Trying To Woo Kentuckians.

Give the man credit for reaching out to Kentuckians, would you?

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I received my first ROBO Call of the Primary today.

My phone rang and it was a Robo Call.


I won't say from which candidate.



Kentucky Supreme Court: A Father Of A Child Is The One Who Is Married To The Mother At The Time Of Conception. Sounds Like A WISE Public Policy to me.

Read about the decision here.

I will update this post tonight with an analysis of the opinion. But from first blush, I opine the Majority's opinion is the CORRECT one under Kentucky's Public Policy.

Please come back for more.

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Back To Kentucky: Governor Splits The Environmental And Public Protection Cabinet, Names Leonard Peters As Energy Secretary.

Read more here.

I'll update later.


New York City Cops Acquitted In 50 Bullet Killing Of Unarmed Black Man On Wedding Day. An INDEPENDENT Investgation Is Urged.

Three New York City police officers, who shot an UNARMED Black man on his wedding day, by firing 50 shots at him and fatally wounding him, have been found not guilty by a judge in a bench trial.

I do NOT about you, but shooting an unarmed man 50 times -- one of the officers even re-loaded -- sounds EXTREME and EXCESSIVE to me, suggesting to me that the QUICK trigger response (in view of the fact that the man was unarmed) may suggest possibly criminal conduct or civil rights violations deserving of an investigation INDEPENDENT of the police, especially considering the past history of the NYPD with respect to shootings of minorities.

A minimal investigation by the U. S. Justice Department will go a long way in simmering the flames that are likely to be fanned by this incident.

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Arizona Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, Takes Immigration Law Into His Hands.

Read about what the "toughest Sheriff in America" is doing about illegal immigration in Arizona, and watch the video news below:

As long as the Federal Government is willing to abdicate its constitutional responsibility in this arena, you will have law officers (and citizens) willing to step in to stem the uncontrolled tide of illegal immigration.

Can you blame them for being frustrated and reaching out for solutions?

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Caveat Emptor America: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

"No matter how much apologists insist his longtime association with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright is irrelevant, a good percentage of Americans will not be fooled. No matter how glibly Fox News' Alan Colmes speciously claims it's unfair to impute to Obama the views of former terrorist William Ayers, it's damning enough that Ayers and everything he stands for don't viscerally repulse Obama. How can Americans prudently entrust the Oval Office to a man who would have anything to do with a self-professed, unrepentant Pentagon bomber, much less allow this anarchist to throw a state Senate fundraiser for him?"

David Limbaugh,Syndicated Conservative Columnist

I cannot believe that so many Democrats are mesmerized by Obama's eloquence and refuse to demand to know,specifically, what,if any views or issues, he shares with Jeremiah Wright,Bill Ayers and the Chicago slum lord who financed his home purchase.

Democrats and all Americans should be asking themselves what does this man really believe in and stand for other then vague references to change for change sake! What are his values and beliefs?

Is the American electorate willing to buy a "pig in a poke" and just hope and pray that everything turns out alright for our country?

Never in the history of our nation has someone so inexperienced and unvetted as Obama been seriously considered for President.Never in history have we been willing to give a an untested politician a free pass on tough questions simply because of his skin color, his glib personality,nice smile and eloquence.

Throughout world history humanity has been fooled by too many charlatans and mesmerizing speakers who promised us everything but delivered nothing but pain,sorrow and disappointment.

The Cook Report: Hillary BILLARY Clinton Is In "Political Purgatory".

Read the appropriately captioned Cook report.

By the way, do you know who Purgatory is reserved for? Yep, you guessed it. Now you see why t is used to describe BILLARY Clinton!


Prayer Didn't Help Wesley As Judge "Snipes" Him For Tax Evasion.

The Actor, Wesley Snipes, has been "sniped" for three years by a judge who sentenced him to prison for tax evasion.

Just another Hollyweird sign of the times.

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You Can Blame The Blogosphere For This News.

Read about it here.


John McCain Chides North Carolina Republicans For Being "Out Of Touch With Reality". Good For You, Senator.

John McCain the Maverick may be making a comeback. He has chided the North Carolina Republican Party over the ad it is running against Barack Obama.

Watch the "out of touch with reality" ad below:

Some of you may disbelieve me, but it is my opinion that John McCain will be liked by many who will vote for him, as a result of being "CLASSY", even when some in his party may prefer or want to engage in "gutter" politics.

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SURVEYUSA's Other Approval Ratings For President Bush, Senators Mitch McConnell And Jim Bunning. None Are Above 50%!

SurveyUSA Poll has approval ratings for President Bush, Senators Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning.

And the news is that NONE of them have approvals beyond 50%.

Mitch McConnell fares BEST, as his approval of 49% is matched by his disapproval rating. The Senator lost 6% points from last Month's poll.

Senator Jim Bunning's approval is at 39% (matches Governor Steve Beshear), with a whopping 48% disapproving of his job performance. Like Mitch McConnell, Jim Bunning also lost 6% points from lat month's poll.

President Bush fared the WORST, though his approval rating REMAINS at 35% -- the same as last month.

Even Texas has abandoned Bush, if you believe Peggy Noonan, President Ronald Reagan's former speech writer.

**** BREAKING NEWS. SURVEYUSA Poll: ONLY 38% Of Respondents Approve Of Job Governor Steve Beshear Is Doing (54% Disapprove). WOW! No, Double WOW! ****

The latest SURVEYUSA Poll has been released. The poll shows that ONLY 38% of respondents approve of the job that Steve Beshear is doing as Governor!

This is a HUGE drop from the nearly two-thirds (66%) that approved of the job he was doing back in January or so of this year:

By race, ONLY Hispanics approve of him -- Why Hispanics? Your guess is as good as mine.

Even his approval amongst his fellow Democrats is below 50%!

Among Kentucky's regions, his approval rating hovers around 39% -- best in Louisville and Western Kentucky!!

I say WOW.

No, it should be a DOUBLE WOW!!!

The Governor has already soured with the voters before he has had a chance to Govern.

I guess one can say that his honeymoon with the public is REALLY over!!!!


Jenna Bush May Be Voting For Barack Obama. How Embarassing For Her Parents.

Comparisons to President Ronald Reagan's daughter, Patti Davis, comes to mind.

Nothing wrong with having an independence streak, is there?

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In A Win For Governor Steve Beshear, Attorney General Opines That COPSE Hiring Of Brad Cowgill As Chief Violated State Law.

The fight between the Council On Post Secondary Education's hiring of Brad Cowgill as Chief and Governor Steve Beshear's opposition to the hiring process, which was reported here, here, here and here, and which was suggested lacked a national search and a pick who has "significant experience and an established reputation as a professional in the field of postsecondary education," has resulted in the Attorney General siding with the Governor.

Here is the opinion of the Attorney General.

Better here is an excerpt:

The failure of the Council to engage a new search firm and begin a new nationwide search for a qualified candidate, or to reintiate the search that it had begun, may be seen as an attempt to evade the express language of the statute by hiring an "interim" president only to convert that person to a permanent position later.This is even more disturbing given the fact that the Council admits Mr. Cowgill was never a "final candidate" for the position prior to July of 2007. The Council states that there were no final candidates because none were brought before the full Council to be interviewed. In fact, Mr. Cowgill applied for the position of president yet was ruled out as a candidate.

The important import of the opinion is AG Jack Conway's take that Governor Steve Beshear has the executive authority to reorganize the council.

I suspect that's EXACTLY what Governor Steve Beshear will try to do just that!

Update 4:25: In a sure sign of things to come, as I suspected here, Governor Steve Beshear says he "DEMANDS" that COPSE start a national search that "DOES NOT INCLUDE BRAD COWGILL".

Note also, that the Council has NOT signed a contract with Brad Cowgill, in response to Beshear's request.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kentucky Chief Justce, Joseph Lambert, To Resign On June 27 And Attain Senior Status.

Kentucky Supreme Court Chief Justice, Joseph Lambert, will resign his office effective June 27th, so he can enter into the state's senior judge program, which is expected to cease come January 31st, 2009, because it's authorization was NOT approved by the Legislature, largely due to the efforts of Senate President, King David Williams, who opposed the program as a "boondoggle" for judges.

Here is the CJ's statement:

"We have made great progress in the last decade to improve Kentucky courts and make them more responsive to the needs of Kentucky's families and children. As with any individual's efforts, however, there comes a time to move on."

Lambert, 59, was first elected to the state's highest court in 1986, where he has as Chief Justice since 1998.

I do not know how many of you feel about Chief Lambert, but I believe he has GREATLY improved the court system during his tenure.

As for personality, the CJ has been one of the most personable people I have met.

No matter where he saw me, he ALWAYS made it a point to reach out to me to call me by name, shake my hand, say hello, and spend time holding a conversation with me. As a Chief Justice of our state's highest court, he did not need to do that with this lowly lawyer.

But he did, and I ALWAYS appreciated it.

So it is with hope for a continuing bright future that I wish the Chief the very BEST in his new endeavor.

As for his replacement as Chief, I hope the Justices pick my friend, Justice John Minton. He is one of the very BEST that Kentucky has to offer.

Update 4/25: The C-J has a story on the Chief.

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A RARE UNANIMOUS U. S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Issues A Very Important Fourth Amendment Decision.

The U. S. Supreme Court has just issued a very important case in the realm of the U. S. Constitution's Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence.

In the case of Virginia V. Moore, 06-1082 (2008), the Court held that "The police did not violate the Fourth Amendment when they made an arrest that was based on probable cause but prohibited by state law, or when they performed a search incident to the arrest."

According to the opinion by Justice Scalia found that "the Fourth Amendment was [never] intended to incorporate [state] statutes, ... [but rather] on the one hand, the degree to which it intrudes upon an individual’s privacy and, on the other, the degree to which it is needed for the promotion of legitimate governmental interests."

Finding that "an arrest based on probable cause serves interests that justify seizure", the Court went on to conclude that "While States are free to require their officers to engage in nuanced determinations of the need for arrest as a matter of their own law, the Fourth Amendment should reflect administrable bright-line rules. Incorporating state arrest rules into the Constitution would make Fourth Amendment protections as complex as the underlying state law, and variable from place to place
and time to time."

I could NOT AGREE MORE with the Court on this one.

The ONLY proper Constitutional inquiry should be whether PROBABLE CAUSE existed for the initial stop and subsequent seizure (arrest). If it did EXIST, then the search INCIDENT TO THAT ARREST MUST be CONCLUDED, as a matter of law, to be REASON able!

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Hillary BILLARY Clinton's Drinking Buddies Celebrate Her Pennsylvania "Win"!

Anticipating her win, she started before them (Notice the Canadian Whiskey!):


Robert Novak: Kentucky Senate Race Leans Republican For Mitch McConnell. Read More On Anne Northup And Brett Guthrie.

Syndicated Columnist, Robert Novak, has published his new column where he opined about the upcoming Congressional and Gubernatorial elections.

According to Novak, Senate "Democrats have basically zero chance of losing control, and they are poised to make major gains. ... Democrats +5, 54-44 (2 I)."

In Kentucky Senate race, Novak tells us what we already knew: Kentucky (McConnell) Likely Republican

In the Second District to replace Ron Lewis, Novak had this to say: "Guthrie is a veteran in a veteran-heavy district, and his cash advantage will be important because the rural district spans three media markets.

This should stay in the Republican column. Leaning Republican Retention."

In the Third District, Novak says: "Of the freshmen Democrats who won GOP-held seats in 2006, Rep. John Yarmuth (D) has one of the toughest opponents, but he also has played his hand well. ... Northup, however, is a seasoned campaigner with very high name recognition. She has been raising money at a pace comparable to Yarmuth's. She challenged Fletcher in the governor primary last year, and so she may have some GOP enemies, which would be devastating in a close race. She faces no serious primary opposition.

If Hillary gets the nomination, Northup might have the upper hand. With Obama on the top of the ticket, Yarmuth should win. Leaning Democratic Retention."

So it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for Republicans to stay UNITED so Anne Northup will have a chance to win this election.


After All Of The Noise, BILLARY Clinton ONLY Gained 20 Delegates More Than Barack Obama In Pennsylvania, But Who REALLY Won?

John McCain.

That's your HONEST to GOODNESS answer, because the Democratic "slugfest" between Barack Obama and BILLARY Clinton could result in a political hari-kari for their party come November.

And John McCain wasn't even on the ballot!


Did Mitch McConnell Out Maneuver Harry Reid -- Again?

I bet he did, , but I'll have to confirm it tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Let Them Eat All The Rice They Want ... Or Not!

Walmart and Cosco stores have limited the sale of rice to their customers. I guess you can say: Let them eat all the rice they want ... or not!

This is how bad the economy has gotten. As a person who loves Chinese food (with that Jasmine rice), I'm really in trouble. With rice rationing now in FULL swing, I'll have to eat less rice as prices will surely climb.

But then again, maybe, that's what I need to slow down my eating and go on a forced rice diet!


You Knew This Was Coming: Toyota Steals Global Sales Lead From General Motors (GM).

But then again, maybe, you did NOT expect the news.

I'm sorry, but my family drives Toyota engineered vehicles -- and one of us (a step son) drives a German VW Passat. There has to be one in the family who chooses a different path, I guess.


From Rick Davis, John McCain's Campaign Manager: The Race For The Democratic Nomination Will Continue.

To: Interested Parties
From: Rick Davis
Date: April 23, 2008
Re: Pennsylvania Democratic Primary Results

The race for the Democratic Nomination will continue.

Hillary Clinton's victory in Pennsylvania last night has extended the primary to the next round of contests (Indiana and North Carolina on May 6) and has maintained the competitive nature of the race.

With her 10-point victory, we should expect her poll numbers and resources to increase in the coming days. Primary wins, especially in the 2008 election cycle, have had a direct impact on the national polling numbers for the candidates and when national polling numbers increase, so do campaign donations.

Since last night, the Clinton campaign reportedly raised $10 million dollars online - enough to make a significant dent in upcoming media buys in North Carolina and Indiana. Barack Obama continues to surpass fundraising expectations and will most likely continue to do so. We need help during this period of democratic turmoil so we can build are resources and be ready to fight when the race begins.

Pennsylvania exit polls tell an interesting story that has implications for November.

* Even though Hillary Clinton won this primary, Barack Obama is seen as the front runner among Pennsylvania Democrats and is perceived to be the candidate most likely to win the Democratic Party's nomination.

Fifty-five percent of Pennsylvania voters say they believe Barack Obama will be the nominee in November. And, one-fifth of Clinton's Pennsylvania supporters believe he will be the nominee in November. So, the victory for Clinton is seen as a bump in the road for Obama, even by some of her true believers.

* Exit polls reveal why this poses significant problems for Obama if he becomes the nominee. The most important problem: Clinton voters don't automatically become Obama voters after he becomes the nominee. In fact, Obama leaves large portions of Clinton's coalition on the table in November.

Obama only wins 72% of the Democratic vote in a general election match up among those surveyed last night. Clinton shows her broad coalitional strength and wins 81% in a general election match up against John McCain. A full quarter of the Democrats in Pennsylvania are not willing to cast their ballot for Obama against McCain (15% say they vote McCain and 10% say they stay home), however, Clinton loses only 17% of Democrats (10% for McCain and 7% would not vote). This gap of 8-points would be significant in a general election match up. President Bush lost Pennsylvania by 2-points in 2004, when 41% of the electorate were Democrats. That 8-point gap among Democrats is enough to swing the state the other way (8% of 41% is 2.8-points, turning Pennsylvania red). This dynamic is clearly visible in publicly released surveys; an average of April polls show McCain trailing Obama by an average of 3-points (3 surveys in April) and trailing Clinton by 8-points.

The cracks in Obama's Democratic coalition in Pennsylvania mirror what we saw in Ohio, and those cracks could have implications in November.

* Hillary Clinton cleaned up with Union households - like she did in Ohio. In Pennsylvania, Clinton won 59% of Union members (Obama 41%). Obama won these voters by significant margins in Wisconsin (+9), but has lost his hold on their vote in both Ohio (Clinton 55% - 43%) and now Pennsylvania.

* Clinton did better than Obama with lower income voters.
Our targeting and analysis of the 2008 political landscape puts voters who are on the lower economic brackets at the heart of either party's winning coalition. Hillary won at every income level below $150,000, and Obama only won with the wealthiest Pennsylvania voters. Obama's media foibles contributed to his inability to connect to voters who are suffering the real impact of this challenging economic environment.
This is also apparent in the number of voters who feel Clinton is more in touch with their views. Fifty-six percent of Pennsylvania Democrats say Clinton cares about people like them - again a significant switch from earlier contests. Wisconsin exit polls shows Obama had a 12-point advantage on that measure. By the time Ohio held their primary, Clinton had switched the dynamic and led by 12-points.

* Clinton won Catholic voters.
In Wisconsin, Clinton split the Catholic vote 50%-50% with Obama. Again, she changed the dynamic in Ohio and won Catholics by 27-points (63% - 36%). In Pennsylvania, she increased her margins and won by 38-points (69% - 31%). The strength of this coalition bolsters her argument that Obama would have had problems competing in Michigan and will not be able to carry key Midwestern states in November.

* Clinton won Jewish voters.
In Pennsylvania, the first state where both candidates competed for a significant block of Jewish voters, Clinton won by 15-points (57% - 43%). Again, the data suggests Jewish voters, a key Democratic coalition, pose a potential problem for Obama.

* Clinton increased her margins in suburban and rural areas - without losing ground in urban areas. Clinton won Pennsylvania suburbs by a 12-point margin and won rural areas by 22-points. And Clinton lost in urban areas by 14-points. This is similar to her Ohio performance. But, it shows an increase in her performance in urban areas from earlier contests (in Wisconsin she lost urban areas by 21-points). Clinton has figured out how to increase her margins among suburban and rural voters and cut into Obama's base of urban voters.

What does that mean for John McCain?

Ultimately most pundits contend that Hillary Clinton still has more than an uphill battle to become the nominee. So, what does this victory mean for John McCain?

While the Democratic nomination continues to unfold, our campaign is actively engaged in listening to voters' concerns and sharing John McCain's message with them. Senator McCain has an active schedule in the coming weeks. Last week, he gave a major economic address where he addressed short term concerns like enacting a summer gas tax holiday, he proposed a new "HOME Plan" to help those who are hurt by the housing crisis and he is proposing a student loan continuity plan to make sure America's college students aren't hurt from the credit crunch. In addition, Senator McCain has spent this week travelling to places many in our nation have forgotten and where our citizens have felt left behind but where hope, innovation and local solutions are helping to lift these communities up. And, next week, Senator McCain will visit various health care facilities and unveil his plans and solutions to help Americans improve access and affordability to good health care. In addition, the campaign is building our organization and resources for the campaign in the fall.


3rd Party Presidential candidates are not supposed to have a prayer, unless one or both the major party candidates is stumbling. That's what happened in 1980 with Jimmy Carter and John Anderson, and then in 1992 with Perot against Bush and Clinton. Had Perot not gone bonkers, he was actually in a position the Spring of that year to have a real shot at the White House.

Now, with something else you are not supposed to see in politics anymore coming up, a contested convention, the battered Democrat nominee may leave enough blood in the water to attract a quality independent candidate.

Earlier this year, when GOP fortunes were at a low ebb, talk was the weak Republican nominee might set up a Mike Bloomberg candidacy. That was always kind of iffy, because to capitalize on a possible GOP dissappointment, one needed a candidate who could pull conservative votes, not just be an echo of the Democrat.

Now with likely Democrat nominee Obama probably coming out of Denver a deadman walking, the case for Mayor Bloomberg makes a lot more sense. He starts with all those liberal/moderate voters who want a winner, any winner not with an "R" next to his name, then cuts into the soft support of McCain who is cleaning up with people who may not love him, but are appalled by Obama or Hillary.

Whether such a campaign could actually take the presidency is unlikely, but it may possibly win some electoral votes and will sure play havoc with the lefty side of US politics.

Money is no object to a Bloomberg candidacy, but filing deadlines may be, and there may not be enough time to get on the ballot after the train wreck a-coming in Denver. In that case, thank goodness for old Ralph Nader. I wonder just how well he will do if Obama's campaign is as big a dud as it presently appears?

Merit System Back In Kentucky News, As State Settles Whistleblower Lawsuit For $.5 Million.

The whistle blower lawsuit filed by Missy McCray as part of the Merit System fiasco has been settled for half a million dollars.

Governor Steve Beshear was satisfied with "an amicable resolution of this matter," and called "This case is one of the most egregious examples of how many state workers came to work each day fearing for their jobs ... [that] left us with the task of cleaning up the mess created by the previous administration."

However, you see the resolution of the matter, it is CLEAR that the merit system fiasco has cost, and will continue to cost, us dearly, and is a mistake that should NOT be repeated.

Update 4:24: Read H-L's update.

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As I predicted, General David Petraeus Gets CENTCOM Promotion.

As I predicted earlier on this blog, General David Petraeus has been picked to lead the Central Command (CENTCOM), making him the top commander in charge of BOTH the Iraq war and the war in Afghanistan -- remember that one, don't you?

We wish the General well in his new post.

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Showing GREAT Confidence in Barack Obama Day After Pennsylvania Loss(?), Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry Endorses His Campaign.

You can read the story here.

So much for BILLARY's bounce. EVERYONE knows her win comes "too little, too late" and she gains NOTHING by her win.

You don't believe me? Well, check out the delegate count.

Meanwhile, today, John McCain brings his campaign to Inez, In Martin County, Kentucky. I will update this visit later.

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Robert E. Coughlin II, Former Bush High Ranking Justice Official, Is "Jack Abromoff"ed!

Read about it here.

And you thought you've heard enough of godfather Jack.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hillary BILLARY Clinton Wins Pennsylvania, Postpones Her Inevitable Political Demise While Achieving Nothing Else Of Political Significance!

In other wards, Bill and Hillary won Pennsylvania -- a state that ANY Democrat will win in November -- and the Delegate counts and the popular vote tally remain VIRTUALLY the same as it was yesterday (before the Pennsylvania primary) -- a staus quo ante or kinda like a back to square one political experience.

I guess you can say to BILLARY Clinton: All this for NOTHING -- well, 20 delegates!?!

Yep, ONLY 20 delegates! Watch the speeches below, first Obama and then BILLARY:

Update: The New York Times, which already has endorsed BILLARY Clinton, accused her of of taking "The Low To Victory".


I have Always Said "It's The Economy, Stupid!" Now Democrats Hit John McCain On It.

I just watched the campaign ad on CNN.

The question though is: how much of the weak economy can be blamed on John McCain -- or President Bush -- or will the voters only care that they are both Republicans?

Time, like always, will tell.

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The Presidential Candidates Wrestle For Domination.

Watch the candidates wrestle to dominate one another.


Steve Beshear Makes Excellent Appointment(s) To Election Board.

Here's Pol Watchers take on it:

Beshear tapped two experienced election experts, former Republican Party Chairman Bob Gable and George Russell, a former board of elections and registry of election finance agency official and a Democrat. Both are from Frankfort. The appointments were effective April 14.

I'll update post later.


Celebrate Earth Day, And Save Our Planet For Us And Our Offsprings.

You can join Google to celebrate Earth Day.


NAFTA: Mexico Gets The Mine,US Gets The Shaft

"I assured the Prime Minister that I'm a strong advocate for free trade,"

"I believe it's in our nations' interests that we continue to have a free-trade arrangement. ... This summit comes at an opportune time to reaffirm the benefits of the trading relationship between our three nations."

George W. Bush today in New Orleans at a meeting of the Three Amigos!

With all due respect Mr.President,I disagree. Mexico got our industries because of Mexico's cheap labor and weak environmental laws and we got over 12 million of their unskilled,uneducated manual laborers tiptoeing across our porous border which you and Congress have failed to protect and secure.

Pat Buchanan assessed NAFTA in 2006:

A year after NAFTA passed, the U.S. trade surplus had vanished. From 1995 through 1998, we ran $20 billion trade deficits with Mexico. From 1999 through 2005, the U.S. trade deficit with Mexico grew every year, from $27 billion in 1999 to last year's $54 billion.

Where Hufbauer and Schott (Supporters) had predicted $100-plus billion in trade surpluses with Mexico from 1994 to today, NAFTA delivered some $400 billion in cumulative U.S. trade deficits. A $500 billion mistake by the crack Hufbauer-Schott team.

BREAKING News: OWSLEY BROWN, II, Endorses Greg Fischer, Says Steve Beshear Assured Him Of His Neutrality In Senate Race.

Here is an excerpt from a letter from Mr. Owsley Brown (published courtesy of the C-J):

Nominating Kentucky's trustworthy senatorial candidate Greg Fischer, "the Real Democrat," on May 20 is essential for the health of our state and our country.

Gov. Steve Beshear has just assured me that he is committed to neutrality in the Democratic senatorial primary. Therefore, the crafty rumors that the Governor is endorsing Lunsford are false. Democratic voters should share with their co-workers and friends the good word about our Governor's neutrality and should feel totally free to promote and vote for the very best man on May 20. I know that man is Greg Fischer, the successful inventor, self-made entrepreneur and solid family man. His sterling record of business integrity, combined with his deep concern and respect for each one of our citizens, makes Greg Fischer the only worthy choice for the U.S. Senate.

A cursory look at Bruce Lunsford's business and political record shows that he is a deeply flawed candidate. His company's poor record of dealing with its patients, Vencor's huge Medicare over-billing settlement, and the financial distress he thrust upon his shareholders and employees are embarrassments to all honest business people who try to do the right thing every day. Neither should Democratic voters forget that Lunsford abandoned his own Democratic campaign for governor in 2003 and subsequently endorsed and worked for his party's opponent -- Republican Ernie Fletcher.

Greg Fischer, by clear contrast, is an exceptional choice for our next senator -- a man of true ability with a deep desire to serve all Kentuckians, and to serve them well and honestly. ...


Louisville 40222

The writer retired last fall as chairman of the Brown-Forman Corp. -- Editor.

I can conclude that this is a HUGE endorsement for Greg Fischer, and could prove to be a BIG blow to Bruce Lunsford's all but for certain Democratic nomination.

Enjoy your Tuesday morning surprise, as we await BILLARY Clinton's small and INSIGNIFICANT win that continues to postpone her inevitable political demise!

Update: Our fellow bloggers at Page One just reminded us that Bruce Lunsford said that the Governor asked him to run. Watch the video below:

Granted, telling someone to run for public office -- or whatever -- is NOT the same as endorsing them, so one should NOT accuse the Governor of NOT being neutral in the primary, as Mr. Owsley has stated he is.

However, it may indicate to the world which candidate is making the Governor's heart beat FASTER!

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Another Sign Of The Times: YouTube Divorce.

Divorce YouTube style. It's just another sign of the times.


A Sign Of The Iraq War Times: Uncle Sam Wants You -- Felonies And All!

In a sign of the times that the Iraq war is putting a HUGE strain on our fighting men and women, Uncle Sam has been telling all to come one come all -- felonies are OK.

I guess rather than let them murder one another on our streets, why not we send them over their to kill with a license -- right? They've had all their training on our mean streets anyway.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Barack Obama Releases New Ad Pointing Out FLAWS Of BILLARY Clinton's Heathcare Proposals, And It's All TRUE!

Yep, it's all true. Read about BILLARY's healthcare plan, and watch her intro:

You know NOT to believe BILLARY Clinton when she lies about it below:

BILLARY lies? Yep, here are examples (feel free to join Homer in saying, D'OH):

Factcheck her, if you will:

And then you can understand why she's taken to drinking:

And lashing out at EVERYONE, including (of late)


Candidates FEC Campaign Reports: BILLARY Clinton In "Red", Trails Obama In Delegates, States Won And Popular Votes.

The candidates have just reported their campaign finances to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the report shows that "Barack Obama began April with a 5-to-1 cash advantage over a debt-saddled Hillary Rodham Clinton", according to the AP.

Though I do NOT usually like to report about campaign finances, due to my disdain for them, I am reporting this one for a different reason -- to show that Barack Obama leads BILLARY Clinton in every category.

Back to the AP story, the campaign finance reports show that BILLARY Clinton had $10.3 million in debt at the start of the month and only about $9 million cash on hand for the primaries.

Obama reported having $42 million for the primary.

In addition, the AP finds that "Clinton's red ink poses yet another obstacle to her campaign as she seeks to end the primary season with a string of victories. She trails Obama in delegates, states won and popular votes. And she can't dent Obama's superior fundraising."

Isn't the end inevitable for her?

As for John McCain, the AP shows he "raised $15.2 million in March and had $11.6 million in the bank at the start of April." You can read more from the AP.

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Today Is The Last Day To Register To Vote In Kentucky's May 20Th Primary.

Today is the last day to register AT YOUR COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE to vote in Kentucky'S May 20th primary. This notice is for FIRST TIME REGISTRANTS ONLY!


An Every Monday Event: Redbox Code For FREE Movie. Enjoy.

Here is today's Redbox code for a FREE movie. Please note that the code is ONLY good for today until midnight!:



Speaking Of "Disastrous" And "Dysfunctional" Legislative Sessions, And Special Sessions. Here's A Cure!

It is one of those self evident truths that our legislature continues to be more "disastrous" and "dysfunctional", as evidenced by the last legislative session.

Granted most of the "disaster" and "dysfunction" occurred for the Democrats, demonstrating perhaps the truism in the words of the late Will Rogers who said: "I'm not a member of any organized political party; I'm a Democrat."

And every year, it seems, after pointing accusing fingers of guilt and self righteous indignation, the members are called into, and stroll towards, a special session.

This year, is apparently, going to be no different on all counts.

So my suggested fix is to limit the legislative session to one alternate (10 day) session for budget and revenue matters ONLY.

This will be followed by a (60 day) session to deal with every other matter(s) NOT related to revenue or budget.

As a further incentive (or disincentive) for the law makers, we change the definition of extra ordinary for calling the legislature back into session for TRULY special occasions.

Anyone with me on this?

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Words To Live By.

Perhaps as an explanation for, and as a warning to, our Lawmakers, who gave us a "dysfunctional" or "disastrous" legislative session, and some of who are now beating the drums for a special session, some words of wisdom:

"In reality there is perhaps no one of our natural Passions so hard to subdue as Pride. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive, and will now and then peek out and show itself."

— Benjamin Franklin


Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Question Of John McCain's Temper: REAL Or Made Up?

Washington Post seems to suggest it is real.

And if so, will it "BADGER" John McCain this November?

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Oh - Oh. Iraq Shi'ite Cleric, Muqtada Al-Sadr, Warns Of "Open War Until Liberation."

Read about the Cleric's warning.

The question remains whether this latest salvo from Muqtada Al-Sadr needs to be taken seriously or seriously taken as an empty threat and bravado of a man whose latest deed was as a suspected not-so-secret hangman of Saddam Hussein.

I guess only time will tell if this warning portends a new Summer offensive in Iraq or the further successes of the "surge".

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Why? Why?? We Know Why!

Like I Said Before, Kentucky Gets EXACTLY The Kind Of Government It Deserves Or Wants.

You can read about Mixing Business With Politics, where the Herald Leader has done an EXCELLENT job of revealing why our government is "dysfunctional"!

You can find out about your local legislator or follow the information that was used to compile the report.

In a Democratic government, the people have a chance to change what it is about their government that they do NOT want or like.

That includes Kentucky.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

What is it with Chelsey Clinton and gay bars?

Well ... I'll Be. Hillary BILLARY Clinton Unraveling, Blames "VAST LEFT Wing Conspiracy" For Her Election Woes!

Listen and read about it here.

Watch the video:

Here's essentially what BILLARY Clinton said:

" endorsed [Obama), which is like a gusher of money that never seems to slow down. We have been less successful in caucuses because it brings out the activist base of the Democratic Party,'' she went on to say in this recording. "MoveOn didn't even want us to go into Afghanistan. I mean, that's what we're dealing with. And you know they turn out in great numbers. And they are very driven by their view of our positions, and it's primarily national security and foreign policy that drives them. I don't agree with them. They know I don't agree with them. So they flood into these caucuses and dominate them and really intimidate people who actually show up to support me."

Last April at a town-hall event - before the group had endorsed Obama, here's what BILLARY Clinton:

"You've been asking the tough questions. You've been refusing to back down when any of us who are in political leadership are not living up to the standards that we should set for ourselves... I think you have helped to change the face of American politics for the better... both online, and in the corridors of power."

At least BILLARY won't be able to blame this one on the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

